Man sentenced to life in prison for rape of girl, now she says it never happened - Politics | PoFo

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Crime and prevention thereof. Loopholes, grey areas and the letter of the law.
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Man sentenced to life in prison for rape of girl, now female has recanted her testimony. But they are still not releasing the man from prison!
He was convicted even though there was pretty much no other evidence than the girl's accusation.

Her Boyfriend Has Been Locked Up For More Than 26 Years, Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil: "John Kinsel has been in prison for 26 years, convicted of raping Alyssa when she was just a child, a crime that he has never wavered. He says he did not do that crime. He's never wavered about that."

Attorney Justin Bonus, who is now representing Kinsel: "And that's the scary thing, that a person can be convicted of a crime that didn't happen. This happens every day in the criminal justice system."

The child who accused this man was only 9 years old at the time. She was angry that he was her mom's boyfriend, that he had become part of their family, and then angry when he tried to act like her father and discipline her.

They did a medical examination on the child to try to determine whether rape had occurred. The way the doctor explained the findings of the examination might have confused the jury. People are looking for a yes or no answer but this type of medical exam usually cannot give a yes or no answer with certainty, and that was especially true in this case. The findings did not really indicate rape but were still consistent with rape, meaning the doctor believed it was possible rape could have occurred but it was more leaning towards not showing that a rape had occurred.

The man had three trials. During the first two, the jury was unable to agree on a verdict. In the third trial, the jury was 9 to 3 , and it looked like another mistrial. But the judge sent the jury back in the jury room and one of the jurors finally relented, so the jury then became 10 to 2. At that time under the law in that state this was enough for a conviction. The U.S. Supreme Court later made a ruling prohibiting convictions in this situation, but the decision was not retroactive, so the man continued to remain in prison after this ruling.

In my personal opinion, if a man is accused of rape, he should get far less punishment if there is no other evidence that it happened, besides the victim's accusation, because there does exist a fairly significant chance the man might not be guilty.
But some people seem to have trouble viewing these sorts of situations in terms other than black and white (i.e. he either did do it or he did not do it).
The judicial system has made it clear that such things are not to happen again.

What only can be done now is to trial the girl on fraud or prejury and, if proven, compensate the wrongly convicted.

Otherwise, stop whining.
Patrickov wrote:What only can be done now is to trial the girl on fraud or prejury and, if proven, compensate the wrongly convicted.

The woman is not going to be sentenced to any prison time. We only know that he is innocent because this woman, many years later, finally had the courage to step forward and admit what she did.
If they punish the woman with any prison time, that might make other women afraid to come forward and recant their testimonies in the future.

She will not get 26 years in prison, and she will not even get 3 years in prison.

And here's the thing, even after she has stepped forward the authorities are still not immediately releasing the man from prison.
So who is responsible for that man being in prison after that? In my opinion, not the woman. She is responsible for the man being in prison up to the point she finally recanted her testimony.

I think the officials in the justice system are reluctant to admit they were wrong.

Patrickov wrote:The judicial system has made it clear that such things are not to happen again.

The judicial system has only said that people cannot be convicted again based on a 10 to 2 jury vote.
The fact that a man can be convicted based only on the word of an accuser, with no other evidence, has not changed.

Trying to claim "it doesn't matter" because "this type of thing is couldn't happen again" is a lie. Anyone who thinks that is in denial.

(The fact there were 10 jurors who were willing to convict suggests that a possibility exists that there could be or could have been a chance of 12 jurors willing to convict. The change in rules only makes it a little less likely this man with his specific case would have been convicted if the trial had taken place after 2020. Maybe the third trial would have resulted in a mistrial too and the man would have had to face another jury for the fourth time. Like a prosecutor continuing to roll the dice over and over again until they win)
According to the website, that Dr. Phil episode was published February 3, 2023. Meaning the man is still in prison.

Here's some more information:
Petition · Free John Kinsel, Wrongfully Incarcerated in Louisiana for more than 25 Years · ... topic_page

"In the years following the trial, Alyssa admitted to her friend, Georgette Evans, that she had lied by accusing John, and that fear of legal consequences for admitting to perjury kept her from coming forward with the truth.

At a 2006 hearing, Alyssa confirmed to a judge that John never raped her."

Rape conviction appeal denied: Girl's story recanted 16 years later | ... ars-later/

When Alyssa turned 19, she could no longer continue to sit on the sidelines and had to speak up. "I had contacted John's lawyers and told them I wanted to meet with them and recant my testimony. I spent my own dime, drove 1,500 miles, and we went back to court. And in front of everyone I recanted my testimony," said Alyssa.

Then just as the family's hopes are raised, the Louisiana Supreme Court shoots them down. The Court agrees that Alyssa's testimony and recantation are "preposterously unreliable," but that his conviction, at the time, was legitimate. "It is beyond regrettable that a possibly innocent man will not receive a new trial."

"I figured once I told the truth his conviction would be overturned, that they would let him out," said Alyssa. "And that didn't happen, at all. Louisiana justice system, right? You gotta love it."

"Just because someone says it didn't happen, it doesn't mean they hold the keys to the jail and if you think about it, it makes sense," said Netterville.
Tragically, with all appeals exhausted, another chance to prove John didn't rape Alyssa may never come. Even though everyone says he's innocent -- including the 10-year-old girl, now a 29-year-old woman, who put him in prison.

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