Origins of Islamic Terrorism - Politics | PoFo

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I am wiseing people up to the reality by quoting parts of a Maoist document called 'Islam: Ideology and Tool of the Exploiting Classes'. I came across it while looking at what Maoists are doing in Iran, and it basically reads exactly like the theory we all know and appreciate, except it's in really easy language for random people to read. So that's convenient.

I also got the chance to do this to everyone's un-favourite Guardian author:


The liberal media cyclone has only just begun.
Last edited by Rei Murasame on 12 Jun 2016 17:06, edited 2 times in total.
Rei Murasame wrote:I am wiseing people up to the reality by quoting parts of a Maoist document called 'Islam: Ideology and Tool of the Exploiting Classes'. I came across it while looking at what Maoists are doing in Iran, and it basically reads exactly like the theory we all know and appreciate, except it's in really easy language for random people to read. So that's convenient

There are some portions on the end of that article that go off the deep end, China under Deng being a mistake? What is the author smoking. China being a bastion for the worlds oppressed prior to the 80s? My sides. And while the analysis of political Islam is interesting, the solutions prescribed are nonexistent, one barebones paragraph on how the workers will rise up. They won't. The last time leftists tackled Islam successfully was when the Soviets tore down mosques in central asia and liquidated their culture, and that's mostly Ashkenazi chauvinism rather than any concerted effort to root out Islam.

Rei, Maoists/Naxals have done more harm to state infrastructure in South Asia than good. Kerala is literally primed for a German style takeover as the natalism of Islam makes demographic warfare a reality. East Asia may be fine, but the proximity of South Asia and South East Asia to demographic internal and external threats from Islam and the counterproductive and downright unsuccessful efforts of Maoists in this regard to the problem lead me to be extremely skeptical of any "solution" offered. When it comes to dealing with Islam, 969, RSS/Hindutva etc offer far more realistic solutions to the 200 million or so 5th columnists marking time.

It's blatantly clear that with the exception of Iran (which seems to be a unique case where the pre-existing Persian manifest destiny has repeatedly made efforts to repudiate and overthrow the Arab-centric worldview Khalid-bin-waleed forced onto it), solutions to Islam will most definitely not be coming from within the Islamic world, which requires external solutions to the problems it has begun exporting worldover.
Last edited by Bridgeburner on 12 Jun 2016 18:08, edited 2 times in total.
anasawad wrote:Iran as whole is not even close to becoming near the US in violent crimes

I said it's on par and it is. I don't talk bullshit: ... icide_rate

As for women, Iran is on position 114 (!) of the gender inequality index, meaning 113 countries are rated better:

As for gays, Iran is clearly one of the worst countries in the world: ... _territory

From now on I won't comment on any of your nonsense anymore, anasawad, unless you provide a link to a legitimate source.

P.S. with "tradition of mass shooting" I was referring to the said tradition in the US.
Last edited by Rugoz on 12 Jun 2016 22:09, edited 2 times in total.
Goldberk wrote:Ascribing responsibility for these attacks to a third of the worlds population is despicable

Why do leftists inanely believe they know more about Islamic jurisprudence than you know, actual Islamic theologians and experts on the Quran who've seen fit to pass laws and sentences that put homosexuals to death? I see this all the time, apparently you are privy to some secret knowledge of True Islam™ that scholars in Iran, Yemen Saudi Arabia, who are far more immersed in the religion, aren't? Islamic fundamentalists must be quite annoyed when after every attack they undertake to reaffirm the core principles of their belief system, as if on cue a horde of Westerners come out and parrot "oh it's not your fault, your aren't True Muslims™" as if they are the ultimate arbiters of what constitutes True Islam™
Lebanon: Targetted due to the fact its one of the few countries actually fighting terrorism with full force.

You are also terrorists (Hezbollah)

Palestine: occupied and thus resistence against occupation. Also warzone.

I wont get into this but their terrorism has been ever since 1948 and now they talk about 67 borders a bit hypocritical isnt it?

Syria : Warzone.
Iraq: Warzone
Libya: Warzone

gee I wonder why all those areas are warzones... maybe it have something to do with the local culture?

