Race war in America imminent - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By maz
All of this because three and a half years non-stop race-baiting by the media.

Angry clashes in South Carolina as Ku Klux Klan and New Black Panther Party come face-to-face in battle over Confederate flag
Angry clashes have erupted between members of the Ku Klux Klan and the New Black Panther Party as both groups rally at the South Carolina statehouse.

Confederate flags were stolen and ripped up to cheers and applause from the New Black Panther demonstrators - while KKK members stood on the steps of the capitol performing Nazi salutes.

The white supremacists came out in force on Saturday afternoon to condemn the governor's decision to remove the Confederate Flag due to its associations with racial hatred.

Countering their demonstration, around 400 people with links to the New Black Panther Party marched in the name of racial equality - calling on politicians to do more than simply bring down a flag.

Although leaders insisted they would steer clear of one another, disputes were soon breaking out between off-shoots.

It looks like they emptied the prisons and recruited every, provocateur, informant and crazy extremist they could find for this staged showdown. It's interesting that no politicians, community leaders or media figures on either side are calling for calm or trying to resolve the issue with rational dialog. If any have been, then I must have missed it.

Here is the kind of people that average whites in America are likely going to have to deal with if this thing doesn't blow over. And there are lots more of these guys than there are "neo-Nazis" or "KKK" people.

Last edited by maz on 20 Jul 2015 04:47, edited 1 time in total.
A religious war in Europe is far more likely than a race war in America. The very few people upset at burning confederate battle flags is a tiny minority of redneck, inbred, wife-beating, mouth-breathers. most of Americans don't give a rat's ass.



It was a small-scale rally only attended by dozens of protesters and there were more police officers at the scene of the KKK protest. Many officers were deployed to prevent the rally from devolving into a brawl and some law enforcement officials carried long-barreled firearms and wore body armour. The Loyal White Knights, which held the rally outside the South Carolina state capitol, calls itself the largest Klan group in America but it has fewer than 100 members.
Godstud wrote:A religious war in Europe is far more likely than a race war in America. The very few people upset at burning confederate battle flags is a tiny minority of redneck, inbred, wife-beating, mouth-breathers. most of Americans don't give a rat's ass.

You must not be paying attention to the battle that's being fought on social media that is spilling out IRL. There are videos of these idiots stealing Confederate flags off houses, from moving vehicles and random fights breaking over this stupid shit.

One of the idiots in that video I posted was waving around a firearm and threatening to kills some "crackas" over a stupid goddamn flag. Wonder if it's a legal firearm.

Fortunately, there seems to be somewhat of a call for calm by blacks on social media, but I want to know where the political and law enforcement leaders are on this. Some people are likely to get killed, and if and when that happens, all bets are off.
Yes, it's stupid shit done by a very small number of idiots. It's a very very small minority of idiots doing it, however, and people know that. You're making a mountain out of a mole-hill.

maz wrote:Some people are likely to get killed, and if and when that happens, all bets are off.
People get killed every day. Stop being so melodramatic.
Godstud wrote: People get killed every day. Stop being so melodramatic.

Boy if that's not the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is. You and the usual suspects were front in center whooping it up in that Chattanooga shooting thread as if it was the first shooting of the year.
ISIS has been at it over a year and and are fighting everyone, and killing thousands. A few guys tearing down redneck flags isn't the same thing. Stupid comparison!

You just don't like it that I'm not jumping up and buying your "call or arms", and fear-mongering. USA has had worse racist problems than this, and it's never led to a race war.
I doubt there's even a chance of a small-scale riot over this issue.

maz wrote:Fortunately, there seems to be somewhat of a call for calm by blacks on social media, but I want to know where the political and law enforcement leaders are on this. Some people are likely to get killed, and if and when that happens, all bets are off.

This is incredibly exaggerated. There are no imminent race riots let alone a race war on the horizon. Fringe groups like black nationalists and white nationalists are very small and marginalized; most people take little or no notice and couldn't care less about the Confederate flag thing. While there are a lot of very vocal liberals who are using the flag incident to play to promote racism concerning how evil whites are, and very vocal white supremacists and ultra-conservatives who are using the flag incident to espouse racism as well, most people don't really fall into either camp.

Moved this thread to Conspiracy Theories.
How many people showed up at this protest? A few dozen? I am not sure you could even riot with that many people, let alone cause a war.
Bulaba Jones wrote:I doubt there's even a chance of a small-scale riot over this issue.

This is incredibly exaggerated. There are no imminent race riots let alone a race war on the horizon. Fringe groups like black nationalists and white nationalists are very small and marginalized; most people take little or no notice and couldn't care less about the Confederate flag thing. While there are a lot of very vocal liberals who are using the flag incident to play to promote racism concerning how evil whites are, and very vocal white supremacists and ultra-conservatives who are using the flag incident to espouse racism as well, most people don't really fall into either camp.

Moved this thread to Conspiracy Theories.

We'll see. This is just getting started. But go ahead and bury the thread and instead of addressing real domestic threats, let's have thread after thread of hyperventilating and chicken little sky is falling nonsense over ISIS.
maz wrote:We'll see. This is just getting started. But go ahead and bury the thread and instead of addressing real domestic threats

Real domestic threats:

- Homelessness
- Unemployment
- Labor & workplace standards
- Poverty
- Food insecurity
- Rising cost of utilities and rent

And so on. No amount of huffing and puffing about that darned "race war" just over the horizon is going to make it so, or make the real domestic threats go away.
Bulaba Jones wrote:Real domestic threats:

- Homelessness
- Unemployment
- Labor & workplace standards
- Poverty
- Food insecurity
- Rising cost of utilities and rent

And so on. No amount of huffing and puffing about that darned "race war" just over the horizon is going to make it so, or make the real domestic threats go away.

Like I said, we'll see. I'm not saying that there will be a race war or race riots, only that it is possible if the media keeps up their relentless campaign of non-stop 24/7 race baiting over slavery and the Confederate flag stupidity.

Godstud wrote:Real foreign and domestic threat: Islam

Islam? Ok sure


Last edited by maz on 20 Jul 2015 15:51, edited 1 time in total.
That's all very well, fuser, but don't rule out the faceless horde of Mexicanos, using strategically placed anchor babies to complete the reconquest of Tejas. iArriba Arriba!
Interesting that The Sabbaticus' thread proposes a fairly questionable theory that US is exporting racial nonsense to Europe, but it's not considered a conspiracy theory. Weird.

KKK And Black Activists To Face Off In Rallies
This is what the United States is exporting around the world now-a-days. Racial schizophrenia on a transcultural level. With the hegemonic cultural dominance of American pop culture in the world, the continued inability of American society to properly deal with their schizophrenic race relations will ripple across the globe, and amplify racial entitlement issues, racial resentment and racial shaming.

A cultural cordon sanitaire around the United States is recommended.

Because moderators are backing up Dutch in this race war... Of course it all makes sense now, a new sticky dutch thread.

You make fair point Hesienberg, I should give it a long thought before putting my money in but DrSteve assures me of the success of great plan of Vietnamese people for this war.
Godstud wrote:Baltimore riots... the past.

I live in the suburbs and what I am hearing is that the verdicts of the 6 officers will come down in October. If they are found not guilty, this will get uglier than last time.

I still disagree with the original poster however and do not see a race war on the horizon.
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