Reality warping effect: Selective Media Reporting Further Fuels Our Racial Divide - Politics | PoFo

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Selective Media Reporting Further Fuels Our Racial Divide

On Saturday, a man drove his car onto a Seattle freeway that had been closed by a Black Lives Matter crowd. The driver killed one person and seriously injured another after going the wrong way up a ramp and then around a barricade. Reports noted that police “don’t believe impairment was a factor.” Over the weekend, news outlets replayed the brutal hit, but there’s one thing you won’t learn from their coverage: The driver was black and his victims were white.

NPR linked this attack to other car-ramming incidents by “right-wing extremists targeting Black Lives Matter protesters.” They quote a researcher about how these right-wingers were “trying to intimidate the most recent wave of BLM protesters, to stop their movement.”

The driver was a Seattle local named Dawit Kelete. But you’ll find scant mention of the driver’s ethnicity in mainstream media coverage. You might have more easily learned that Kelete was black by going to the Australia Broadcasting Corporation. The American national media also doesn’t note that Kelete’s two victims were white. You can find that out over at the U.K.’s Daily Mail.

Among the few U.S. outlets to mention the race of the driver is The rest of the news media seemingly would rather just have people assume that a white driver attacked two black protesters. Acknowledging the driver’s and victims’ ethnicity wouldn’t advance their narrative of oppression, so it apparently isn’t newsworthy.

One case doesn’t prove a pattern. It could just be that while the American media knows almost everything about this killer, including his name, age, and where he lives, they couldn’t find information on his race. Possibly the foreign news outlets were just lucky to discover that information.

Of course, the media outlets might honestly not view race as essential to the story. But their selective reporting of it shows that they think race is important when it involves certain races. The problem is that it gives readers a biased perspective, inflaming prejudice and creating stereotypes.

Research conducted by the Crime Prevention Research Center, of which I am president, on all police shootings from 2013 to 2015 found that while local news coverage will often mention the race of the officer and the suspect, the national coverage is much more selective. While the evidence indicates that black officers are no less likely to shoot suspects than white officers, local news coverage of black officers shooting black suspects gets picked up by the national news in just 9% of cases. By contrast, 38% of the cases in which local news reported on a white officer shooting a black suspect get national coverage.

The selective coverage creates the belief that white officers are the problem -- they are the ones shooting blacks, presumably because white officers treat black suspects differently than white ones. Watching the news, you would never guess that the research found that black officers were just as likely as white officers to shoot an unarmed black suspect.

The media's selective coverage has done real harm. It has heightened racial divides and sown distrust of the police in the communities that need them most. Now, with police sidelined and facing "defunding," gun violence is rising fast in major cities around the country.

The media similarly seems intent on claiming that mass public shooters are disproportionately white and right-wing, when nothing could be further from the truth. While 58% of the mass public shooters from 1998 to 2019 were white (excluding people of Middle Eastern descent), about 75% of the total U.S. population was white. Middle Eastern Arabs made up just 1% of the population, but accounted for 8% of shooters. Of all the mass killers, 72% have no known political affiliation or views – only 3% are known to be conservative or Republican.

Race and politics increasingly divide Americans, and selective media reporting is largely to blame. The media, not Trump, is fanning the flames of violence. The destruction and the long-term harm that is being done to heavily minority parts of our cities is their responsibility.


The numbers simply don't add up for the propaganda that keeps getting pushed by the mainstream media, Democratic politicians and their cheerleaders. Manipulation through the media tends to follow along these lines: selection of stories, omission of details, framing of stories (editorializing facts) and outright lies. In this case, there appears to be a national trend that favours the selection of stories of white police officers killing 'unarmed black men'. In reality, they're actually more disinclined to do so than their black colleagues.
Black Lives Matter AWOL as violence claims hundreds of Black victims

By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Thursday, July 9, 2020

After weeks of street violence that has claimed hundreds of Black victims, including children caught in the crossfire of gang violence and random shootings, onlookers are increasingly asking: Where’s Black Lives Matter?

