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There must be some way we can get this idiot off the TV if enough people hate him. I'm sick of him and I don't know how he's allowed to run a TV program and it pisses me off. What could be done? Call Fox News and complain? Is there anything we can do?
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By ThereBeDragons
Ignore him.
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By Dan
If everybody stopped watching him, he'd leave because there were no ratings. But as long as liberals dominate the rest of television news, Fox and those on Fox will continue to attract those disenchanted with other media outlets.
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By Potemkin
Bill O'Reilly is an unrecognised comic genius. Srsly.
By InterestedInPolitics
Potemkin wrote:Bill O'Reilly is an unrecognised comic genius. Srsly.

Why Potem, your view of O'Reilly sounds somewhat similar to Stalin's views of Hitler.
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By Potemkin
Actually, VForVendetta didn't just mention Hitler, he managed to mention Stalin too, in the same post. Surely that deserves some sort of recognition? Perhaps a 'Godwin's Law Squared' Award? ;)
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By redcarpet
I would love to see Judge Judy flatten him.
By InterestedInPolitics
wikipedia wrote:Godwin's Law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies)[1] is an adage formulated by Mike Godwin in 1990. The law states:[2][3]

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."

Godwin's Law is often cited in online discussions as a caution against the use of inflammatory rhetoric or exaggerated comparisons, and is often conflated with fallacious arguments of the reductio ad Hitlerum form.

The rule does not make any statement whether any particular reference or comparison to Hitler or the Nazis might be appropriate, but only asserts that one arising is increasingly probable. It is precisely because such a comparison or reference may sometimes be appropriate, Godwin has argued[4] that overuse of Nazi and Hitler comparisons should be avoided, because it robs the valid comparisons of their impact. Although in one of its early forms Godwin's Law referred specifically to Usenet newsgroup discussions,[5] the law is now applied to any threaded online discussion: electronic mailing lists, message boards, chat rooms, and more recently blog comment threads and wiki talk pages.

Hmmm...an interesting perspective on my comments :D. O'Reilly is direct opposite the world view of Potem, so, Potem's comments reminded me of how Stalin admired Hitler from the book I read on Stalin because I see similarities. I didn't mean to trash the thread, was merely being open.

redcarpet wrote:I would love to see Judge Judy flatten him.

That would be fun to watch. I sure would hate to appear in front of Judge Judy :lol: :lol: . I hope you don't think that judges in a real US court-room act like Judy, they are more professional. I am sure, she does it for ratings of the show.
There must be some way we can get this idiot off the TV if enough people hate him. I'm sick of him and I don't know how he's allowed to run a TV program and it pisses me off. What could be done? Call Fox News and complain? Is there anything we can do?

February Sweeps

First place was easily wrapped up by The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News

Total viewers:
The O'Reilly Factor -- 2,708,000
CNN / Election Center -- 1,123,000,
Keith -- 1,025,000

25-54 demo:
O'Reilly Factor -- 551,000
Election Center -- 392,000
Countdown -- 386,000

More than double the viewer ship that the other two competitors combined. O'Reilly is the most popular commentator on television. His program is wildly profitable. His influence greater than the President.

Why? Because more people like him than dislike him. By far. You can't stop him. Just hope he doesn't set out to stop you.
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By Truth-a-naut
My parents recently got satellite, so whenever I happen to visit he's the only thing I watch. I don't think the show is supposed to be taken seriously, just watch it and laugh.
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By Potemkin
I don't think the show is supposed to be taken seriously, just watch it and laugh.

QFT. As I said, Bill O'Reilly is an unrecognised comic genius. His show, like most American TV, is just a freak show which is valuable only for its entertainment value.
QFT. As I said, Bill O'Reilly is an unrecognised comic genius. His show, like most American TV, is just a freak show which is valuable only for its entertainment value.

You are dead wrong. I heard the same thing about Rush Limbaugh just before he singlehandedly brokered the election that took the house and senate from the dems during the Clinton administration. Then went on to put GWB in the Whitehouse. Alone? No. But he was a huge factor.

If it happens again and it is McCain you are just going to LOVE the Supreme Court with 7 conservatives on it.

Before you arrogantly judge O'Rielly as comical you would be well advised to remember that the vast majority of his audience are not laughing.
By keso
Before you arrogantly judge O'Rielly as comical you would be well advised to remember that the vast majority of his audience are not laughing

Yes, drooling.

Like idiots.
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By QatzelOk
Stop watching television.

Colbert and Stewart are no better, they just cater to making YOUR DEMOGRAPHIC more passive and stupid, just like O'Reilly does for his demographic.

By not watching TV, you might inspire some O'Reilly viewers to start thinking for themselves as well.
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By ThereBeDragons
By not watching TV, you might inspire some O'Reilly viewers to start thinking for themselves as well.

Somehow I doubt that your not watching television has convinced any O'Reilly viewers to stop.
Yes, drooling.

Like idiots.

And thier vote counts the same as yours. And since there are so many of them, if you live in this country, they are pulling your strings.
By Agent Steel
PVBROOK I hope you are not being serious. How do you know that most of his viewers like him? He's kinda like Howard Stern in the sense that tons of people hate him but they can't stop listening to him cause they want to hear what he says next. Except the difference between Stern and Oreilly is that Stern is actually pretty intelligent and Oreilly just tries to stir up controversy to get ratings.

Qatzel Steven Colbert and Jon Stewart are recognized as comedians for the silly things they say. Oreilly is actually trying to be serious and he doesn't realize how much of a clown he is.

Oh and another thing...Go to youtube and look up Oreilly's vidoes and read the comments...9 out of 10 will be bashing Oreilly not praising him.

Honestly I don't care if he has his show or not, it's a free country. But he is an idiot and his show is a negative influence on USA.
By nescient

You are dead wrong. I heard the same thing about Rush Limbaugh just before he singlehandedly brokered the election that took the house and senate from the dems during the Clinton administration. Then went on to put GWB in the Whitehouse. Alone? No. But he was a huge factor.

If it happens again and it is McCain you are just going to LOVE the Supreme Court with 7 conservatives on it.
No doubt Limbaugh is most certainly a major mouthpiece for propoganda of the 'conservatives' in the US.
Aside from all that, I would appreciate any sort of information to back the statements that he solely was able to manipulate the state of the entire nation. :?:
By Plaro
Bill O'Reilly is an unrecognised comic genius. Srsly.

I must agree, every single day to do what this man does, requires unprecedented amount of skill, that is intellectual and acting, also a heart of iron. If Stern had to do his show I think either he will lose his mind or simply fail miserably.

Stop watching television.

Colbert and Stewart are no better, they just cater to making YOUR DEMOGRAPHIC more passive and stupid, just like O'Reilly does for his demographic.

By not watching TV, you might inspire some O'Reilly viewers to start thinking for themselves as well.

I agree with Qatzel,stop watching television! I never watched a whole show by O'Reilly, I saw him once there and here but never knew his name or who he was by education and so on. I knew he said pretty ridiculous thoughts, if you even want to call it that, but to me that was like anyother network today. It is only today that I saw him for more than five minutes on youtube and discovered his name. I do not see how people can watch him, even for laughs, usually after few minutes my head would begin to feel (especially the frontal section where the forehead is) as if it has been filled with air and now there is a considerable pressure there.

I agree with Qatzel about Stern and Colbert as well,

Qatz, I notice that our perceptions upon many issues are very similar.
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