Anti-Government Protests in Puerto Rico commentary by Trevor Noah - Politics | PoFo

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I ran across this piece today that Trevor Noah commented on. Not only is it very funny but very smart commentary about how Trump can get away with stuff and other people just can't.

I think people if they want to oust some of these horrible politicians with their terrible behavior need to get out there and pressure them. It is the only way.

What is your opinion about pressuring out rotten politicians? Please comment.

I think Puerto Rico is suffering from the same problem that a great many people are across the globe. They’re voting in incompetent politicians and then getting angry when those politicians are eventually proven to be incompetent by their actions. In this case that applies to both the Governor of Puerto Rico and the Mayor of San Juan, which points to another problem. In squabbles between two incompetent and/or corrupt politicians people most often choose to support one or the other in our present era conveniently ignoring the shortcomings of their own ‘side’ while amplifying those of their rivals. This, even when their side ‘wins’ politically the people still lose and the cycle continues. The adults of Puerto Rico need to grow up, take accountability for their own actions surrounding their governance, and then these problems won’t be a problem anymore. Stop and consider that these people are literally matching in the street to protest their own choices for political leadership. That may actually be a new definition for insanity.
Tainari88 wrote:What is your opinion about pressuring out rotten politicians? Please comment.

Of course we should pressure out rotten politicians. However, that's not possible when a significant number of people are perfectly fine with a rotten politician.

syr74 wrote:I think Puerto Rico is suffering from the same problem that a great many people are across the globe. They’re voting in incompetent politicians and then getting angry when those politicians are actually proven to be incompetent. In this case that applies to both the Governor of Puerto Rico and the Mayor of San Juan, which points to another problem. In squabbles between two incompetent and/or corrupt politicians people most often choose to support one or the other, ignoring the shortcomings of their own ‘side’ while amplifying those of the competition. This, even when their side ‘wins’, they ultimately still lose and then the cycle continues. The adults of Puerto Rico need to grow up, take accountability for their own actions surrounding their governance, and then these problems won’t be a problem anymore. They are literally matching in the street to protest their own choice. That may be a new definition for insanity.

People tend to vote in the best bullshit artist basically. Usually because the bullshitter is usually able to win your vote by appealing to your primal wants.
@syr74 wrote:

In this case that applies to both the Governor of Puerto Rico and the Mayor of San Juan, which points to another problem.

Time magazine named her one of the top 100 influential people that year. She is incredibly popular and is running for the governorship in 2020. She has a very real possibility of winning the governorship. She is the opposite of incompetent Syr74. I don't know where you heard she was incompetent unless you believe all the lies Trump spreads about political opponents? She, can't vote in US presidential elections so she is no real threat to Trump. No need to lie on her. He lied on her because she would not lie and say all is good and dandy and people weren't dying in large numbers like he supposedly claimed. The one that was lying about the death count was him Syr74--not her. She was out there with a bullhorn in dirty sewer water trying to find people to help after the hurricanes had hit the San Juan area. She slept on cots and did the same thing as her constituents. A military man who mobilized after the hurricanes said this about the mayor of San Juan: ... ulin-cruz/

She is not being protested out of office by the people of San Juan at all. Why? Because she is not the one doing the corrupt incompetence. It is Ricky Rossello.

Syr74, you must have been confused. The mayor of San Juan is not incompetent. At all. In fact, she is hailed as being of extreme competence and going out there and saving lives. In fact, you won't find a single protest in San Juan at all about her needing to be removed from office. The only one saying she is incompetent is Donald Trump and that is because she was unhappy with the way the response to the crisis in Puerto Rico was handled by the federal government. She was right. A Harvard study concluded that many preventable deaths was due to the incompetence from DC in many ways, including Whitefish electricity who had two employees when a government contract was given to them after some pro Trump Montana senator somebody had connections to them.

No, she brought the whole incompetence to light. Rossello doesn't like the mayor of San Juan because she is from the PPD and he is from the PNP which are opposing political parties.

Carmen Yulin Cruz is not an incompetent politician at all. If she was? The people of Puerto Rico would have been in the streets protesting her ouster as well--but she did not say in a chat that she wanted to have Rossello shot and anyone who would kill him for her would be doing her a favor. No, that line was from the Governor's office.

All the people in the corruption scandals were from the pro statehood party that is the most conservative party in Puerto Rico. Not from the PPD or the PIP. Get your facts straight.
Last edited by Tainari88 on 14 Nov 2019 00:30, edited 4 times in total.
Rancid wrote:Of course we should pressure out rotten politicians. However, that's not possible when a significant number of people are perfectly fine with a rotten politician.

