Origins of Islamic Terrorism - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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noemon wrote:The way I see it Trump is just a cog who is here to steal the protest vote and be the one he knows how to be, a small sized venture capitalist obedient to the bigger fish in the pond.

I'd like to agree with that, but Trump's candidacy seems rather convenient for the 'powers that be.' Perhaps he is an intelligence gathering co-operation, whereas to say, Donald Trump is a born 'reality TV personality' ripe for consumption by the TV/internet generation(s) and his progress through the 'protest' vote allows him to place 'markers' or 'indicators' upon certain demographics. To shape 'public relations,' one must 'design' appealing images, these images transmit over media (correct?) thus you 'target' particular demographics, right? These particular demographics simultaneously become 'screenings' for intelligence gathering. Simply put: The 'protest' vote coaxes the 'crazies' to come outta the 'woodwork.' They who normally decide not to participate in the federal election.

I go on to strike this conclusion; the next phase of the global war on terror must be differentiated domestically, meaning that the 'protest' vote shall be equated with 'radical extremism.' Donald Trump is the face for radical nationalism according to the existing political entity. Of course, Hillary Clinton becomes the 'left's antithesis. What better stagecraft and intelligence gathering could you ask for? With social media, everything tends to be analyzed & archived in realtime, so running phony campaigns to serve the populace up a fresh plate of fabricated reality becomes quick, efficient, and direct with the internet. You gotta understand, at the highest levels of power or authority, rules do not exist/apply, only control & therefore guidance.

The compartmentalized hierarchy, with its 'trickle down information,' asks for the public's hand in perceptional marriage, recreating the myth every four years, democracy's psychodrama hums right along on time (with favorable ratings). The masses goosestep to their new star spangled banner (along with every facet of entertainment). Programmable behavior via electronic screens, shaping political personalities that 'focus groups' may relate to. With a team of image consultants, big ol bank full of federal reserve funds, the world became Francis Bacon's Shakespearean 'stage.' One scientific political poem, performance art wirelessly transmitted through the air... infiltrating public conscience. To manufacture consent, to conduct a real time Milgram experiment, shape public opinion, artificially guide biological & social evolution one must deconstruct man's nature and then exploit it.

The bigger fish in America's pond are using Donald Trump to provoke desirable reactions. Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, undesirables vs desirables or desirables vs undesirables, according to the voter's point of view. Nonetheless, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and any 'groomed' politician, can manipulate or probe the public's general perception of reality. If you wanted to create a provocateur politician, just 'groom' a politician to represent your enemy's outlook on life.

Note: Why is Donald Trump the only 'protest' vote candidate to get maximum media coverage and debate time? Yes, the mainstream news channels love high ratings, yes Trump wishes to build his 'brand,' but really give it a thought. You can't 'play' the media like that without mutual benefit... and I don't think you can 'play' America's voting process without getting support from it. After-all, we're talking about the face or place holder for the military-corporate edifice's largest empire.

noemon wrote:I am not getting your cryptic message.

My message is that everyone says that everyone is 'in the loop', until they are not in the loop anymore. Saloth Sar was a bourgeois ex-pat in France, before he became Pol Pot. No one looks at him now with any doubts about what he was going to become, from hindsight it seems almost inexorable that he'd end up as a revolutionary fighting in Cambodia during the Vietnam war. Whatever happened after that was what happened due to Nixon and Kissinger putting bombs on everything. 'No one could have imagined' he'd exit the loop.

Similarly with Omar Saddiqi Mateen. In hindsight, everyone knows now that he'd end up a jihadist pledged to ISIL. But when he was working for G4S 'no one could have imagined' he'd exit the loop in the way he did.


Hong Wu wrote:Even Islam has had peaceful incarnations during more balanced eras.

When it has hegemony and thus does not require an insurgency, yes.
Last edited by Rei Murasame on 13 Jun 2016 07:02, edited 1 time in total.
Rei Murasame wrote:That's probably what they said to Saloth Sar when he was in France. I believe that doors open for those who choose to look for them. After the exit is found, a person can 'graduate' into revolutionary action in unexpected ways.

Everyone starts out in the loop. Omar Saddiqui Mateen was also 'in the loop', he worked for G4S, part of the defence and security sector, after all.

Have you considered that you could be elevating useful idiots into some kind of noble revolutionaries that are recorded in history as the slime of the earth who brought terror and misery?
Hong Wu wrote:You're such a keyboard warrior Rei,

I'm also reasonably good with a rifle too!

Hong Wu wrote:but when you let people make you hate them you're basically handing them power over yourself.

Sounds like another liberal platitude. I remember things like this that white people used to say to me in childhood if I was beating someone on the playground and they wanted me to stop so they could restore order. It made no sense to me then and it still makes no sense to me now.

When beat someone with my fist and they fall to the ground, and I am standing over them, I am not handing them power over myself. I am subjecting them to my power. This is a basic law of reality which no amount of pretty words can cover over.


noemon wrote:Have you considered that you could be elevating useful idiots into some kind of noble revolutionaries that are recorded in history as the slime of the earth bring terror and misery?

Well, Saloth Sar is a pretty complex example, but I certainly wouldn't call him anyone's 'useful idiot'.

Another example is Siraj Sikder. He was a STEM student and a petty-bourgeois small business owner. Yet he 'exited the loop' by creating Maoist theory for Bangladesh and then essentially founded the Naxalite movement which has spilled epic amounts of blood across South Asia. Plenty of people of similar background willingly joined him.
Rei Murasame wrote:Sounds like another liberal platitude. I remember things like this that white people used to say to me in childhood if I was beating someone on the playground and they wanted me to stop so they could restore order. It made no sense to me then and it still makes no sense to me now.

