(Concerning) Final Phase update: USA prepares for war - Page 6 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
By Damien
Hamilcar wrote:
I did actually have to check first for your information, and it's very "hypothetical" nature would make it a very unlikely source of power for the Russians, unless, of-course, the secret Russian scientists had managed to uncover its secrets - which is actually a very real possibility, of-course. But I truthfully don't know again.

There *is* no phlogiston. ;)


I did catch onto that though, didn't I?Image

But also please note my follow-up statement about its possible discovery at the hands of the Russians though.:eek:
[quote="Damien]But also please note my follow-up statement about its possible discovery at the hands of the Russians though.:eek:[/quote]

I'm starting to see how your mind has come to your 'theories' when you think that 'secret Russian scientists' might uncover it's secrets. :|
Damien wrote:[Yes. According to one of my secret sources: "two-metre-high" "insectoid" robots, I think kind of like a giant preying mantis. But not cyborgs!Image

Above: A typical preying mantis.

Above: How the Soviet prototype preying mantis might possibly look like.

Hamilcar wrote:
Powered by phlogistons, no doubt.

No. Well, I don't think so anyway.

Yo bro, go read up on what the phlogiston is. ;)

I did actually have to check first for your informationImage, and it's very "hypothetical" nature would make it a very unlikely source of power for the Russians, unless, of-course, the secret Russian scientists had managed to uncover its secrets - which is actually a very real possibility, of-course.:eek: But I truthfully don't know again.

...That's it. You've lost your mind. Robots being warriors is decades away. Russia does not have nearly enough technology.

This makes me question all your sources.
Last edited by Attila The Nun on 17 Jun 2004 22:27, edited 2 times in total.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
This just keeps getting wierder and wierder... Are you sure this isn't all disinformation?
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By Attila The Nun
polyfrag wrote:This just keeps getting wierder and wierder... Are you sure this isn't all disinformation?

It is. Believe me.
By Josh
Damien wrote:
Josh wrote:
Finally, Red Dawn is the farthest thing from an accurate prediction of a war between the US and Russia. Especially considering the collapse of the Soviet Union.

That last comment is just so absurd that I am not even going to bother to refute it - as if you had even actually bothered to take into account all that I have said the collapse of the Soviet Union was a complete and an all-out fraud which was quite purely perpetrated in order to get the foolish West under Reagan(!) to disarm so that they could later come back and destroy it and further their ultimately new Leninist goal of instigating no less than a World Communist Revolution!

Question: If you aren't going to refute my "absurd" comment, then what was that large, emboldened, and underlined block of text in your post? :roll:

Anyways, could you please provide some actual proof for this? Instead of just yelling and ranting, alluding to your own previously posted threads, could you show some resources? Such as CNN articles and the like, instead of random conspiracy-theory sites, which are basically unreliable.

Oh, and I am in no way trying to be mean, vindictive, or anything like that when I say this, but... I highly doubt that your threads are oh-so-famous and the like, despite how you may dress it up in your allusions to them. Again, not trying to be mean or anything...
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By Noumenon
Damien wrote:Have you ever read Foundations of the Ideal State by Joel Skousen, by any chance? He says things like this, and in fact he also believes that "there are no right-wing governments in the world today, only varieties of leftists". ("Classic" Left=tendencies towards greater government control, "Classic" Right=more individual freedom - "free enterprise".)

Haven't read it, but thats very true. I don't think any country is headed in a more right-wing direction. That is because politicians rarely give up power, they always want more. And moving in a left-wing direction generally gives them more power, while moving in a right wing direction gives them less.

And George Soros still isn't a true capitalist. He may have been strongly against communism, but he is also clearly against free market capitalism.

http://iranscope.ghandchi.com/Anthology ... apital.htm

Damien wrote:I personally would be more-or-less fine with this - because it would be entirely in the benefit of the World Revolution.

Even the looming prospect of Russia having full total military hegemony over the world - which is what the United States openly has today - would be fine once again for me as it would ensure the success of world communism ultimately.

Besides, Stalin personally ordained this political goal.

So you admit it, you're an imperialist?

Damien wrote:Why would an "innocent" person be working within a United States capitalist American military institution then?

Maybe you don't understand how destructive nuclear weapons are? They would kill many more people than just those on the military bases.