I have never ever voted for a single rotten politician. Now, I must admit my candidates never win. Lol. But? I don't vote for the rotten ones. Other people do.

People tend to vote in the best bullshit artist basically. Usually because the bullshitter is usually able to win your vote by appealing to your primal wants.

This is quite true for the voters who are into primal wants. I just want someone that is a good leader, and who is very well educated, and informed on the issues of importance, and who has a solid plan to solve these issues and or problems. Also someone who is doesn't have the reputation of lying and being involved in incredibly corrupt behavior. That is why most of my candidates never win. Too good and decent. :lol:

More important than winning an election is having integrity, keeping your word and offering what you know is a good option.

Winning by bullshitting and never keeping your word and lying your ass off to win? Is unethical and frankly it will eventually will make you look horrible in the halls of history. Don't you go and contradict me now Rancid with stories of bullshit and going for an airport once the money is in the bank! Sin verguenza! :lol: :D
Rancid wrote:Of course we should pressure out rotten politicians. However, that's not possible when a significant number of people are perfectly fine with a rotten politician.

People tend to vote in the best bullshit artist basically. Usually because the bullshitter is usually able to win your vote by appealing to your primal wants.

The politician that wins is the one that panders the most to people that are hungry for recognition. Somehow, some citizens think that their luck will improve if they vote in a candidate that supposedly speaks to them. If a person thinks he needs a politicians to make a living then that person has major problems and is prone to be susceptible to pandering. Furthermore, that person is likely to fare poorly in society. Those that succeed could care less about who is elected to office.

HRC pandered to blacks blatantly and they loved it. Most of the time voters cannot tell they are pandered to. Trump did the same with the blue collar white voters. People in PR are the no different. The one pandring the most is Elizabeth Warren who decided to join the pronouns BS.

And do not forget how loyal the voters are. Marion Barry, a crack addict was the darling of DC voters. No different than the adulation Trump gets from MAGA types. It is all BS.
Tainari88 wrote:Syr74, you must have been confused. The mayor of San Juan is not incompetent. At all. In fact, she is hailed as being of extreme competence and going out there and saving lives.

You’re primarily just proving my point. That the Federal response to the hurricane in Puerto Rico was insufficient, or that President Trump handled the situation poorly, has very little to do with how well the mayor did or did not handle her job. She can’t simply point to incompetence in others after the fact and claim to have done her job.

Having been mayor for several years prior to the hurricane hitting the island the city should have been much better prepared than it was and, were there need to sound an alarm regarding assistance from the mainland, the same should have been done by her long before an actual time of disaster and done so in a way that generated real results. That’s her job.

That people aren’t protesting her on the streets is hardly indicative of competence, these are the same people who voted in the troubled Governor she wants to replace after all. There’s enough incompetency to go around, I’m not excusing her role in that circus any more or less than anyone else’s.

I’m not picking her side and I’m not picking the side.of her rivals, I’m picking the side of a job well done. And thus far, sadly, no side that I’ve seen has threatened to do that.
syr74 wrote:You’re primarily just proving my point. That the Federal response to the hurricane in Puerto Rico was insufficient, or that President Trump handled the situation poorly, has very little to do with how well the mayor did or did not handle her job. She can’t simply point to incompetence in others after the fact and claim to have done her job.

Having been mayor for several years prior to the hurricane hitting the island the city should have been much better prepared than it was and, were there need to sound an alarm regarding assistance from the mainland, the same should have been done by her long before an actual time of disaster and done so in a way that generated real results. That’s her job.

That people aren’t protesting her on the streets is hardly indicative of competence, these are the same people who voted in the troubled Governor she wants to replace after all. There’s enough incompetency to go around, I’m not excusing her role in that circus any more or less than anyone else’s.

I’m not picking her side and I’m not picking the side.of her rivals, I’m picking the side of a job well done. And thus far, sadly, no side that I’ve seen has threatened to do that.

No, the problem Syr74 is a long and incredibly important series of events. Do you want a run down of them for you to see who is responsible?

First of all the water system and the electrical grid system both went down with two Cat 4 and Cat 5 hurricanes set two weeks from each other. That has never happened before in the entire history of the Caribbean region. Never. It happened because according to climate change experts the waters are heating up faster and creating more enormous storms with a lot of power. It will continue to happen.

