Pittsburgh G-20 Resistance Project - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The Pittsburgh G-20 Resistance Project is a space where folks can come together and collaborate on ways to resist the G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh, PA. Our goals are to lay the groundwork, provide an information clearing house, create & distribute publicity and educational materials, build momentum for the mobilization, engage in local, regional and national outreach, and develop an action framework. We seek to help coordinate efforts among like-minded people in order to create a just and sustainable world.

The following are the "Points of Unity" among individuals working with the Pittsburgh G-20 Resistance Project and its various working groups.

We support:

* Work to end all relationships of domination and subjugation, including but not limited to those rooted in patriarchy, racism, classism, homophobia, capitalism, imperialism and the state;
* Resistance to the commodification of our shared and living Earth;
* Organizing on the principles of decentralization, autonomy, sustainability, mutual aid and respect;
* Opposition the police and prison-industrial complex, and maintaining solidarity with all targets of state repression;
* The use of a diversity of tactics to directly confront systems of oppression by advocating forms of resistance which maximize respect for life and oppressed peoples’ rights, and to construct local alternatives to global capitalism.


The Project holds weekly public meetings, but our work is carried out by semi-autonomous working groups. Participation in each working group is predicated on the assumption that each member supports our Points of Unity.

Below are a list of our current working groups (more working groups will likely be created as we progress):

* Materials/Website: materials@resistg20.org
* Local Outreach: local-outreach@resistg20.org
* Mobilization Outreach and Networking: outreach@resistg20.org
* Corporate Media: press@resistg20.org
* Legal: legal@resistg20.org
* Action Framework: action@resistg20.org
* Medics: medics@resistg20.org
* Logistics: logistics@resistg20.org
* Students: youth@resistg20.org

Interesting, clearly an anarchist group, not sure what other leftist groups will be there but I have a feeling there will be some.
User avatar
By Eauz
Kurt, do you think that Western media will report on the people's struggle just as they reported on the people's struggle in Iran? I'm assuming not since it won't make much in regards to profits.
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also because it's going to be like 20 people who leave when their parents come by to pick them up
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By Eauz
NY Yankees suck. wrote:also because it's going to be like 20 people who leave when their parents come by to pick them up
That is still a lot of people. Which news agency will be reporting this story? Do you support the people's struggle?
User avatar
By Dave
I like how the poster chose to use an effeminate color for accent

Says everything about this ideology and the people who subscribe to it
User avatar
By Eauz
Why do these world leaders meet in person anymore? Why don't they just do video conference calls and then they don't even have to worry about what the people do in regard to protests as they won't be disrupting the city with their meetings. Plus, you're saving money on travel costs and you look green to those environmentalists.
User avatar
By Dave
Free trip :lol:
User avatar
That is still a lot of people.

No it isn't.
Which news agency will be reporting this story?

None of them.
Do you support the people's struggle?

No I don't.
User avatar
By Shah
Why can't the protesters be cooler? That poster is incredibly lame.
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By redcarpet
Why can't the protesters be cooler?

Perhaps because substance is more important than style
User avatar
By Shah
Perhaps I should have worded that better- why are the protesters usually lame hippies and wanna-be socialists?
By Wolfman
Perhaps because substance is more important than style

Yah, that'll win them all kinds of supporters :lol:
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By KurtFF8
NYYS wrote:also because it's going to be like 20 people who leave when their parents come by to pick them up

It seems that the security apparatus of Pittsburgh and even up to the Secret Service have a different perspective on the demonstrations in PA will be like than you have.

Eauz wrote:Kurt, do you think that Western media will report on the people's struggle just as they reported on the people's struggle in Iran? I'm assuming not since it won't make much in regards to profits.

Of course not. If things go like Seattle though, it will be covered. Although the RNC violence wasn't covered as much as you would expect something like that to be covered.

Dave wrote:I like how the poster chose to use an effeminate color for accent

Says everything about this ideology and the people who subscribe to it

What does it say about the ideology and the people who subscribe to it?

Shah wrote:Why can't the protesters be cooler? That poster is incredibly lame.

Try another one, http://resistg20.org/posters/
User avatar
By Nets
I swear to God if these rabble-rousers disturb the peace in my fair city, I hope the police will respond with maximum brutality.

From their website:

User avatar
By KurtFF8
There's also another group calling for marches:

A Call for a Global Mobilization
Against the G20 Summit in
Pittsburgh, PA
September 24-25, 2009





The third G20 summit is going to be in Pittsburgh , Pa. on September 24 and 25, 2009. The challenge before the movements for economic and social justice, as well as the antiwar movement, is that the next meeting of the powers that govern the world economy be met with a powerful mass mobilization demanding that jobs and social needs, not war and greed, prevail--here in the U.S. and across the world.

