Men who meet underaged girls online - Politics | PoFo

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Ohio Chick-fil-A Owner Accused of Driving 400 Miles to North Carolina to Sexually Abuse 15-Year-Old

What's with all these 15 year old girls agreeing to meet middle aged men?
I know these men are sly & manipulative, but these teen girls can't be THAT naive.

Ohio Chick-fil-A Owner Accused of Driving 400 Miles to North Carolina to Sexually Abuse 15-Year-Old, People (magazine), March 7, 2024

How to determine how much punishment these men should get?

Let me remind everyone that rape is when the female says no, or doesn't want sex (or, in some cases, doesn't have the capacity to truly understand what sex is).
Apparently there are forms of so-called "sexual abuse" that might not be rape. Or is this like some "lesser" form of a rape, somewhere in the twilight zone?
They should go to jail for a very long long time.

Stop trying to justify rape. Rape, sexual abuse, sexual assault, pedophilia, are all terrible immoral things.
Godstud wrote:They should go to jail for a very long long time.

Stop trying to justify rape.

My point was, is it really "rape"?

Presuming this teen girl saw his real picture, gave him her address, and invited him to come on over.

Look, I'm not saying he shouldn't get some punishment. I'm just questioning why so many people seem to equate this to "sexual assault" and even "rape".

I could totally understand if it were a 9 year old girl, who doesn't really understand what she is doing. But it's absurd to say that a 15 year old girl knows nothing about what she's doing in this situation.
Puffer Fish wrote:Ohio Chick-fil-A Owner Accused of Driving 400 Miles to North Carolina to Sexually Abuse 15-Year-Old

What's with all these 15 year old girls agreeing to meet middle aged men?
I know these men are sly & manipulative, but these teen girls can't be THAT naive.

Actually, they are very naive and have no idea what a romantic relationship is supposed to look like. They are completely swept away by their emotions and by the idea of romance. They are literally in the process of learning how to flirt with one another and are experimenting with these adult emotions...

They are still physically maturing and their emotions & libidos are on fire. They haven't even really "figured it out" because their hormones have probably not even normalized.

This makes them not only naive, but emotionally vulnerable, anxious, irritible, compulsive...

Now, imagine that they are feeling alienated from their parents or have rocky relationships with their friends and peers (completely normal), and maybe even they are children of divorce or have other insecurities... They may even feel ugly or have some other inferiority complex... and now they got some guy who is chatting them up, making them feel like a millon bucks, making them stupid promises...

Of course they can't consent to any of this and are the victims..!

Moreover, how insane is it for a 40 year old man to pursue a 15 year old girl?!

My 40 year old buddy just went on a date with a 32 year old and I was like "Wooo you are robbing the cradle there.." and we shared a laugh, not because he is doing something wrong, but because we've discussed it before and agreed that dating someone in their 20s would probably be weird and could only happen in exceptional circumstances...

A 40 year old man dating a 25 year old woman is a bit odd... What can a 40 year old man SEE in a 25 year old woman? Obviously she could be super hot. But when you're 25 you are in a completely different life stage..!

Now imagine a 40 year old man with a... 15 year old?!

Literally insane.

LOL.. BTW... the guy in your story is 49.

When the 15 year old was born, he was 34..!

The man is 100% a predator and belongs in a tidy little box wondering if his cellmate is going to turn him into a victim the way he tried to do to a fifteen year old but, you now, without even the veneer of consent.
Puffer Fish wrote:My point was, is it really "rape"?
Of course it's fucking rape! You're trying to push your pro-rape and pro-pedo BS again. Fuck off with that degenerate nonsense! You're disgusting.

@Verv I married my wife when she was 25 and I was 44. We've been together for 12 years. We were both consenting adults. Ageism is discrimination as much as racism is. Do better.
The term you're looking for is statutory rape and it can be considered a victimless crime. In the UK (and many other countries) the police won't take an interest unless the victim or her parents report it.

I don't know why you're trying to justify this relationship. Even if the girl was 18 it would still be creepy and inappropriate for a 49yo to pursue her even if acceptable in the eyes of the law.
AFAIK wrote:The term you're looking for is statutory rape and it can be considered a victimless crime. In the UK (and many other countries) the police won't take an interest unless the victim or her parents report it.

I don't know why you're trying to justify this relationship. Even if the girl was 18 it would still be creepy and inappropriate for a 49yo to pursue her even if acceptable in the eyes of the law.

Thank you. That seems to be a sane, rational, reasonable and neutral assessment of the issue.

Unfortunately, if a man has sexual relations with a female under any questionable conditions (even if it's not rape) and the woman becomes unhappy about it and makes a complaint, the man can find himself in big trouble.

(And women can become unhappy about the affair for all sorts of different reasons, many times having nothing to do with things that are illegal)

This is probably a reason it's safest for men to keep their affairs/liaisons within marriage, or at least longer term committed relationships.
Half your age plus 8.

So if you are, for example, 34, then half your age is 17. 17+8=25. So, the youngest person you should date is 25.

In my experience, women do not need to be told this rule. Men do.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Half your age plus 8.

So if you are, for example, 34, then half your age is 17. 17+8=25. So, the youngest person you should date is 25.

In my experience, women do not need to be told this rule. Men do.

Look at Sofia Vergara the Colombian American actress. She married men who wanted her to have their children. She was older and almost infertile at the time. One of the exes sued her for frozen embryos stating he wanted the embryos because he was their father in the future. Some crazy stuff.

Now, Sofia says no more dating younger men with less money than she makes. She wants a man in his fifties who already had his kids and the kids are grown up, and is successful and has as much money as she does or more.

