Pentagon Hoax? - Politics | PoFo

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Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
By skeptik
I saw this "film" made by what most would call a "conspiracy nut", but it was actually pretty interesting (considering there isn't a single conspiracy out there that even remotely interests me, except this one).

It was about how there was no sign of a 747 (or whatever model the plane was) that hit the Pentagon. The earliest news footage broadcast was of the same day, but in the footage there are just no plane parts to be seen, no engine, no luggage, no dead passengers, while the only damge cast was some (in comparison to the supposed event) minor destruction to one of the faces of the Pentagon, not even a dent!

The only "officially" released pictures from the Pentegon show Pentegon employees (civilians) picking up parts of the "plane". Well, according to the guy's argument, these plane parts uncannily resemble the parts the make up some kind of US spy plane (the name of which I can't remember). This would account for the fact that the pictures show people picking up rather large pieces that apparently came off the outer shell of the 747, which is pratically impossible considering the density of those metals. It would make much more sense if those pieces of metal come off of a spy plane that uses incredibly light materials for it's body.

Anyway, it's pretty long, and the guy speaks in a really droll voice, which at first makes you think he's just taking the piss, like he's explaining something to a group of 4 year olds. But his arguments are annoyingly captivating, and strangely unanswerable. Anyone ever wonder what happened to all the hoop-la surrounding the Pentegon crash?

(i can't believe I just said "hoop-la")
Last edited by skeptik on 28 Aug 2004 20:44, edited 1 time in total.
By skeptik
Wilhelm wrote:It's "Pentagon".

:eh: shit, that's wierd. I type that word a lot (usually correctly). Just one of those days... :knife:
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By Utopian_Anarchist
Do you know where I could find this film? I found one that seems similar to it, but it has music in the background. Ijust got the link from my girlfriend:

Found another interesting site. Although totally contradictory to the other one I was speaking of (in how they prove it to be a hoax). ... urs_en.htm
By Kov
You don’t know me, the thread is long dead... but I am going to post for once :P

I had a thread about this a bit ago, its berried deep within some of the other sections. Back in the day we did not have a conspiracy theory thread.

The pentagon thing is very interesting actually, but the conspiracy theory is not about just that, its about how almost all of 9/11 was a hoax. Yes, there are some wild claims in there, but the sad truth is that a lot more of it makes more since that the current story.

Here is how you can find it on goggle and many sites about it:
Here is the new link to that website:


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