Damien wrote:Even so, I have already said and made clear that civilian casualties will be - sadly - unavoidable during this coming period.

Intentions are irrelevant. Even the most evil men had good intentions. Hitler just wanted to ensure national glory and glory for the Aryan race, I'm sure. So it doesn't matter if you only intend to kill the guilty on military bases, if you kill millions of innocents, you are guilty yourself. Guilty of genocide on a scale ten times worse than Hitler. And that makes you evil.

Damien wrote:Quite true. That is why we need a Khmer Rouge-type system - the complete abolishment of all of the money in the world!

You can destroy money, but you can't destroy wealth. Money is simply a substitute for wealth. If money is destroyed, then who will control the wealth? In the case of socialism, the "people" or the government will. So you've still got tyranny.

It just pisses me off when all of these capitalist right-wing radio presenters and disc-jockeys say repeatedly that they have "no sympathy" for the homeless and that they should just go and "get a job". Who on Earth would employ a homeless person?!

If they were motivated, a charity could help clean them up and maybe help them get a job. Actually about 50-60% of homeless people in America are employed. 50% of the homeless are individuals with drug or alcohol problems. About one third are mentally ill. ... yopap.html

Damien wrote:I don't see why Princes William and Harry should have palaces while people die in small near-claustrophobic council house rooms. Everyone having the same - bar the old capitalists + aliens - sounds completely good to me.

Equality and liberty are often at odds with each other. You can only make people equal by making them slaves. They would have to be prevented, by force, from rising above the lowest common denominator.

Damien wrote:I only want to save all leftists and Slavs, actually.

Better be careful there. What would Hitler say? "Oh, I only want to save fascists and Aryans."

Damien wrote:And it's all being done in the "great" names of securing an enduring "freedom" and "democracy" around the world.

And you are different how? You want to do evil things in the "great" name of communism, which most people don't even want. You would force it on them.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Okay, so let me get an idea how this will play out...

At some point in time, it's going to become obvious to the leaders of the US, and they're going to go into hiding. As this is going on, (certain) Russians would be briefed of the situation and would rush to safety of the underground city. As nukes are launched from Russia at key military targets, platoons of these cyborgs will be activated from within the US, and some top-secret high-tech carriers will stealthily transport the new Red Army to liquidate any resistance.

Did I get that right?
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By Comrade Ogilvy
polyfrag wrote:Okay, so let me get an idea how this will play out...

At some point in time, it's going to become obvious to the leaders of the US, and they're going to go into hiding. As this is going on, (certain) Russians would be briefed of the situation and would rush to safety of the underground city. As nukes are launched from Russia at key military targets, platoons of these cyborgs will be activated from within the US, and some top-secret high-tech carriers will stealthily transport the new Red Army to liquidate any resistance.

Did I get that right?

POST of THE Day! POST of THE Day! :lol:

Todd where are you?
By Piano Red
Yes. According to one of my secret sources: "two-metre-high" "insectoid" robots, I think kind of like a giant preying mantis. But not cyborgs!

Above: A typical preying mantis.

Above: How the Soviet prototype preying mantis might possibly look like.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This should win Post of the Day!
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By Attila The Nun
It's official. Damien has lacked all credibility. No wonder he's not posting back. :lol:
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By Comrade Ogilvy
He raised some interesting points in the beginning, but this has just gotten so absurd, I feel sort of betrayed.

I just want to hear what he has to say. We've all put him under the spot light, let's not start making assumptions before he actually replies.
By glinert
That may be stupidest things I have ever seen. Damien, it all true, I built those gigantic robots in my basement. It all true.


(Damien will now take this seriously I know)

Damien please begin forming real political opinions. We not have bug things.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
glinert wrote:Damien please begin forming real political opinions. We not have bug things.

Perhaps a moment together in my GULAG Shack would unclutter his mind. :evil:
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By Noumenon
Well I was trying to have a rational discussion with him, but robot praying mantises!! I knew he was off the deep end, but I really don't think rationality can get through to him now.
By Spin
platoons of these cyborgs

You damn foo'

Didnt you read? They are insectoid like robots.

All because i joked about cyborgs.
By glinert
I hate to tell you this, but I fairly have good understanding of engineering and honestly, this not able to happen. there much more efficient ways of engineering somethgn to kill than giant insectoid like robots.