I think she thinks now that men can also be golddiggers and pressuring her for babies when she already had her son and decided it was a lot of work. And best to concentrate on a career and leave the younger, handsome men with ambitions of making money off of her alone.

Hee hee.

He wanted kids. She did not want any more kids.

Those kind of conversations need to happen before people get married. Not after. Thank goodness she had a pre-nuptial agreement.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Half your age plus 8.

So if you are, for example, 34, then half your age is 17. 17+8=25. So, the youngest person you should date is 25.

In my experience, women do not need to be told this rule. Men do.

Pants, I got married at age 18, I thought my husband was OLD. Hee hee. He was 23 or 24 to my eighteen. Ancient man. Lol. I really thought he was as old as can be.

At that age, a man who has finished college was an old man. Imagine some dude who is 49.

@Godstud 's situation is very different though. She was an adult. Not a child. A woman in her mid-twenties is mature enough to make those decisions.

Fifteen-year-olds are not adults by any stretch of the imagination.

@Puffer Fish is obsessed with this rape topic.

I say he must be very unattractive physically or shy to the point of extreme introversion. Or both.

But raping people is not consent. He will risk being killed by the girl or woman being attacked and defending herself and he will have zero legal protection under the law for an injury or even dying when he attacks her. And or by a family member. I know for certain my husband or my father would have killed any man who I would say had raped me. That is just a fact. Those two would have beaten him to a pulp and killed the rapist.

But many of these rapists think there are no consequences to rape. There are.

Look at this older husband and his younger wife who traveled around Nepal and decided to unwisely camp outside in the nighttime near a highway with a motorcycle a tent and so on? Some crazy gang of men beat the husband black and blue and then kidnapped and raped the younger wife of the older man for three hours nonstop.

They were later arrested and convicted but they are no longer feeling safe riding around as a couple traveling in many nations without real weapons.

18 is the age of consent. If you want to infantilize women, then you are doing them a disservice, @Pants-of-dog. How misogynistic are you? :eh:

I would never consider, even after 30, dating a woman who was younger than 21, for obvious reasons. That said, if ANYONE does want to date someone younger, but who is an ADULT, then that is between the man and woman, not someone with made-up rules.

Yes, I met my wife when she was 24(I was 44) and we married when she was 25. We've been together for 12 years now, and 11 of those are in marriage. She was a single mother when I met her. Are you going to spout some stupid claptrap about sexual predation on adult women and try to take away their self determination? We are talking adult human females here, and not children.

@wat0n, yes the topic is not about what consenting adults, do. It's about what sexual predators do online, to young girls and children. These people and anyone who engages in sexual exploitation, assault, or abuse should be punished to the full extent of the law, AND society.
Teens should be supervised when surfing the web.
Teen girls just think that older men are sexy. It's an illusion. Older men are better at pretending they aren't immature and disgusting like the younger teen boys. Lol.

At my age, I just think that any man can be manipulative and evil. It is wise not to trust strangers or even acquaintances.

I heard a rape statistic years ago. It was about how some rape victims actually know their rapist. That freaks me out. Even someone you know could be a potential rapist. Scary!

I have a friend who said her uncle raped her in her teens. She's a wee bit strange, a feminist and really smart. She survived but some victims commit suicide.
Godstud wrote:Of course it's fucking rape! You're trying to push your pro-rape and pro-pedo BS again. Fuck off with that degenerate nonsense! You're disgusting.

@Verv I married my wife when she was 25 and I was 44. We've been together for 12 years. We were both consenting adults. Ageism is discrimination as much as racism is. Do better.

The true test for a relationship is standing the test of time - and yours has done so. So, congratulations, indeed, and there is nothing wrong about it when it works at all.

So many relationships end sadly, so I will not disparage ones that work out well when there's an age difference.

But, I still stand by my point.

And I do not think this is ageism... I actually feel the desire to kind of reverse ageism by emphasizing the worth of middle aged and older women. We often view women only through their beauty and youth, and think of them losing value with age, completely losing it after they have left their child-bearing years....

But this is so silly to me - I am really attracted to women in their 40s, just like how I thought a lot of girls who were my age when I was 15 were hot... I guess you could say I am attracted to my peers.

It's fine that you have something else - let all people do what they wish when they are adults. I don't judge at all. I am actually seeing what I am doing as defending the worth of older people and emphasizing the absurdity of far older men preying on girls.
We are attracted to what we are attracted to. I've met some amazing women in their 40s with whom I'd easily have a relationship with, were I not already in a committed one. It's not all about bearing children, but having someone supportive and feminine(at least IMO). Men and women compliment each other in a good relationship.

Anyone preying on children should be condemned, regardless of whether they are a man or a woman. The point it becomes absurd at is when they consider adult women to be "children" in regards to finding a mate. These women have agency. They have self-determination. They have maturity. If they choose to be with a younger or older man, who are you to condemn the choices of an adult woman?

If, however, both parties are consenting, and (most definitely)adult, then there is no issue.
Godstud wrote:and (most definitely)adult

Surely, we should respect cultural differences.

In Italy, the age of consent is 14.

In Malta, the minimum age (18) when a child can have sex with an adult is above the age at which children can get married with the consent of a public authority and/or the parents.

As long as both parties enter the relationship freely and no law is being broken, what does it matter what you or I think?


Why must there be a romantic mutual attraction?

People stay in relationships for all sorts of reasons.
You know what I mean, @ingliz. I am talking of age where they can vote, fight in wars, etc, not in Highschool.

I never said attraction was only one thing. You're just arguing for the sake of arguing. :knife:

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