Jury awarded black worker $137 million in lawsuit for being called N-word - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Jury awarded black worker $137 million in lawsuit for being called N-word

A former black employee at a Tesla manufacturing plant got awarded $137 million for suffering "racial abuse".
Apparently it was a "hostile work environment" and a few other workers there used the N-word.

This was absolutely ridiculous.
The business regulatory environment and ridiculous lawsuits in California are not good.
The jury of course was in San Francisco.

I don't think it was a coincidence that Tesla announced they were moving to Texas shortly after the $137 million award in the lawsuit was announced.

Owen Diaz was hired as an elevator operator at Tesla's Fremont factory through an agency in 2015. In 2021 a jury awarded him $137 million in the lawsuit against the company. Diaz claimed that other workers told him to "go back to Africa". He claimed that racist that graffiti could be found in the bathrooms of the factory.

The $137 million payout was later reduced down to $15 million by a judge who wrote in his opinion that the $137 million award an "unconstitutionally large" amount.
Unsatisfied with that amount, Diaz then requested a retrial, which then resulted in his payout decreasing to $3.2 million.

I think that was STILL excessive. Although at least far less ridiculously excessive by comparison to those other amounts.

The latest update is that now Diaz's lawyers are claiming he "did not receive the free trial to which he was entitled" because of Tesla's "improper" line of questioning, saying that the use of "poisonous messaging" tainted the proceedings.
He's trying to find an excuse to get a retrial for the third time.

In my opinion this black man should not get ANY money.

The lawsuit system in progressive areas in the U.S. is out of control. People are suing over non-financial damages, like racism or sexual harassment. This is not what the civil court system was originally meant for.

It also demonstrates how the jury system does not always result in rational and reasonable decisions. In some cases that involve issues where lots of emotion is involved, it can be more like mob rule.

Black ex-Tesla worker awarded $3.2 million in a racial harassment case is seeking a new trial, saying 'poisonous messaging' made proceedings unfair, Business Insider, Sawdah Bhaimiya, May 10, 2023
Jury orders Tesla to pay $137 million to a former worker over racist treatment, New York Times, Niraj Chokshi, October 4, 2021

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