Here some more realistic goals:

Plastics with more bendability and flexibility and absolute memory.

Tank shifting power to shoot bullets using total electric energy.

There very scary things being devloped quite publically for military and they wll be very dangerous, but they not giant insects.
By Damien
The "praying mantis" robots.

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
Damien wrote:It just pisses me off when all of these capitalist right-wing radio presenters and disc-jockeys say repeatedly that they have "no sympathy" for the homeless and that they should just go and "get a job". Who on Earth would employ a homeless person?!>:

This is just yet another obvious reason why the United States and Prince William both must go for good!>: >: >:

We have Social Security, unemployment checks ete. to help the homeless (and I am against making a limit on when you can recieve it)

It doesn't stop homelessness altogether though, does it?:eek:

Medicare versus Medicaid, anyone?Image

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:And I think you forget that in communism everyone shares the misery of being poor.

Poor... but equal and happy.:)

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
I only want to save all leftists and Slavs, actually.

...don't we have our "master race" set up quite nicely?

The "leftists" are a "race"?:?:

The Slavic thing was just a figure of speech, that's all. I personally would not want to see the likes of Zbigniew Brzezinski saved at all.:eek: :)

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
Because America has always and will always stand vehemently opposing in the way of world socialism!:eek:

Exactly the point I were trying to make. You always have to force socialsm on people for it to work.

So you do admit that it "works" then?:D

Well, it's a good start, I suppose!:) ;)

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
Why didn't then America just leave the Vietcong to it? Why on Earth didn't they just leave the Soviet Union to it in Afghanistan? Why don't they just leave Cuba and North Korea alone? El Salvador and Angola? Mozambique and - now - Venezuela?!>:

I didn't support US actuion in any of those. Funny thing in America, people actually have different opinions about wars.

Good on you!

But I meant your Government though, not the people - or at least not all of them!:eek: They are the real interventionists - in fact they are probably, if not the, biggest interventionists in the whole human political history that I can think of!:eek:

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
Damien wrote:Just like it is today under President Putin then?:eek: And what happened to Hitler again, please do remind us?Image

The Russian winter defeated them, because Hitler was a tactical moron.

But his generals were not. And they soon met stunned with the clenched fist Sun Tzu and Carl von Clausewitz first-hand, just as Napoleon and his top generals did before then in the old Tsarist Imperial times.:eek:

Ask any Russian: they had some level of militaristic respect for the Nazis - even during the "Great Patriotic War"(!) - because they were a very well-trained, fit, determined, if a very much malign, fighting force. They have no respect for the Americans because they are just all greedy, lazy slobs!:eek:

...funny. I remember the US giving a lot during WWI, WWII ete. to other countries.

You were actually alive during World War I and II?!Image

I meant now, anyway. This stereotype has been about among Russians since about the days of the Vietnam War.

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
You have seen surely now more than enough evidence of the frequent Russian military exercises, I would imagine.Image

Delude yourself then!:eek:

I'll believe it when I see it. Some military runs don't prove anything. The Russians are probably training for an emergency terrorist threat.

By striking mainland North America?!:eek: :?:

(As is always the excuse.:eek:)

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
False. Russia is not arming, because it does not have the money to.

No, it doesn't!:eek: It has the American money to!:eek: Image

So money's good when it's going towards your little socialist dream? I could have sworn you said you didn't want any money in this very post...

Money doesn't grow on trees, you know!:eek: You must understand why this is needed: it is due to conditions of a current largely capitalist hegemonic world. Try to think also in terms of; "The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them by" - Lenin. Old Bolshevik Communist tactics are very much in fact alive and well in the present Russian Government.:eek:

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
I wonder why...?Image

Iraq? Afghanistan? Korea?

North Korea? How is that a threat?

You mean South Korea surely?Image Image

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
1. That was years ago,
2. They did not have nuclear weapons en masse back then.:eek:

By the way, that reminds me. I bet the UN won't be too happy

If you mean about weapons inspections and the like: then they are not. As I have told already, United Nations weapons inspectors cannot even get remotely near Yamantau Mountain and the surrounding highland area of Western Russia!:eek:

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
They have doing just that near-all the way through the 1990s!:eek: It is already more than done, trust me!:eek:

And I had this whole thing abot Russia being piss poor during the 90s. I guess all the lost money was just in the cushions of Yealtson's couch.