The island was unprepared especially with the electrical grid because Puerto Rico's electricity company is corrupt to the core due to the machinations again of the most Right wing pro statehood party and to the cowards in the PPD party in Puerto Rico--also because the USA mainland has a ridiculous law that doesn't allow the island to upgrade its electrical system at all to the best standards. Do you know why they don't allow it Syr74? Because Puerto Rico is run through Washington DC and they put crazy laws on Puerto Rico to favor weird interests that go against the Puerto Rican governments interest. Since Puerto Rico can't vote or have congresspeople in DC? They can do the crazy illogical stuff and get away with it. If you upgrade the electrical system you can't really justify privatizing it. Elon Musk form Spacex offered to create upgraded systems for the entire island. He was rejected in favor of some very weird shady electrical company from Montana with two employees and ties to a Montana Republican party member. Why? Is that a mainland issue or a Puerto Rican issue.

Here it is:

Syr74? You want to keep going on every single thing til you learn a lot and I get exahausted or we leave it for tomorrow? It is up to you.

Here is Carmen Yulin Cruz dealing with the corrupt bid from Whitefish. She protested that weird corrupt scene. What should she have done? Lol. Accept it?

@syr74 here is the electrical grid issue. This Oklahoma based company was into fraud big time.

It was a mainland Fraud problem and conviction for people left without power and for all that wheeling and dealing. The fraud was a mainland based fraud. Carmen Yulin Cruz questioned the companies who were aligned with this situation. PREPA is the panel that runs Puerto Rico and overrides the governor and the mayor on all political policy and financial policies. So again? Answer me Syr74--who is responsible?

Carmen? You are assuming Puerto Ricans have some power over federal disaster relief? We don't. The problem was a problem about the mainland knowing Puerto Rico is vulnerable and having disaster vulture people sweep in and profit off the tragedy. The way Carmen Yulin Cruz answers that is questioning the lack of power relationship and partnering up with people in the states committed to improving Puerto Rico's bad relationship problems with the USA. What would you have done in her stead? ... ts/159777/

taken from the above article:
“Tribble . . . performed official acts . . . including but not limited to, influencing, providing advice to, and exerting pressure on PREPA executives . . . so that PREPA would accelerate payments to Cobra, assign tasks to Cobra instead of using PREPA employees, and use Cobra in restoration tasks to the exclusion of other contractors,” the indictment stated. “[It] was further part of the conspiracy that . . . Tribble regularly provided [Ellison] with information she obtained through her position as FEMA deputy regional administrator, sector lead, and recovery manager, providing Cobra with information not readily accessible to it through other needs.”

President Trump has routinely claimed that Puerto Rican officials were corrupt and that disaster money “went missing.” Both governmental defendants in this case were federal officials, while Cobra is headquartered in Oklahoma.
Tribble and Ellison are both charged with conspiracy to commit bribery, four counts of wire fraud and one count of disaster fraud. Tribble also is accused of four counts of violations of the Travel Act, while Ellison faces two counts of making false statements to investigators. Patterson faces two charges of wire fraud, and one violation of “acts affecting personal financial conflicts of interest.”

Are you agreeing with the President Syr74? I think you need to start looking up information on what the actual Governor of Puerto Rico at the time Ricardo Rossello could do. And what the mayor of San Juan Carmen Yulin Cruz could do at that time?

PREPA runs Puerto Rico. Who are they? Bankers. Bank panel people. Why? Because Puerto Rico owes about $123 Billion dollars in bonds to bondholders. Why? Because of the way Puerto Rico's economy is run and how it is obligated to use the US Merchant Marine for its shipping and how that affects the price of goods. The depression of the Puerto Rican agricultural sector due to again, not being allowed free trade with its Caribbean neighbors and the rest of South America and Central America, Mexico, Europe, China, etc because it is a captive market for the USA. Period.

Disaster capitalism is here folks. To exploit people caught up in surviving with dirty water and no electricity and can't fight privatizations of schools and utility company takeovers....why? Naomi Klein discusses it here....

Is that the solution Syr74 and Carmen Yulin's fault?

She is the mayor. Protesting these problems. Could you handle it as a mayor? Yes or no? Who is responsible for this shit Syr?
Last edited by Tainari88 on 14 Nov 2019 02:26, edited 2 times in total.
Rancid wrote:Me? Never!


Yes you. You should be on Carmen Yulin Cruz' side. She joined a committee for the advancement of the Dominican culture in San Juan. Lol. You did not read the wikipedia article...sin verguenza?

Joaquin Balaguer was from Puerto Rican descent. You guys can't live without us....though you Dominicans are always working too much. I say you take a couple of days off once in a while. :lol:

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