The movement that unleashed the most massive protests since the Civil Rights era over the May 25 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody has been noticeably silent over the rash of shootings and street violence in the last few weeks afflicting predominantly Black communities.

“More people have been shot and killed in Chicago at this point in 2020 than in 2019, despite two months of stay-at-home directives,” said Los Angeles conservative radio host Larry Elder in an email. “Where is Black Lives Matter when you need them?”

As far as Mr. Elder is concerned, it’s a rhetorical question, one that he has repeatedly answered with the hashtag: #BlackLivesMatterOnlyWhenKilledByWhiteCops.

Mr. Elder’s take may be cynical, but it has also gained traction as weeks go by with no counter-argument from leaders of Black Lives Matter, admittedly a highly decentralized movement that includes both city and state chapters only loosely connected with national groups such as Black Lives Matter and the Movement for Black Lives.

Other Black commentators have taken notice. Wilfred Reilly, professor at Kentucky State University, a historically black college, tweeted that the “near-refusal of BLM to discuss Black-on-Black crime is one of the weirdest disconnects in politics.”

“If Black lives truly matter to Black Lives Matter incorporated, and the left in general, they would be marching in Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Atlanta or any of these other cities with unacceptably high rates of violent crime and murder,” said Ken Blackwell, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Human Rights Commission under President George H.W. Bush.

The near-refusal of BLM to discuss Black-on-Black crime is one of the weirdest disconnects in politics. Whenever I ask young Black men I mentor/speak to their biggest worry, it’s not Confed statutes or trans rights or even the cop on the beat, but “brothers killing brothers.”
— Wilfred Reilly (@wil_da_beast630) July 5, 2020

Former New York Police Department Commissioner Bernard Kerik contrasted the horrific toll from the deadly Fourth of July holiday weekend with the crickets from Black Lives Matter.

“If Black lives matter, really mattered to Black Lives Matter, the organization — you had close to 80 people shot and 14 dead in Chicago,” Mr. Kerik said on Fox News. “We had 44 shot, six dead in New York; 28 shot and four dead in Atlanta. Twenty shot, three dead in Cleveland.”

In New York City, where city officials recently agreed to slash $1 billion from the $6 billion police budget, shootings were up 130% from the previous June and the murder rate rose by 30%, according to NYPD figures released Monday.

And yet, “I don’t see no marches there,” Mr. Kerik said. “I don’t see no protests. I don’t see no screaming and yelling. I don’t see anything from Black Lives Matter.”

Given the lack of a BLM spokesperson, supporters such as CNN’s Don Lemon have been left to field questions as to why the movement has yet to agitate for young Black murder victims such as Secoriea Turner, 8; Royta De’Marco Giles, 8; Natalia Wallace, 7; or Davon McNeal, 11.

In a frank exchange Monday with actor Terry Crews, Mr. Lemon said “that’s not what Black Lives Matter is about” after Mr. Crews asked why the movement had been silent on the recent spate of Black victims.

“Black Lives Matter is about police brutality and about criminal justice,” Mr. Lemon said. “It’s not about what happens in communities when it comes to crime. People who live near each other, Black people, kill each other. Same as Whites.”

Nobody disputes that most crime is intraracial — 81% of White murder victims were killed by other Whites, and 89% of Black victims were killed by Blacks in 2015 — but critics have argued that any movement calling itself Black Lives Matter should care about all Black victims, not just the small percentage killed by police.

“When you look at the parents of these little kids who are saying, ‘Hey, man, why aren’t they speaking up for me, too?’ ” Mr. Crews said. “It’s about who is controlling the narrative. It’s got to be about all Black lives matter.”

A distraught Secoriya Williamson, the father of Secoriea Turner, drove home that point after the death of his daughter, who was killed by gunfire in a confrontation with protesters who have camped out at the Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was killed last month by an Atlanta officer.