The G20 summits are taking place in response to the greatest worldwide economic crisis since the 1930s. However, the purpose of these high-level meetings of governments and bankers is not to rescue the people of the world from depression-level unemployment, evictions, homelessness, poverty, social and economic inequality, and war. These summits are about fixing the economic and financial order that puts profits before people--and fixing that system by creating more poverty, misery and suffering.

The last G20 summit, held in London in early April, was met with massive protests both there and throughout Europe. Now that the G20 is coming to the U.S. , it is up to activists and organizations in the U.S. to take up the challenge of uniting and working together to organize a mobilization for Pittsburgh during the summit.

Many had expected New York City to be the location of next G20. Yet once it was confirmed that Pittsburgh would be the summit location, organizers immediately began preliminary logistical planning for a mass mobilization there in September.

Organizing for the G20 summit in Pittsburgh was the central theme of a People’s Economic Summit meeting in New York City on May 31. Consistent with the theme of that summit, “A New World Is Urgently Needed–But We Must Fight For It,” the more than 200 activists and 35 organizations in attendance agreed to work tirelessly over the summer to expand the network of grassroots activists and organizations to bring thousands of protesters to Pittsburgh .

Activists at the People's Economic Summit also agreed that the response to the next G20 should not be confined to the U.S. and that there should be a global response to the summit. Accordingly, activists and organizations across the world will be urged to endorse this call for protest against the G20 summit meeting in Pittsburgh and to organize globally-coordinated protests during the summit in September.


Political activist and journalist, Mumia Abu-Jamal, possibly the most well-known political prisoner in the world, has resided for almost 27 years on Pennsylvania's death row. For the past 14 years, he has resided in a small cell in the triple-maximum-security, SCI-Greene Unit, about 50 miles away from Pittsburgh . Mumia’s case combines the realities of the systemic racism in the courts and prison system in the U.S., together with police brutality, judicial misconduct and political repression. High on the list of demands of our protest at the G20 must be freedom for Mumia and an end to the racist prison industrial complex that is devouring so many young people of color.


There will be a G20 organizing meeting for activists and groups both in and outside of the Pittsburgh area on Sunday, July 12, 3 p.m. at La Roche College (time and location of meeting subject to confirmation)

The potential for a massive global mobilization in September is truly infinite. Together, let’s begin the work required to realize that powerful potential.

Another world is possible, but we must fight for it.

The Bail Out The People Movement

What you can do:

1. Endorse: http://www.bailoutpeople.org/septg20endorse.shtml
2. Spread the word - forward this message to friends, fellow activists, community organizers, trade unionists, and student organizations. Ask them to endorse and participate.
3. Donate to help with organizing expenses: http://bailoutpeople.org/donate.shtml
4. Volunteer: http://www.bailoutpeople.org/septg20volorgcents.shtml
5. Become a local organizer or organizing center: http://www.bailoutpeople.org/septg20volorgcents.shtml

Bail Out the People Movement
Solidarity Center
55 W. 17th St. #5C
New York, NY 10011
Email: bailoutpeople.org/cmnt.shtml

And I believe ANSWER coalition will likely have a presence.
User avatar
You know that no one else takes these things seriously? When something "bad" happens (bad in quotes because some teenaged commie getting teargassed is actually pretty funny) it's only a question of whether the police acted too harshly. I have never, ever heard anyone ask what the protesters believe in or why they do what they do. It's always a question of how the police should respond to that behavior.

Making these little scenes is probably a great way to get the police code revamped every few years though.
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By Rojik of the Arctic
I hope that they get baton charged, tear gassed, beaten senseless and locked up. These idiots who take the right of free speech and peaceful protest to the extreme of attacking police and destroying public property to get try and get the point across that they somehow have the answers to all of societies problems is why I favour a fascist dictatorship. Listen to these people? Only if they are begging for mercy, and only to laugh at it.
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By QatzelOk
they somehow have the answers to all of societies problems

Are you talking about marketing people and the technologies they sell the public?

Doesn't the G-8 (20) have the answers to all of societies problems as well (make the rich richer)?
User avatar
By Rojik of the Arctic
Doesn't the G-8 (20) have the answers to all of societies problems as well (make the rich richer)?

What ever the G-8 discusses at it's meetings it won't be changed by those idiots smashing police and destroying property out the front. The sooner the state opens fire on those "people" the better the world will be. Rebels with out an idea is the nicest thing I could say about them.

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