Well, Yeltsin was a very big man!:D

But yes, he knew full well that the rest of the money and the much of - if not all of - the Western aid was in fact going all the way up to Yamantau.:eek:

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
That's up to the individual.Image

Yeah, the fanatics.

They will, no doubt.

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
And doesn't it show?:eek:

That's your big thing? A communist propoganda newspaper? Try something reputable. Maybe something on the BBC, or CNN?

Remember though that there is a media silence on this. Only really the fringe political newspapers such as NewsMax and PRAVDA will even bother to comment on it, and then its all of the traditional "conspiracy theory" watchdogs, such as Soviet Analyst and World Affairs Brief, however reliable some of their testimony may actually be!:eek:

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, and Mao all thought that it was in fact very much the answer though.:eek:

And they were all insane, now weren't they?

We'll have to agree to differ on this one then.Image

Besides, Stalin saved the world from Hitler, and Mao later saved China from the capitalist threat of Chiang Kai-shek.

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
Millions/billions of "capitalists" though?:eek:

Don't forget those communists. There'll be billions of them blown away too by US nukes.

Hence we absolutely must make these preparations to evacuate those particular leftists in all of the danger zones right now.

"You cannot make an omelette without breaking some eggs" - Stalin.

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
Refer back to my comments on the sheer unavoidability of civilian casualties during this attack earlier on in this post.

It won't be a little bit of civilian casualties, it will be mainly civilian casualties. It would be a nuclear holocaust that would literally destroy the world, if not most of mankind.

I never said that there would be "limited" civilian casualties at all. I in fact even deliberately made a point of not doing. Just stay away from military bases from now until 2008 - that's all that I can say and/or do right now.

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
That's just the garbage peddled to keep you in line. I think that the US has itself done many atrocities

And Russia hasn't? Please, whatever the US did, it has nothing on Russia.

But the Western workers are oppressed.:(

And it's nearly been 200 years since Marx was born!:eek: >:

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
And we're actually talking France, Germany, Poland, and others here this time, not just Palestine or al-Qaeda.:eek:

I'm sorry, what was that? Captalist countries supporting a communist revolution?

Where were they over Iraq though?Image

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:I might believe Poland, since they were part of the Warsaw Pact, but no other. Germany hated Soviet rule. That's how the whole "Berlin Wall" thing started.

Even the socialist Germany of Chancellor Gerhard Schröeder?Image

They actually liked it in their own homes and they worshipped the Berlin Wall as their saviour from Western capitalism.Image

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
Fine, write to President Putin, and tell him that.:eek:

Yes, world socialism would be enforced after this event.

Funny, socialism with 5 people. I guess it could work.

150 million+ at Yamantau.:eek: Not to mention that surely more than a large part of the Chinese population would in fact also survive this thing!:eek:

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
glinert wrote:This truth. We will all die in nuclear war, bunker or not. No one will be left standing.

Exactly. Who said Russians didn't make sense?

"There is profound error and harm in the disoriented claims of bourgeois ideologues that there will be no victor in a thermonuclear war" - A. S. Milovidov, Russian Military Theorist.

"The principle of the employment of nuclear weapons in combination with other means of destruction follows from the fact that it is impossible to destroy all varied objectives on the battlefield with nuclear weapons alone. It is believed that nuclear weapons, as the main means of destruction, will be employed only for the destruction of the most important objectives; all other targets are neutralized and destroyed by the artillery, aviation, and the fire of tanks and other weapons" - Colonel A. A. Sidorenko, Soviet Strategist; Hackett, page 62-66.

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
But both Russia and it's people will most likely mostly survive this due to the United States being unable to retaliate through PDD-60. Britain likewise.

The US can still launch nukes. If a war starts up, we always have our nuclear bombers, submarines, missles ete.

Damien wrote:But both Russia and it's people will most likely mostly survive this due to the United States being unable to retaliate through PDD-60. Britain likewise.

