Mueller colluded with Hillary Clinton and Russia - Politics | PoFo

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Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
Mueller colluded with Hillary on uranium one deal with Russia

Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein appointed former Department of Justice official and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III to serve as Special Counsel to oversee the previously-confirmed FBI investigation of Russian government efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election and related matters.

I now believe these related matters were to ensure that any evidence against Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and Clinton - Russian collusion was scrubbed and finally to get Donald Trump at all costs, regardless of any lack of Trump - Russia collusion.
Do you have any idea just how lacking in credibility in reporting anything about our material reality Corsi is? He literally makes everything David Icke says look plausible: after all, you can't disprove the existence of reptilian aliens visiting us. With Corsi, he publishes a new book every couple years filled with insane lies and conspiracy theories, accompanied by imminent predictions of doom and gloom every time.

Only an idiot believes David Icke. Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots believes anything coming out of Jerome Corsi's mouth.
Bulaba Jones wrote:Do you have any idea just how lacking in credibility in reporting anything about our material reality Corsi is? He literally makes everything David Icke says look plausible: after all, you can't disprove the existence of reptilian aliens visiting us. With Corsi, he publishes a new book every couple years filled with insane lies and conspiracy theories, accompanied by imminent predictions of doom and gloom every time.

Only an idiot believes David Icke. Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots believes anything coming out of Jerome Corsi's mouth.

I never met those guys, so how should I know?
How about Roger Stone? What do you think of his credibility?

Roger Stone Exposes Treason in Whitehouse

Ratfucking Roger Stone "is totally full of all kinds of crap". He has spent a 40 year political career promoting falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and "pure bullshit."

Last edited by ingliz on 04 Sep 2017 14:56, edited 1 time in total.
The Immortal Goon wrote:As mentioned in another thread, Alex Jones claims he's just a performance artist playing a part. He mocked people that believe him as unable to understand that Jack Nicholson isn't the Joker.

But what about his guest, Roger Stone? Can you refute Roger Stone's research information that he presents in that video?
Hindsite wrote:Can you refute Roger Stone's research information that he presents in that video?

First, that's like asking me to refute James Carville's information about Bill Clinton. Or asking the lawyer for any given suspect an opinion on said suspect. Stone is a political advisor that worked for Trump.

He also describes his job as a, "GOP Hitman," and a "rat-fucker." The last of which, of course meaning, dirty tricks not based on anything factual. Even rightwing libertarian candidates have sued Stone for getting ratfucked by the GOP establishment via him.

He admits to starting a riot in order to tie up Democratic votes and forcing Republican ones through.

I can list a thousand more that Stone is, in fact, proud of. He loves the GOP establishment and does everything he can to make sure his GOP establishment masters, like Trump, are in power. He admits this and celebrates it all the time.

He is not a reliable source. No more than any other political hack working for the Democrats. It's a bit like asking how one would discredit Debbie Wasserman's opinon on Hillary Clinton if she were on a conspiracy theory show.
The Immortal Goon wrote:First, that's like asking me to refute James Carville's information about Bill Clinton. Or asking the lawyer for any given suspect an opinion on said suspect.

Okay, I'll keep that in mind. I guess we will just have to wait and see, if any of what he says turns out to be true.

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