“They say Black lives matter. You killed your own this time,” Mr. Williamson said at a press conference. “You killed my baby because she [was in a car that] crossed a barrier and made a U-turn? She’s a child. She didn’t do nothing to nobody.”

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot blamed “way too many guns” for the recent surge in violence, as well as the pent-up restlessness after the novel coronavirus shutdowns, as well as “poverty, lack of hope, despair, not enough access to the things that we know build healthy and strong families and communities.”

Mr. Lemon also pointed to firearms. “The gun culture in this country is prevalent, but I don’t understand what that has to do with a movement that’s for equality for Black people,” he said.

Mr. Blackwell, a Black Republican who previously served as mayor of Cincinnati and Ohio state treasurer, noted that high Black-on-Black crime has long plagued urban areas, but it’s an “inconvenient truth” for progressive groups like Black Lives Matter as well as the Democrats who control most major cities.

“The problem is that Black Lives Matter incorporated would have to start dealing with the fact that many of the mayors and police chiefs in these cities are Black,” Mr. Blackwell said. “Their officers are representatives of the communities they serve.”

If Black Lives Matter went after the problem of Black violence, he said, “this advancement of this false narrative of problematic, systemic racism in police departments across the country would pale, and you would start having to hold accountable those folks that are in charge of those cities.”

The risk for Black Lives Matter is that the disconnect will tarnish the movement’s credibility at a time when its profile has never been higher. Millions of dollars have poured into BLM-affiliated groups, and the call to “defund the police” has resulted in a slew of major cities scrambling to divert funding from law enforcement to community services.

Mr. Lemon argued that Black Lives Matter’s focus is police brutality, not Black-on-Black crime — “that’s not what Black Lives Matter is all about,” he said — but others have noted that BLM groups like the Movement for Black Lives have extensive political and social agendas that go far beyond policing.

“I do think the extreme specificity of what BLM actually focuses on does or should hurt their credibility among serious people,” Mr. Reilly said in an email. “First, despite Don Lemon’s best efforts, I wouldn’t agree they DO say their primary focus is police brutality. The BLM website includes detailed passages dealing with everything from nuclear families (bad) to a ‘free Palestine’ (good).”

The original Black Lives Matter, founded in 2013 and now called the Black Lives Matter Global Network, has also advocated for the rights of Black immigrants and focused on “the egregious ways in which Black women, specifically Black trans women, are violated.”

One of the three co-founders, Patrisse Cullors, said in a 2015 interview that she and co-founder Alicia Garza were “trained Marxists.”

“Even if an anti-police or anti-police brutality message were consistently communicated, a very valid question would be: ‘Why is that the case?’ ” asked Mr. Reilly. “If there are 15 police shootings of unarmed Black people, and 15,000 murders of young Black and poor white men, every year, why does a movement focused on ‘Black Lives’ devote 99% of its attention to the first problem?”

As Mr. Crews put it, “Black people need to hold other Black people accountable. This is Black America’s version of the MeToo movement.”


As many of you probably already know, most of the mayors and police chiefs where these police brutality incidents occur are in fact black or are Democrats. Many times black officers are also involved in the police brutality cases, but this inconvenient fact tends to be systemically elided by national media outlets. Another thing is the hypersensitivity of BLM activists when they're met with 'All Lives Matter' counter slogans, this in turn leads to the condemnation that they care little to nothing about the shocking black-on-black crime rates, undermining their vaunted slogan, but for some odd reason they did find the time to call for the dismantlement of the 'patriarchy', the nuclear family and strive to support 'Palestine', illegal immigrants and peddle the myth that 'trans black women' are being killed at extraordinary rates. Ironically enough they don't say that it's mostly black men killing the few 'trans black women' that indeed are murdered.
John Lott is, of course, Full of Shit. The AP report from Monday, the day before he produced this bollocks, described Kelete both as "Black" and "originally from Eritrea". You don't get more mainstream in American news reporting than AP. His complaint is that mainstream media is not as biased as his attempts at reporting:

