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By canchin
Costs me just about 100 bucks US to fill my tank. I can drive back and forth to work all week long, go for a drive in the evenings, take wifey to work and pick her up if need be, all for less than that 100 bucks.

I can go to a restaurant, have a decent meal, a couple beers, and it costs more than 100 bucks and I evacuate it out the next day and it hasn't done me any good at all...although for a few brief moments is tastes good.

As a contrast of usefulness, I suggest just getting rid of restaurants as they cost too much money for too little use.

Even if gas was twice as expensive, it would still be a greater value per dollar than a plethora of other daily use expenditures.

The con of the oil companies that there isn't enough oil or that the only way to "save" us is to kill others for their oil, is exactly that - a con.

Drilling in Alaska is a con to benefit oil companies and the politicians they carry around in their pockets, the idiocy of the Potato Chip man whining about offshore drilling is a con to get acceptance for oil companies to to be able to drill in Alaska. The idiocy of the Irish guy O'Bama in not calling Mr. Potato out over the con shows he's just par for the course.

Ecoterrorists are nutjobs that want others to think they are somebody, and they should be banned.

Want to drive a car? Drive a friggin' car and give a thumbs up to the guy pumping the gas into your car...and use a different finger for those perpetrating the con on you.

When the oil runs out, we'll walk or ride bikes, and the sooner the better. Trying to stretch it out is far more damaging than just getting it friggin' over with already.

Save the planet! Drive a Hemi!
By sportspadawan
No, the thing is if we continue to drive gas cars our urge to drill in more places will rise. We're atleast trying to slow down the addiction by using alternatives.....I personally don't want to drive hemis until we've drilled every possible location. But I actually get your logic haha.
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By Spintroll
Let's call this for what it is: Another attempt by the Republican party to get McCain into office. If you want to refine the oil you are drilling for already, then come and talk to me. Until that day comes, I won't sign anything w/ the Bush seal of approval on. There will be NO immediate relief in doing either of these things, but at least in the latter of the two you are actually creating usable resources

(Of course, you're still fu<king up the environment w/ additional refineries... but who cares? Drill Drill Drill! Ignorance Abounds. But what do you expect from ppl that elected 'W' for two terms?)
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By Dr House
Spintroll, the OP (myself) neither supported Bush, ever, nor supports McCain. The simple fact is that higher oil prices are one of the factors pushing up the price of food, which is threatening to erode the enormous gains against third-World poverty in the last 2 decades.
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By Spintroll
The simple fact is that higher oil prices are one of the factors pushing up the price of food...

Then stop paying farmers here in America to not grow crops! (Federal and State Subsidization that produce ethanol in the place of corn... which is nothing more than extra support for the oil industry disguised as 'alternative fuel'...)

Pay them to ship the excessive product to the countries that need them. Your Hypothesis that excessive drilling now will somehow immediately lower the cost of fuel is absurd. Too many legitimate reports contradict this crap.

There's a really big dessert out West. That goddamn Texas redneck, T. Boone Pickens, has it right, i'm sorry to say...

Now there's a plan i'll get behind and sign, a Texas redneck that can finally admit that he's been wrong all along...

The only immediate effect with your plan that I can see is an increased support for the conservative wing and more control given to the stockholders of the very corporations that have exploited this country into the ground. Though I do still support Obama - the fact remains that he signed that bit of crap legislation in order to placate and attempt to sway the right - that kind of pi$$es me off a bit... though I see the wisdom in such a decision, I don't agree with the principle behind it.

(Created this specifically for such discussions, perhaps I should post in Satire...)
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By QatzelOk
Drilling for oil will immediately bring food prices down by ensuring that food transportation giants get to pay less for the oil they need to transport all those food products all over the world.

By drilling for oil, we will ensure that our children are able to buy cheap and healthy food, which will make future generations of humans healthier and able to take longer vacations.

Perhaps the entire earth should have its crust removed to make oil exploration easier and more efficient, thus ensuring incredibly delicious and nutritious food forever.

(I agree with Nets' first post in this thread)

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