Algeria: peaceful and no mass shootings with terrorist attacks very rare just like any other nation.

southern algeria is a mess
@ ZN.
Those areas are all the areas the US has either actively conducted military operations or the NATO as whole.
Or the US specifically has supported insurgents with weapons and fundings to start the war.
Doesn't seem like it has anything to do with the culture but rather with the resources they're getting.
For example, Libya and Iraq, oil. Syria, if rebels get control with US support, the oil and gaz lines from gulf states will be able to pass through Syria to Europe. Which isn't allowed to pass under the regime.
Bridgeburner wrote:Why do leftists inanely believe they know more about Islamic jurisprudence than you know, actual Islamic theologians and experts on the Quran who've seen fit to pass laws and sentences that put homosexuals to death? I see this all the time, apparently you are privy to some secret knowledge of True Islam™ that scholars in Iran, Yemen Saudi Arabia, who are far more immersed in the religion, aren't? Islamic fundamentalists must be quite annoyed when after every attack they undertake to reaffirm the core principles of their belief system, as if on cue a horde of Westerners come out and parrot "oh it's not your fault, your aren't True Muslims™" as if they are the ultimate arbiters of what constitutes True Islam™

Don't get me wrong I'm no fan of Islam, let alone islamists, however it seems ludicrous to believe that all those who claim the religion of Islam or are ascribed as being Muslim are Bart of some monolithic belief structure, where all believe the same on certain issues and support the same actions. We all know that's not how belief systems work. Instead they contain multiple schisms and strains each disagreeing with each other over numerous points, just like Christianity, liberalism or socialism.

So my point is that whilst we may broadly disapprove of a religion or all religions we should recognise the disparities within them and assign blame accordingly.

Dave - as you commend me on my bravery I commend you on your childish over simplification, oh how the forum had missed you.
Current wars in the Islamic world are.
Well actually its one big war where everyone is standing on one side, and on the other side a proxy group founded, funded, supported, armed and trained by the US, some NATO Nations, and their puppet regimes.

Yup, seems like an "Islamic" world war.
anasawad wrote:Current wars in the Islamic world are.
Well actually its one big war where everyone is standing on one side, and on the other side a proxy group founded, funded, supported, armed and trained by the US, some NATO Nations, and their puppet regimes.

Yup, seems like an "Islamic" world war.

Thats called Divide and conquer.

its a way to keep you busy with each other :D
Ooh you're not dividing anyone, you're actually gathering people and uniting them.
Sunnis and Shias in Lebanon had problems before. Now ISIS came along and they're fighting together and strengthing relations. Whos the enemy ? ISIS and Islamists, whos funding that enemy ? The US.
People of Iran had some internal seperations as well it is a family of cultures not one culture.
since the 50s, who is the enemy ? the Shah. Whos supporting and stabling hem ? the US.
people of Syria had some sectarian problems before. now whos the enemy ? ISIS. Who funding, supporting and leading that enemy ? the US.
Remember in Syria and Iraq ISIS isn't getting support of the people rather its getting the mercs and Islamicsts support only, and ofcourse Al-qaeda and other proxy groups of the US. people in their areas are in matter of fact prisoners of those groups.

The Islamic world in general had some problems that lasted for centuries. Now, whos the enemy ? The US, NATO and their puppet regimes.

Soon enough people wont notice the difference between Sunni and Shia with this rate.
anasawad wrote:Ooh you're not dividing anyone, you're actually gathering people and uniting them.
Sunnis and Shias in Lebanon had problems before. Now ISIS came along and they're fighting together and strengthing relations. Whos the enemy ? ISIS and Islamists, whos funding that enemy ? The US.
People of Iran had some internal seperations as well it is a family of cultures not one culture.
since the 50s, who is the enemy ? the Shah. Whos supporting and stabling hem ? the US.
people of Syria had some sectarian problems before. now whos the enemy ? ISIS. Who funding, supporting and leading that enemy ? the US.
Remember in Syria and Iraq ISIS isn't getting support of the people rather its getting the mercs and Islamicsts support only, and ofcourse Al-qaeda and other proxy groups of the US. people in their areas are in matter of fact prisoners of those groups.

The Islamic world in general had some problems that lasted for centuries. Now, whos the enemy ? The US, NATO and their puppet regimes.

Soon enough people wont notice the difference between Sunni and Shia with this rate.

did you convince yourself that?

