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Alik Bahshi

Help the homeless V.Topaller

Those living in America's leading television channel RTVi ruskoyazychnyh V.Topallera lost nothing less than a house. The loss he felt it necessary to report in his article "Missing home» ( Sometimes, missing things, but to the house! And the house is not just gone, and it was stolen, it can be said right at Topallera eyes and stole no less a person than the president of America Barack Obama. On this occasion, the victim, which of course is understandable, lash out, calling Obama many uncomplimentary epithets mentioned in one breath: "President pacifier, cheap populist, a man from nowhere, narcissistic narcissistic demagogue, a liar, an infected socialism and obsessive love for the Islamists." Moreover, along with the house Topallera turned out, was gone and the whole of the Americas, which he, as a citizen of Israel, according to his personal home

I must say that all Jewish journalists as one sees in the Obama almost universal evil, democracy and human nizvergnuvshego usurped power, the destroyer of a great country in terms of economic, moral and ethnic backgrounds. Listen to them and be amazed at how it managed to carry one person in such a short period of time. Apparently realizing the absurdity of the accusations and attacks, indignant disappearance Topaller immediately explains that "it is certainly not in Obama - he does no one to call. The fact that society was really, clinically ill.

So Topaller not happy the American people for the reason that he was twice elected President Obama thief. His indignation Topaller motivated by the fact that the American people have bought into the free medicine, followed by a correspondent seen disastrous for the country's socialism. Shovels habit to come to a foreign country and all teach. After all, if we do not like the American people and its president a liar, is a citizen of Israel, Topaller can return to the house of promise, which he left in search of happiness and peace without missiles skies, but Topaller decided that he more rights for America than Obama. By the way, so Topalleru should know that in Israel, socialism is much more than anywhere else, and especially in America. Topalleru should know that in a country where there are religious laws, which are in the power of the rabbis, of democracy and of the question. In neighboring Canada or a dozen years of successful experience free medical care, and nothing happened. In the Nordic countries with social medicine, too, like everything is in order, and only exceptionally free medicine because America is forecast Topallera expect:
"Reek of socialism, which is filled with air of America. Hardworking will feed rascal and idlers who obnagleyut to the limit, even though it would seem, there's nowhere. Rampant crime, ugly level of medical care, suppressing freedom of speech, wild economic crisis - all these "charms" are waiting for us, make no mistake. But this is "flowers." We are waiting and "sour grapes" - the triumph of terrorists, criminals, illegal immigrants, Islamic fanatics, the Kremlin '' brother '... All this filth we bready to the full. "

Simply amazing how Topalleru managed uglyadet relationship between free medicine and terrorism. Now I begin to understand how insidious dangers of free medical care, which led eventually to the monstrous terrorist act committed by Breivik in Norway. Do not even know who should be more pitied, as the victim of a terrorist Breivik free medicine or killed them?

Of course, Topaller not so naive as to defend such nonsense, which follows logically from his fears for the health care and democracy in America, so I doubt the sincerity of the author disgruntled health care reforms and supposedly inevitable future socialism. And of course, it is not in "clinic" of the American people, as it wants to present Topaller, and the case in the President Obama on display in contrast to his predecessors commitment to end finally with a permanent Arab-Israeli conflict, which is costly to the country not only with economic point of view, but also moral, for America, always veto in the UN Security Council resolutions condemning Israel, the long lost image of the country that defends morality and justice in international politics. The tragedy of September 11, unnecessary wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, for which the American taxpayer is paying, not only money, but also the lives of the soldiers, all of this is a consequence of America's futile policy of patronage aggressive intentions completely lost touch with reality the leaders of Israel and experiencing panic fear of the intentions of the Obama put the slogan of "two states for two peoples."

In opposition to ending the occupation of Palestine and freedom for its people Topaller not alone, though, and a somewhat inferior in their deceitful rhetoric more skillful in this case journalists Radzikhovsky, Latynina Bonner Novodvorskaya (1, 2, 3), together replicates lie about the invasion of Islam and has already started the war of civilizations, geroiziruya Israel, which alone stands in the way of Muslim barbarians, protecting the West from Islamic terrorism. They do not want to recognize that the roots of international terrorism are rooted in the Arab-Israeli conflict (4), who just wants to stop Obama.
They scare the West danger that lurks for Multicultural and accuse Europeans of being too excessive democracy and tolerance at the same time opening the "Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center" in Moscow. You asked in bewilderment, "How can this be?" Turns can be when it comes to Jews. Jews alarmed when in Europe appear mosque, but can you name the country where there is no synagogue.

Overseas Topaller literally fists swinging, calling the people of Israel to strengthen the fight against "oglaedami" (Palestinians Navodvorskoy by definition), and I'm sure his disappointment, when, under the pressure of "obsessive love for Islamists" Obama prematurely cleared "a pillar of cloud." I am also confident in the fact that, had our overseas soldier in the ranks of the soldiers outside the Gaza Strip, all his zealous arrogance quickly gone from the face of a "narcissistic narcissus", for some reason this feature is given to Obama, I think, is more appropriate appearance of the Topallera, Tell it on the TV screen.

Obama's desire to achieve peace in the Middle East caused panic in Tel Aviv and was the cause of this persecution of Jewish American president reporters, did not stay on the sidelines and Topaller. Angered by the choice of the American people, he came to the conclusion that mental bankruptcy of American society as a whole, that reminds shovels habit to treat dissent as to the mentally ill.

"Obama has his touch turns everything to shit. And domestic policy, and foreign. Betray allies "- writing this embarrassing Topaller not call allies, or rather did they mean, ally, so to speak in the singular, Obama turned the fault" in the shit. " Guess what ally that for Obama, has in mind Topaller, but also will not mention, is that only after Topallera. Now I understand the reason Topallera reluctance to return to once they abandoned the house and the cry of despair in the form of the article "Missing home."

In any case, as if there was not, respond to the article and help the homeless find Topalleru home, because he is not a masochist, that together with the patient by the American people, "slurp abomination." (Israel is not accepted).

1. http :/ / / # post-alikbahshi-12516
2. http :/ / / # post-alikbahshi-8328
3. http :/ / / # post-alikbahshi-7804
4. # post-alikbahshi-1904

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