MPs Expenses Row - Politics | PoFo

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By AkinNuAn
Hi people,

My income has taken a beating and my outgoings have increased in the last two years... How about you? I had no interest in politics until I got sick of seeing these cheeky MPs in the news using our tax money on their expenses... When they get paid over £100k PER YEAR!

At 14:55 on Wednesday, 27 June 2007, Gordon Brown took over from Tony Blair as Britain's Prime Minister. Big mistake!

Since then...

Gordon Brown has introduced over 66 new types of tax.

Gordon Brown has overseen government debt rising to £750bn

and more to come...

MPs claimed £93 MILLION in expenses last year alone. They gave ministers a lower than advised pay rise whilst giving themselves a HIGHER THAN ADVISE INCREASE in their MP wages... Ask yourself if this is right?! If we want to up our income then they should scrap most of MPs expenses and make them pay their own way, just like we have to.

I can't sit back and do nothing anymore, but this protest happening in London is not going to acheive much- So I've started a Facebook group to try and get some action from the government.

If you have a Facebook profile and feel that this country and its government has gone to the dogs, please join to show your support and invite your friends. The group is called
'10 Million Brits to get Gordon Brown OUT and STOP THE GRAVY TRAIN' or the link for the group is:

(Search facebook with the above heading and you'll find it)

What are your views on these? Do you think the gravy train should be stopped? Are you for or against?

Akin Nu An
By Decky
Why do you think removing Gordon will stop this? Keeping MP's expenses high is on of the few things that their will always be cross party support for. How many MP's are going to vote for giving MP's less money? The problem isn't the party it's the whole system.

Besides why does this particular government wast annoy you so much more than all the others? We was much more on our glorious nuclear deterrent or providing the 51st states quota of troops to be used as cannon fodder in the middle east. Personally I find the giving of huge amounts of the tax payers money to bankers as a reward for running their business into the ground (and our economy with it) more offensive.
By sad59yearold
Decky I think you may be missing the point.Yes we know that all governments are as crooked as a dogs hind leg but, this particular government are the worst in the fact that they not only rob us blind but, they don't give a flying fig when they are caught.No apologies they just carry on.Now that is taking the piss big time and the British public will be forgiving for a time but take the piss and don't care about being caught and you will pay for it. I wouldn't be surprised if the Labour Party has to go through a massive schism before they can even dream of being elected again.
By Decky
How is whether the government apologise or not relevant? Even if they apologised it still would have happened.
By sad59yearold
Decky, it comes down to the point that the government realise what is, or isn't wrong. If they are big enough to say yes, we did wrong and we apologise for it,there can be forgivness. If they are so arrogant as to think that they can say they never make a mistake, or get anything wrong and they have nothing to apologise for, they are in for a very rude awakening. It has long gone the time when we,the public,took back our parliament back from those who have been stealing it from us. It is now the time when good men should not be afraid to stand up and say, what you are doing is wrong,stop it.

We should be heaping praise on the 'whistleblowers',instead of castigating them.
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By Potemkin
It has long gone the time when we,the public,took back our parliament back from those who have been stealing it from us. It is now the time when good men should not be afraid to stand up and say, what you are doing is wrong,stop it.

Parliament has never belonged to the people; it has always been a talking shop for the ruling elite, who have always treated it as their personal piggy bank. I seem to be one of the few people who has not been surprised by the current revelations about our MPs expense account fiddling. :roll:
By guzzipat
The expenses scandal is way past party politics, any attempt to solve it by blaming one party is just partisan nonsense. The great amjority of MPs are bent from all parties.

Apart from revolution there is one answer.

An inependent check of every MP.s claims. This can be done fast, there are only 650 MPs, 65 clerks take 10 each and they would be done in a week.
A set of rules for expenses are copied from a reputable private company, checking and validation goes out to an independent body.

Then every MP that has fiddled expenses in any way at all, is sacked and prevented from ever standing again. Parliament is then disolved and new elections held.

You could sort the whole mess in a couple of months.
By sad59yearold
I do believe the rules that are in place, for collecting expenses, are sound enough when administered correctly. Maybe that is the problem root, the people who administer the exspenses are to bone idle, or scared, to bother saying, No, you do not NEED that item to be able to continue your work as an MP. If you want it buy it out of your own pocket.
Exspenses should be limited to rent,for out of London MP's only and travel.

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