Overall, we rate the Crime Prevention Research Center Right Biased based on strongly advocating for guns and the conservative agenda. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting based on a few failed fact checks. ... ch-center/
The ethnicity of the suspect involved in the incident was almost immediately publicly known hours after the incident happened on 4 July. In a 24 hour news cycle with incidents like this going viral, the AP was apparently behind on the facts for three days and/or refused to explicitly state the ethnicity of the alleged perpetrator during a period of intense racial hysteria and friction, with many in the MSM alleging routine 'right wing vehicular attacks' on 'innocent BLM protesters'. As for 'media bias fact check'. The irony of course is that this website itself is apparently also biased - as is often the case with these 'fact checking' websites.
The Sabbaticus wrote:The ethnicity of the suspect involved in the incident was almost immediately publicly known hours after the incident happened on 4 July. In a 24 hour news cycle with incidents like this going viral, the AP was apparently behind on the facts for three days and/or refused to explicitly state the ethnicity of the alleged perpetrator during a period of intense racial hysteria and friction, with many in the MSM alleging routine 'right wing vehicular attacks' on 'innocent BLM protesters'. As for 'media bias fact check'. The irony of course is that this website itself is apparently also biased - as is often the case with these 'fact checking' websites.


So, I clicked on the link that you provided that supposedly provides evidence for the claim that MediaBIasFactCheck (MBFC) is itself biased.

Agresti claims that MBFC were biased in their fact checking of his site, JustFacts (JF).

He specifically mentions these two sentences supposedly written by MBFC:

    On their article, they use the Richard Sander’s (law professor at UCLA) essay “A Systematic Analysis of Affirmative Action in American Law Schools.” To support much of their hypothesis, obviously against affirmative action (seeming also to support the notion of black intellectual abilities being inferior).

But if you go to the MBFC website dealing with JF, these two sentences are not there.

The email exchange at the end that explains why this text no longer appears is hilarious. Jim Passive Agresti.
skinster wrote:Sab is obsessed with ID politics. Shut up, Sab.

The left and the Liberal media keep lying. They're the deranged obsessives. But of course its the normal response of cults to accuse those who successfully expose their lies and hypocrisy as being obsessed.
These shit threads by these unreliable sources are so pathetic that they do not deserve to be in the North America section. They hardly deserve to be in your SJW thread. They are propaganda accusing others of propaganda without citing any evidence of it but only by creating an aura of propaganda in order to rile up racists.

Everybody heard about the black man killing the white people. Fake news.
The driver was a Seattle local named Dawit Kelete. But you’ll find scant mention of the driver’s ethnicity in mainstream media coverage. You might have more easily learned that Kelete was black by going to the Australia Broadcasting Corporation. The American national media also doesn’t note that Kelete’s two victims were white. You can find that out over at the U.K.’s Daily Mail.

The Chicago Tribune did mention that the suspect is black. The Australia Broadcasting Corporation cannot be the right source to go to, if you want to know that happened in America because they are not physically in the United States, except for this occasion in which an Aussie cameraman was punched in front of the White House because he was mistaken as one of the protesters. American media outlets generally do a better job covering international news and they write and speak better English, too.

Kelete’s lawyer, John Henry Browne, said his client, who is Black, did not intentionally hit the protesters. He said the crash was a “horrible, horrible accident.”

“There’s absolutely nothing political about this case whatsoever,” Browne told The Associated Press. “My client is in tears. He’s very remorseful. He feels tremendous guilt.”

Kelete is originally from Eritrea, in northeastern Africa, and is a U.S. citizen, Browne said. He lives with his parents in Seattle, and they’re very religious, he said.

A message seeking comment from Black Lives Matter Seattle-King County said they have no comment on the charges. ... story.html

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