What every good American should know about LOOOONEYs - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
The term 'conspiracy theory' conotates a set of beliefs based on a WRONG interpretation of events by a LOOOONEY. A LOOOONEY is someone who has no grasp on REAL STUFF and exists to entertain and provide an example to those of us who know about REAL STUFF.

Often times you'll hear a LOOOONEY talking and can easily recognize him as such by his outlandish claims such as "America sold Saddamn weapons of mass destruction". A LOOOONEY obviously uses arguments like this for personal gain and furthering his own LOOOONEY agenda.

You might be asking your self: "I'm just an obedient middle class suburbanite, how can I possibly hope to spot a LOOOONEY?" Well the first step is watching TV. Only TV can inform you of things that REALLY HAPPEN, I especially recommend Bill Orielly or Rush Limbaugh. Try to imagine a situation where everything you hear on TV is correct, and everything any one else says that is contradictory is LOOOONEY propaganda.

LOOOONEY's are dangerous individuals, for instance I typically like to spray my garden with DDT as it is a great pesticide chemical made by an american company! I told a friend at work (who is a LOOOONEY) and he said that doing so is harmful to my family.. Really now, where do these LOOOONEY's get their silly ideas!

What should you do if you meet a LOOOONEY? Well first call him a LOOOONEY and violently oppose everything he says. If you think he has infiltrated your mind with his ideas go watch television for 4 hours. IMPORTANT! Less then 4 hours and you might still remain infected by his LOOOONEYism. If a LOOOONEY manages to convert you to his way of thinking you might end up a crazy hippy smoking dope and having unmoral sexual relationships! So be careful!
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By Boondock Saint
I was about to ask the point of this thread but then I realized which forum its in ...
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By Attila The Nun
Loonies is basically what this whole forum is about. Didn't you read the title?
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By MB.
Well, I consider anyone who believes in god to be rather crazy, or just willfully ignorant.
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By PhilosoFlea
My post was a subtle commentary on propaganda in America and the closed mindset exaggerated to the point of silliness, to help illustrate something that maybe some of us subconsciously are guilty of?

Conspiracy Theory is a label we give to an idea that for one reason or another we think is factually incorrect or ignorant, and a good portion of the time it may actually be incorrect. However, I’ve have heard so many fringe ideas discounted as being conspiracy theories right off, with out any consideration of the facts involved. And then we turn around to our TV’s to get the “real story” as if we believe the box has a monopoly on truth.
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By Falleen Prince Xizor
I'd be inclined to agree
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By Boondock Saint
Jesus and Elvis are in a space ship over my head right now!!!

Its on the internet ... it must be true.
By Ixa
PhilosoFlea is absolutely right. I have noticed how a good deal of critics of U.S. foreign policy and human rights abuses are absurdly labelled as 'conspiracy theorists'. Rumsfeld called every critic if the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal a 'conspiracy theorist'.
By Josh
I especially like the part about O'Reilly. Anyone who believes that guy isn't republican-biased and off his rocker needs to be kicked in the head by the ghost of Bruce Lee. In an interview with Bono (I believe it was Bono), who was talking about how the US should do a lot more to help the AIDS situation in Africa, O'Reilly chastised him as naive but well-intentioned. Naive for wanting the US to do more about the AIDS thing? :knife:

He'd be naive for expecting it, though. At least under this administration.

(Can't ya tell how big a fan I am of THE FACTOR? :evil: )
By Devlar
Loonies are actually what Canadian's call 1 CDN, they call the two dollar coin a Toonie
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By Byrath
This was a great post :)
I thought you were being serious until the part about Limbaugh and O'Reilly. Well done!

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