When beat someone with my fist and they fall to the ground, and I am standing over them, I am not handing them power over myself. I am subjecting them to my power.

I speak from experience, you're a keyboard warrior because you don't want to admit to yourself how powerless you really are. There's a zen saying that might apply here, "let go or be dragged". There's nothing liberal about it. Liberal is pretending you're leading instead of being lead. Everything is relative to the era we live in, even things like religion (when it's taken literally and not esoterically, which is the case with almost all religion today) but sometimes we aren't separate enough from the flow of time to recognize it and come to the shore.
Igor Antunov wrote:I'll keep the updates rolling, while Rei makes this thread about Rei.

Thanks, but it's not about me. It's about making an ideological point, much like everyone else in this thread is making an ideological point.

Igor Antunov wrote:Father of America's most deadly mass shooter wanted top Afghan president job and had TV show where he showed support for the Taliban

This has been known since yesterday evening and is not an 'update'.


Hong Wu wrote:I speak from experience,

No you don't.

Stop bringing liberal and petty-moralist thought to me, I'm not impressed by it, it has no meaning to me. And besides, whatever level of thought is required to process it is something that I'll never attain to, so it's literally a waste of your time.

You might as well be showing colour paintings to a person who can only see in greyscale. Whatever sense it makes to you, has no meaning for me. All this centre-left nonsense never could work on me, because I'm essentially immune to all the nonsense.

I see the #PrayForOrlando hashtag is everywhere now. It's retarded. Which god are they being asked to pray to? The one that hates homosexuals, the one that allowed the attack to happen, or the one that the attacker invoked while he was being a terrorist? Oh wait, those are all the same god! :lol:

EDIT: Also, trying to cloak your liberalism in the mantle of Zen is pretty comical. Next you'll be the Jedi and I'll be the Sith.
I see the #PrayForOrlando hashtag is everywhere now. It's retarded. Which god are they being asked to pray to? The one that hates homosexuals, the one that allowed the attack to happen, or the one that the attacker invoked while he was being a terrorist? Oh wait, those are all the same god! :lol:

They clearly mean the liberal God, Rei - you know, the one who loves everyone equally and never judges anyone because, you know, that just wouldn't be cool. God the hippie social worker. ;)
mikema63 wrote:It's amazingly sickening that people are willing to turn this tragedy into a thread about how much they hate liberals and Obama.

I don't to hear about fucking trump from you people. You think trump is my fucking ally?

Republicans would happily annul my marriage and declare gay sex illegal. Right wingers just love to play high and mighty when they are part of the forces trying to make my life shit.

Trump can go to hell and so can right wingers.

I'm on your side mike.

Death to Allah.
noemon wrote:Blackjack, you 're not making any sense, but as I said to Dave, your predicament is far more dangerous than you think, should your feelings about segregationist policies between the American Whites and American Blacks & American Muslims ever come to fruition and you manage to bring about even the slightest amount of change towards that effect, you stand to lose your privilege and become the slave of your new Black & Muslim overlords, completely justified as well as you will be the one to having suggested they be treated second class and suddenly due to their sheer numbers, strength and determination overcome you and put you under their boots.

It'll never happen. You fail to understand the British aristocracy. We don't believe in equality even among our own people. That's why this thread is sad, but slightly humourous to us. These decedent homosexuals had already self-segregated and made themselves available to be targetted by radical Muslims. The irony is that the only political figure that would have prevented this is Donald Trump, who is derided by the very victims of this "tragedy." They are calling it the "largest mass killing in US History" as if 9/11 didn't happen. Because we can't admit that it's a terror attack by a Muslim on gay people, while Obama is president (who is obviously gay too).

Rei Murasame wrote:I'm also reasonably good with a rifle too!

I'm right handed, but left eye dominant, so I shoot down and to the right.

Igor Antunov wrote:I'll keep the updates rolling, while Rei makes this thread about Rei.

This is just spin. 9/11 was obviously the largest mass killing, unless you want to bring Pearl Harbor into it. This is being spun this way to protect Obama from the obvious criticism that he didn't keep America safe from Islamic Extremism.

Rei Murasame wrote:I see the #PrayForOrlando hashtag is everywhere now. It's retarded. Which god are they being asked to pray to? The one that hates homosexuals, the one that allowed the attack to happen, or the one that the attacker invoked while he was being a terrorist? Oh wait, those are all the same god!

Quite right. God hates homosexuals, at least according to Leviticus.
Well, you are all of course correct. But according to liberals I am the problem if I show any sign of hatred.

To use an image macro/meme, when asked if I expect anything to change any time soon, I'm like:


Liberals are in charge at present, so it's unfortunately their call as to how long they'd like to continue letting this happen.
An elephant in the room: Obama foreign policy i.e meddling in Islamic world war. All the particularist stonewall talk is BS. Mike hysterical tone is understandable (Dagoth and Qatz are still silent) but the homosexual victimology is marginal issue here. The gays were chosen this time because they seem as his crowd. Wrote it before and it was deleted as off topic. But this is the main issue here. Obama got it wrong.

Dave, called the Iranian "civilized people" compare to the Arabs, so what? The Nazis were cultural and developed too. This made them even more dangerous not less. Dave's cuddling the Iranian is telling, after all the Persians changed their name in the 30's to Iranians exactly for this reason. To put themselves in the German Aryan paradigm. Seems it still works for them.
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