Race war in America imminent - Page 23 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
maz wrote:So your opinion appears to mean that unless a white person is either a lesbian, gay, bisexual or one of the newer variants of LGBT, they simply don't count to be defended by someone such as yourself. Did I read that right?

You forgot to mention a very important condition: they have to be slavishly devoted to the cause of Zionists.

Remember what Ovadia Yosef, the Israeli Rabbi, who got the greatest funeral in Israel, told about the relationship between Jews and non-Jews?
Pants-of-dog wrote:As far as I can tell, your argument is that refugees are a problem because racists who are just saying the same old thing are protesting Muslims who are a problem because Europe has a migrant crisis and the left starts violence and both sides are wrong and the PC people always start the fight and refugees are not immigrants and Muslims come over the border and Trudeau is a pinko who is wasting our tax dollars and politics is a game that refugees have no stake in and so you should just get over racism which is the fault of immigrants who are not refugees who are responsible for racism and this is a problem that PC people don't see and ya know and lol and why are you trying to censor me?

I believe you were an immigrant to Canada?
That means you legally went through the immigration process, and became a legal member of the Canadian society. My wife went through the same, and the Muslim woman in Manitoba as well. You all enjoy the rights Canada affords its citizens.
Refugees and illegal immigrants do not. They are skirting the process you, my wife and the Muslim woman, went through. Hence, they do not have the rights Canadians do. And because they are here illegally, they need to be rounded up, and sent packing.
Because that the LAW.
Buzz62 wrote::eh:
I believe you were an immigrant to Canada?
That means you legally went through the immigration process, and became a legal member of the Canadian society. My wife went through the same, and the Muslim woman in Manitoba as well. You all enjoy the rights Canada affords its citizens.
Refugees and illegal immigrants do not. They are skirting the process you, my wife and the Muslim woman, went through. Hence, they do not have the rights Canadians do. And because they are here illegally, they need to be rounded up, and sent packing.
Because that the LAW.

Refugees are not here illegally. They are also here legally and have many of the same rights as any other immigrants. Their processing may be different from the processing of other immigrants, but just as legal.

Refugess and illegal immigrants are two different things.
You can not give gays equal rights without denying the rights of those who believe it is morally wrong.

This is demonstrably untrue. People who hold that homosexuality is wrong (almost always for religious reasons) are still perfectly free to not practice homosexuality, to teach their children that it is wrong and to campaign against its practice in others. All they are prohibited from doing is discriminating against homosexuals in the marketplace.

Democracy was the solution to this. The majority decides.

This is also a misunderstanding of what at least the US form of democracy means. Our government was design to protect individuals from the tyranny of the majority. That was its express purpose in the beginning. I think it is important to remind Americans that our revolution was against another democracy. Not an absolute monarch.

The only way to please more people is to give them more autonomous areas. The real problem is demanding the minority has rights everywhere. This makes no logical sense. What happened to majority rule?

This is an odd notion. I understand that you prefer local rule. We have that in the US to an extent. Less now than before. And I agree that there should be more decentralization of governmental function. For example I believe that doing away with the department of education is a good thing if done in favor of giving local schools control of and responsibility for the results they attain. This does not mean, however, that I favor allowing schools in Arizona to expel gay students because they are "immoral". The notion that they could just move elsewhere is not compelling.

You may not be aware of it but you imagine a system in which there are no immutable individual rights. Under your system all human rights are defined by what a simple majority wants at the moment. So if a majority wants to abolish, for example, free speech or define any speech that criticizes the government as "sedition" then you appear to be good with that.

The single most important key to any workable democracy is freedom of speech. This is not a community right, it is an individual one. So starting there you have to admit that at its heart democracy must recognize the supremacy of the individual or is perishes.

You can see what happens when individual rights are diminished by looking at money in politics in the US. We have allowed our nominal democracy to be co opted by this money. Ask yourself this. Imagine that we went back to the law as it was in early US history. Imagine that corporations were not allowed to contribute money to political campaigns in any way. How would America be different?


Refugess and illegal immigrants are two different things.

True. But what about illegal immigrants? What rights should they have? My contention is that they should be protected from exploitation like any citizen. Whether this is sexual slavery or just under-the-table low wages they will not be protected until one of two things happens. Either they are allowed to stay legally or they are expelled. So the solution to the problem is to determine whether or not they have a legitimate claim to stay. If they don't, expel them.

You are to consider that anyone can apply for US or Canadian entry. Not everyone will be admitted. This is as it should be. I believe that the concept of "nation" has real meaning and value. Inherent in the very concept is the principle of borders and controlled entry. I am a big fan of legal immigration. I am sympathetic to illegal immigrants. That said, they remain illegal immigrants. And they should be humanely sent home.
There would not even be the possibility of a race war if it weren't for the constant race-baiting propaganda being spewed out by CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS/FOX/Huffington Post/Salon.

It's also interesting that the photo of the guy rescuing people in some kind of boat with the Confederate flag went viral on Twitter but it is very hard to find the image anywhere else.

The Left is Triggered by Hurricane Harvey Because it Proves America Isn’t Racist


This spontaneous outpouring of community spirit and color-blind resilience has infuriated some on the left because it has completely eviscerated their race-baiting narrative that America is deeply divided, emphasizing how most of that division is being contrived by the media and far-left political movements.

Left-wing Slate writer Katy Waldman, who was first triggered by the photograph below of a white man saving an Asian woman, asserted that “Houston doesn’t showcase America at its best” because….reasons (all of which appear to be pretentious waffling).