Any unauthorised American retaliation would therefore be illegal militarily. And no-one sane wuld honestly want to be finding themselves court-martialled amid this coming thing, do they now?:eek:

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
Not if their military - which is already more than 50% stretched around the world :eek: :hmm: :| - is going to be targeted - all of their known nuclear bases included.:eek:

Which is maybe 15% of all the nuclear targets. It's basically the ame thing as throwing a dart at the US and nuking wherever the dart lands

The Russians are not stupid. They know full well just where exactly all of these military bases are in America and Great Britain, including the secret ones.:eek: This is why escape and evacuation will be such a problem. Even I don't know where the hell to go to during this coming period of major trouble and fallout for that very reason!:eek:

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
Build socialism with Soviet and Chinese help.

Nuclear war would mean the end of China and Russia, along wqith any other countries.

It would spell bad news indeed for many countries, such as the relatively small Caucasian nations that are located on the Southern Russian flank. "Nations will disappear in the twinkling of an eye". I don't know what the Chinese preparations are, but certainly there is a good chance that the Russian people will in fact mostly all survive this. That said, I would still sadly expect at least more than a million Russian deaths during the retaliatory period :(, most of them in fact military as they will be the likely ones outside of Yamantau.

Hamilcar wrote:
Damien wrote:But also please note my follow-up statement about its possible discovery at the hands of the Russians though.:eek:

I'm starting to see how your mind has come to your 'theories' when you think that 'secret Russian scientists' might uncover it's secrets. :|

No-one truly knows what they are doing up there. But I can assure you that it is not all just simple cave "rock" and stone.:eek:

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
Triggerhappy Nun wrote:
Damien wrote:Yes. According to one of my secret sources: "two-metre-high" "insectoid" robots, I think kind of like a giant preying mantis. But not cyborgs!Image

Above: A typical preying mantis.

Above: How the Soviet prototype preying mantis might possibly look like.

Hamilcar wrote:
Powered by phlogistons, no doubt.

No. Well, I don't think so anyway.

Yo bro, go read up on what the phlogiston is. ;)

I did actually have to check first for your informationImage, and it's very "hypothetical" nature would make it a very unlikely source of power for the Russians, unless, of-course, the secret Russian scientists had managed to uncover its secrets - which is actually a very real possibility, of-course.:eek: But I truthfully don't know again.

...That's it. You've lost your mind. Robots being warriors is decades away. Russia does not have nearly enough technology.

This makes me question all your sources.

No. It makes me question just one of my sources. I too don't believe this as I have not yet seen the full proof of the existence of these twelve things!:eek:

This information is from the son of Colonel Krutov though. He is usually quite reliable, even though I nearly fell off my chair with laughter at when he told me of this - and for that same reason; it's automatic very far-fetched nature.

polyfrag wrote:This just keeps getting wierder and wierder... Are you sure this isn't all disinformation?

This is what a fairly high-level military source in Moscow has told me.

Josh wrote:
Damien wrote:
Josh wrote:
Finally, Red Dawn is the farthest thing from an accurate prediction of a war between the US and Russia. Especially considering the collapse of the Soviet Union.

That last comment is just so absurd that I am not even going to bother to refute it - as if you had even actually bothered to take into account all that I have said the collapse of the Soviet Union was a complete and an all-out fraud which was quite purely perpetrated in order to get the foolish West under Reagan(!) to disarm so that they could later come back and destroy it and further their ultimately new Leninist goal of instigating no less than a World Communist Revolution!

Question: If you aren't going to refute my "absurd" comment, then what was that large, emboldened, and underlined block of text in your post? :roll:

Anyways, could you please provide some actual proof for this?

I have already delivered a lot of proof. Probably in fact more than is actually needed.:eek: Dig out some of my old posts.

Josh wrote:Instead of just yelling and ranting, alluding to your own previously posted threads, could you show some resources? Such as CNN articles and the like, instead of random conspiracy-theory sites, which are basically unreliable.

Good point. I have given Triggerhappy Nun a CNN link above.

Avoid conspiracy theory sites at all costs! Bar JRNyquist.com.

Josh wrote:Oh, and I am in no way trying to be mean, vindictive, or anything like that when I say this, but... I highly doubt that your threads are oh-so-famous and the like, despite how you may dress it up in your allusions t o them. Again, not trying to be mean or anything...