The Islamic world is getting more and more divided the hate betwen shia and sunnis is only increasing

Syria will never get back to what it was also Iraq. Lebanon may not exist either because its a disfunctioning country filled with ethnic and religious tensions being manipulated by a proxy terrorist group
Dave wrote:There is no Islamic world war, and to equate Iranians with the Mohammedans we've been grappling with is simply false equivalence. While Donald Trump is correct that we should've gotten a better deal, the fact of the matter is Iranians aren't Arabs. They are civilized and even competent people. We need ot be working with them.

You're ascribing far too much competence and agency to Obama. He is a weak, controlled man who can't even please his own wife. He is the smiling negro face of the American Empire.

Obama has to walk a fine line. He cannot tip his hand when it comes to Islam. The Middle East has been a mess for a very long time and the West had a hand in causing problems there long before Obama and Bush.

Your word Mohammedans is a distinction without a difference. Anyone who believes the in Allah is part of the problem.

What Muslims do anywhere in the world has nothing to do with Obama or any other civilized world leader.

North African and Middle Eastern Muslims are a whole other kettle of fish. Most of them have no choice but to be Muslims and submit to the brainwashing. What can Obama do about that? Slam a cruise missile into every mosque?

In our political correctness, we have been accepting and tolerant of Islam and we are paying the price. Japan, on the other hand. has never had an Islam-inspired terror attack and for one simple reason. They keep Muslims out. We tolerate things that we should not tolerate for fear of being called intolerant.

Obama know how bad Islam is and so did Bush but they can not afford, to be honest with the enemy. They know that Islam is the enemy of all humanity but they also know that riled up Muslims are just more trouble for everyone... like giving whiskey to the Indians.

Obama had nothing to do with this and the shooter's alleged insanity had little to do with it. His unwavering unquestioning belief in the teachings of Mohammad did this.
anasawad wrote:Where is that divide if i may ask ?
The only countries being hated are Gulf states mainly Saudi Arabia since its a puppet regime destroying the Islamic world for the US benifit.
Syria and Iraq both are destroyed by the US directly or through proxy. The condition in them is what is making almost the entire Islamic world set its eyes against the US. Forget about the governments look at the people, they''re the ones you should be worried about when the anger reaches sufficient levels.

Lebanon is actually uniting pretty fast since ISIS started. Christians and Shia are full allies now, Druze turning ever close to that alliance. And Sunnis are starting to join it as well in groups.
Your proxies are actually achieving what thought to be impossible. Lebanon is being united. Sunni-Shia rift is being closed down.
The next stage is going to see all the US puppet regimes and proxies exterminated including their dogs in Saudi Arabia, who fun fact. Would probably be swipt off by Saudis them selves.

once ISIS is gone (but that wont happen until everything they fulfill the goals that they were made for) you will have new reasons to kill each other.
Thats because of your mentality and culture. you brag about the tribes in balk back and all of that but its your big weakness the tribe mentality is what make you so backward
once ISIS is gone (but that wont happen until everything they fulfill the goals that they were made for) you will have new reasons to kill each other.

The US is going to still be there when ISIS is gone,

Thats because of your mentality and culture. you brag about the tribes in Baalbak and all of that but its your big weakness the tribe mentality is what make you so backward

Because ?
Do you even know how the system between Clans and tribes and within them work ?
You realize the Persian tribes are practically nations all by them selves and that the Persian empire was a federation between them right ?

And its either Baalbak or Baal Bek.
Because ?
Do you even know how the system between Clans and tribes and within them work ?
You realize the Persian tribes are practically nations all by them selves and that the Persian empire was a federation between them right ?

And its either Baalbak or Baal Bek.

I know that once shit hit the fan those clans turn against each other

Libya is a good example
Actually i enjoy when members here quote the Quran and start talking about it.
Its a good laugh.
My mother has 2 PhDs in Islamic science and law. Basically Sharia and Fiqh . And a third PhD in Arabic Literature.
A few months ago she read one of the debates about the Quran in here where some member i think Brian called was quoting the Quran and talking about it.
In her opinion he was in one hand trying to interpret the Quran while ignoring every little basic rule when doing so. And on the other hand she thought that PoFo is a place for idiots to have such level of ignorance in discussion in it.

@Zionist Nationalist
Persian tribes and the Persian system is entirely different from that of the Arabs or Africans and its an actual governing system that lasted for thousands of years successfully until it shrunk in size due to a number of reasons mainly economical due to wars,
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