Saudi Arabia sentence 12 year old to death - Politics | PoFo

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#1329414,ra2l1/panor ... 32/133185/

A 12-year old Saudi Arabian boy is going to be beheaded if his mother can't pay 3 million Ryials in blood money.

They boy accidentally killed another boy during a dispute.

Therefore he now sits in a death watch cell, and can do nothing but wait for his mother to collect the money needed for the family to accept letting him go.

If she can't, the boy will be executed.

It is hard for the mother to collect these money, and right now she only has about 250.000 Riyals.

The victim's family has given the mother 3 years to find the 3 million blood money.
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By KurtFF8
Shhh, they're our allies, we're not allowed to talk about what they do wrong.
By zurdo
To think, Tony Blair sanctioned then Labour MP Ken Livingstone for daring to say that he wanted to one day see the Saudi Royal family "swinging from the lamp-posts". Still I'm sure our leaders will continue to cry crocodile tears over events like these and some liberal buffoons will buy it and keep voting for these same people who are at the same time funding and arming Saudi Arabia. So obvious, so predictable, so loathsome. :hmm:
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By peter_co
They boy accidentally killed another boy during a dispute.

The article doesn't use the word accidentally; not that it really matters or makes the sentence any less barbaric, but still...
By Torwan
(I'm having my cynical day)


Saudi-Arabia is a backwater state with crappy laws and no liberty. Whoo - surprise!

Erm, no, not really. But hey, they sell cheap oil and buy expensive Eurofighters from the UK...

OK, the individual story is horrible and I feel sympathy for the mother and the boy. But what about the many hundred stories we don't hear from that country?
By zurdo
Saudi-Arabia is a backwater state with crappy laws and no liberty. Whoo - surprise!

Erm, no, not really. But hey, they sell cheap oil and buy expensive Eurofighters from the UK...

wow I didn't expect that kind of post from you. :cheers:
By Torwan
I have my sarcastic days from time to time...

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