No offence taken. It just annoys me when people ask me a question or questions which just attentively require rather lengthy answers on my part just as Socialist-BLUE-Gonzo did earlier on in this thread. I also refer to old posts and earlier threads on which a detailed - or even a brief - answer is given when a question on a fairly advanced area - such as Stakhanovism - which requires a long answer is asked. Your input is in fact very much-valued though, don't get me wrong. But to understand Golitsyn is indeed to understand the zist of it.

polyfrag wrote:Okay, so let me get an idea how this will play out...

At some point in time, it's going to become obvious to the leaders of the US, and they're going to go into hiding. As this is going on, (certain) Russians would be briefed of the situation and would rush to safety of the underground city. As nukes are launched from Russia at key military targets, platoons of these cyborgs will be activated from within the US, and some top-secret high-tech carriers will stealthily transport the new Red Army to liquidate any resistance.

Did I get that right?

Ultimately, yes.

You saw a long-bearded man who lives in a cave in an openly Third World country knock down two towers.:eek:

Triggerhappy Nun wrote:It's official. Damien has lacked all credibility. No wonder he's not posting back. :lol:


polyfrag wrote:He raised some interesting points in the beginning, but this has just gotten so absurd, I feel sort of betrayed.

I just want to hear what he has to say. We've all put him under the spot light, let's not start making assumptions before he actually replies.

This is what a fairly high-level military source in Moscow has told me. A source whom I question everyday, but yet also a source that has told me and shown me some simply amazing things in the past.

See just what else the Russians are doing from the horse's own mouth.

Colonel Krutov in relation to the top-secret praying mantis robots wrote:Surely you don't believe a word I just said, but you will see, oh, you will see when we finally launch the site.

Even if this is all "disinformation" or just pure rubbish then it doesn't at all stop the preparations that are going on up in Yamantau Mountain or the continuing Russian nuclear advancement. It just means that I was in fact misled over this praying mantis thing, that was all. Remember in fact that I to actually openly doubt the authenticity of the Colonel, but now I believe that he is genuine.

glinert wrote:That may be stupidest things I have ever seen. Damien, it all true, I built those gigantic robots in my basement. It all true.

Image :eek:

Always nice to hear from you, glinert!:)

glinert wrote:(Damien will now take this seriously I know)

Then show me some proof! Just as the Colonel has.

glinert wrote:That may be stupidest things I have ever seen. Damien, it all true, I built those gigantic Damien please begin forming real political opinions. We not have bug things.

You were capitalist traitor to your Fatherland - you would just never be told!:eek: Don't be too surprised at all that you don't know then!:eek:

You are or were in the Soviet/Russian military though - you can always go and check this with Colonel Krutov if you try! They might just tell you!:eek:

polyfrag wrote:
glinert wrote:Damien please begin forming real political opinions. We not have bug things.

Perhaps a moment together in my GULAG Shack would unclutter his mind. :evil:


Noumenon wrote:Well I was trying to have a rational discussion with him, but robot praying mantises!! I knew he was off the deep end, but I really don't think rationality can get through to him now.

This is what a fairly high-level military source in Moscow has told me.

Furthermore there is better yet - such as the machine that can bring dead people back to life.:eek: polyfrag should know about this - through Colonel Krutov.

But I have also yet to see both the scientific and the physical proof for both of these purported "machines".:eek:

Do you people seriously think that I would go all that way just to destroy my own credibility like that if I was in fact real and serious about this whole thing?:eek: :?: I would not!

glinert wrote:I hate to tell you this, but I fairly have good understanding of engineering and honestly, this not able to happen. there much more efficient ways of engineering somethgn to kill than giant insectoid like robots.

Remember that only very significantly high-ranking echelons of the military will likely know about this. These robot prototypes are not even located in Russia - they are already, purportedly, of-course, in America!:eek: So you wouldn't in fact necessarily know about them!

Perhaps President Putin won't even know.:eek:

glinert wrote:Here some more realistic goals:

Plastics with more bendability and flexibility and absolute memory.

Tank shifting power to shoot bullets using total electric energy.

There very scary things being devloped quite publically for military and they wll be very dangerous, but they not giant insects.

So you are not completely in the dark after about this it would seem, glinert.:eek: Just the actual "Final Phase" plan itself then(?).

Are you aware of Aleksandr Shelepin at all?
Last edited by Damien on 18 Jun 2004 20:50, edited 4 times in total.
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