After a backlash, Waldman deleted her tweet and changed the headline of her article.

Meanwhile, Politico chose to respond to the catastrophe by mocking the victims of the hurricane.

They posted a cartoon of a white man wearing a Confederate flag shirt and his daughter being rescued that mocked their faith in God and thanked the government for rescuing them. The image was soon deleted.

The official Women’s March Twitter account also specifically directed followers to donate to charities to help non-white people.

“The only group to separate #Harvey victims by color, race or national background . Everybody else is just saving people,” remarked actor James Woods.

The Alt-Left on Twitter has also feverishly expressed their desire to see the catastrophe impact only white people.

The usual suspects, outlets like the Root and the Huffington Post, also tried to gloss over the powerful uniting force that the disaster has had by attempting to make it all about race and anti-Trump hysteria.

The fantastic, heartfelt, heroic and color-blind reaction that Hurricane Harvey has elicited has rendered the Alt-Left furious.

Basic authentic reality has once again wrecked their fake moral panic and ruined their frenzied claim that America is on the brink of a race war.

All this is not to say that racism doesn’t still in exist in America, but the notion that Americans are so divided that they are ready to choose sides in a “civil war,” as Salon.com asserted earlier this week, is patently ridiculous.

These people are ghouls.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Refugees are not here illegally. They are also here legally and have many of the same rights as any other immigrants. Their processing may be different from the processing of other immigrants, but just as legal.

Refugess and illegal immigrants are two different things.

Really? All the "refugees" who are wondering across the boarder in Manitoba and Quebec, from their homes, jobs and lives in the USA, are "refugees"?
Before you answer...my wife became a "refugee" when she arrived from the Eastern Blok in the '80's.
By the time her case came up, the Velvet Revolution had happened, and her claim was denied.
So now explain to me, how all the US residents and/or citizens, are not here illegally and shouldn't be sent back?
@Drlee England was not considered a Democracy until 1918.
Individual rights can only be given by a community unless you believe God gave them to you.
They are meaningless unless they are recognized by the community.
Buzz62 wrote:Really? All the "refugees" who are wondering across the boarder in Manitoba and Quebec, from their homes, jobs and lives in the USA, are "refugees"?

Me: Refugess and illegal immigrants are two different groups of people.

Buzz: Are you saying that illegal immigrants are refugees!?

Me: :roll:

Before you answer...my wife became a "refugee" when she arrived from the Eastern Blok in the '80's.
By the time her case came up, the Velvet Revolution had happened, and her claim was denied.

This is irrelevant.

So now explain to me, how all the US residents and/or citizens, are not here illegally and shouldn't be sent back?

Who are you talking about?

Are you discussing Syrian refugees? You brought these guys up before and incorrectly claimed that they were crossing the border illegally.

Are you under the incorrect impression that the illegal immigrants are US residents or citizens?

The illegal immigration that is happening right now in Canada is mostly Haitians who have been denied status in the US and are trying to get in here.
Buzz62 wrote:I don't really care where they come from originally.
Canada is not a fuckin' dumping ground for people who don't like their homes.

...except for people like your wife. Or me. Or your ancestors.


Hindsite wrote:There you go playing dumb again. Ha ha :lol:

I guess Buzz is playing dumb too, because he also doesn't know who he was talking about.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I guess Buzz is playing dumb too, because he also doesn't know who he was talking about.

Tell me, who was Buzz talking about?
Pants-of-dog wrote:I have no idea, which is why I was asking Buzz that very same question.

So it is not really Buzz, but you, that does not know who he is talking about. Does refugees and illegal immigrants refresh your memory?
Hindsite wrote:So it is not really Buzz, but you, that does not know who he is talking about. Does refugees and illegal immigrants refresh your memory?

I would hope that Buzz knows what he is talking about. Again, that is why I asked him. Because he is the person who is most likely to know exactly who he is talking about when he referrred to the US citizens and residents coming over the border.

As far as I know, the illegal immigrants currently crossing the US/Canada border are not Us citizens or permanent residents. They are Haitians who were granted temporary refugee status after the 2010 earthquake.

Now, it is possible that Buzz is referring to some other bunch of people who are also crossing the same border but are actually refugees fleeing the US. Or that he somehow knows that the Haitians were refugees years ago and is therefore using the terms "refugees" and "illegal immigrants " to describe this group as they used to be the former and are now the latter, but has somehow forgotten that they are Haitians and not US citizens or residents.

Or he could be talking about Syrian refugees, which seem to be the cause of bigotry and the people responsible for white supremacists in Canada according to Buzz. He brought them up before but since they are not crossing the US border, Buzz is probably not referring to them.

The most likely explanation is that he doesn't know they are Haitians and thinks they are illegal immigrants from the US claiming refugee status.

But we should not make assumptions and we should let him answer.
I always wonder why refugees traveled half way around the world to a country with a foreign culture, religion and language to seek refuge.

If they are young men it is often because they are too frightened to join the opposition to the regime that is oppressing them and their families. They would prefer to take cover in the US until young Americans liberate their countries.
Are you guys discussing the Haitians who are now crossing into Canada?

Because your whole war thing makes no sense in that context. It would seem that you are ignoring facts just to insult refugees.
Pants-of-dog wrote:But we should not make assumptions and we should let him answer.

Okay, I understand your confusion now. Yes, let him answer, if he wishes to do so. However, I got the impression he was tired of dealing with your questions.
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