Libertarianism Reading List - Politics | PoFo

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For the right-libertarians here on PoFo (and anyone else interested), I was hoping we could collate a reading list together (with URLs included for free texts), so your additions are welcomed. Let's begin!


Bastiat, Frédéric
The Law
Selected Essays on Political Economy
(includes the essay That Which is Seen and That Which is not Seen)
Economic Sophisms
Economic Harmonies

Block, Walter
Defending the Undefendable
The Case for Discrimination

Boaz, David
Market Liberalism: A Paradigm for the 21st Century
Libertarianism: A Primer
The Libertarian Reader
The Politics of Freedom: Taking on The Left, The Right and Threats to Our Liberties

Browne, Harry
How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World: A Handbook for Personal Liberty

Buchanan, James M.
Public Principles of Public Debt
The Limits of Liberty: Between Anarchy and Leviathan
Democracy in Deficit
The Reason of Rules: Constitutional Political Economy

Friedman, Milton
Capitalism and Freedom
Free to Choose

Hayek, Friedrich August
The Road to Serfdom
(Condensed version here)
The Constitution of Liberty
Law, Legislation and Liberty
The Use of Knowledge In Society
Individualism and Economic Order
The Fatal Conceit

Hazlitt, Henry
Economics in One Lesson

Locke, John
Second Treatise of Government

Mill, John Stuart
On Liberty
Principles of Political Economy

Milton, John

Mises, Ludwig von
Human Action

Nozick, Robert
Anarchy, State, and Utopia

Paine, Thomas
Common Sense
Rights of Man

Popper, Karl R.
The Open Society and Its Enemies
(both volumes)
The Poverty of Historicism

Paul, Ron
Pillars of Prosperity

Read, Leonard E.
I, Pencil

Rothbard, Murray N.
Anatomy of the State
The Ethics of Liberty
Education: Free and Compulsory
Power and Market: Government and the Economy

Schumpeter, Joseph
Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy

Smith, Adam
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

Sowell, Thomas
Basic Economics
Knowledge and Decisions
A Conflict of Visions
Economic Facts and Fallacies
Intellectuals and Society

Spooner, Lysander
Constitution of No Authority

An Essay on Crimes and Punishments
Toleration and Other Essays


HT Fasces
You are definitely wider read than I am - the books I would have listed are already on your list, and it includes titles I've never heard of. But for anyone interested in how Mormon doctrine and theology can support libertarian principles, there's Latter-day Liberty: A Gospel Approach to Government and Politics by Connor Boyack (his blog here).
Friedman, David:
machinery of freedom

Konkin, SE:
new libertarian manifesto

Paul, Ron:
end the fed

Rothbard, Murray:
for a new liberty
man, economy, and state

you really are more widely read than me i have some catching up to do also i dont have links to much of this stuff so help there would be great. :D
Ah! I forgot David Friedman's Machinery of Freedom - good choice. Thanks Mike and Doug for your contributions thus far, if you have any more don't hesitate to share them on this thread.

For Mike:

Friedman, David
Machinery of Freedom

Rothbard, Murray N.
Man, Economy and State with Power and Market
For a New Liberty

Unfortunately doesn't have Ron Paul's End The Fed. But, they do have Paul's Freedom Under Siege, the book he wrote for his 1988 presidential bid for the Libertarian Party.

Paul, Ron
Freedom Under Siege

I'll be reading that soon.
Being a left-wing market anarchist I`m not sure I`m even welcome here, but how would you guys like it if some small amount of left-libertarian books and articles were added to that list? Several of the authors I had in mind are roughly located around Lysander Spooner ideologically, so it`s not that much of a break with your general philosophy.
@Happyhippo, We'd love to hear some suggestions from a left market anarchist. It wouldn't be Benjamin Tucker/Pierre-Joseph Proudhon that you're thinking of, by any chance? Provided you make it clear that it is from left libertarians.

@Mike, It's not my list, it's our, libertarian reading list!
Geolibertarianism... That's something new to me - never heard of that before. I see it is the attempt at a fusion between Georgism and libertarianism.
it is exactly that, minimalist government whose only source of revenue is on the land which no one can own, basically a use rent for land that is owned by all.

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