Are you a TV user? - Politics | PoFo

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By QatzelOk
Do you watch TV regularly?

Is it part of your routine?

How many hours do you spend absorbing images and sounds from TV or film?

What do you think is a healthy amount of time to spend in this kind of activity?

*grabs remote control and a bag of chips*
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By Citizen J
None and zero. TV is a culturally degenerated wasteland of sex and violence catering to your most primitive instincts for profit.

TV rots your brain.
By kami321
I am sometimes forced to listen to TV by my apartment inhabitants. In most cases this forces me to isolate myself in the bathroom and draw swastikas.
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By Shannonnn
I watch no TV at all. Mine has been unplugged for quite sometime, but the house I'm staying in right now (parents) has one TV in the kitchen, one in the living room, one in each of my sisters' rooms, one in my parents' room, and one in their bathroom. They're all used daily. No good.
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By HoniSoit
I used to watch TV a lot, and then I found the stuff on TV just boring. But I still watch TV tho - there are a couple of government-funded channels (ABC and SBS) that do have some excellent programs, and show good documentaries. So I watch some of their programs.
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I don't try to claim an intellectual highground by pretending to be above TV, so I love it. Although, then again I vote Republican and am a sheep in the evil Zionist plot to oppress Muslims, so maybe I should cut back on The Office. You know, Michael Scott's antics are really just there to keep me distracted from the oppressive government tapping my phone and not installing socialism, two of the worst things ever.
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By Abood
I watch TV a lot. I dunno how much though. Maybe something like 3 hours per day. Actually, more.

And why is this in the Media sub-forum? This is Gorkiy material.
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By QatzelOk
Los Angeles, May 8 (Xinhua) Frequent TV viewing during adolescence could increase the risk of attention and learning difficulties, said a new study published in the May issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.

Teenagers who watch television for three or more hours per day may have a higher risk of attention and learning difficulties in their adolescent and early adult years, the researchers said in the study.

Watching entertainment TV programmes might contribute to learning problems because it requires little intellectual effort, promotes problems with attention and contributes to disinterest in school.


The second column gives the number of hours each household watches TV, while the third column states
how many hours per day each person over two spends watching.
Last edited by QatzelOk on 17 May 2007 19:26, edited 1 time in total.
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By Abood
That's interesting. But I don't get the difference between the "Households" and the "Persons ages 2+" column. Aren't TV watching people in households made up of people aged 2 and above?
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By Eauz
I do have a subscription to a cable programming company. I don't watch TV as much, as when I was a child, because when I was young, I never had cable, and always wanted to know what wonderful shows I could watch on cable. Finally, in high school, my parents got cable, and I realised that it wasn't so special.

The programs I will watch are usually Baseball, TV documentaries, and movies. I'm not a big fan of reality shows, however I do enjoy watching Canada's Worst Handyman & Myth Busters.

I guess the only real program I enjoy watching when I can, is Pardon The Interruption, which is just a program where two well known columnists discuss and often argue over different sports topics of the day or week.

EDIT: With regard to the chart posted by Qatz, it makes sense though. I remember in 1992, when I started watching the Blue Jays, we only had 4 or 5 channels. I remember my grandparents had cable TV, and it was actually quite limited, I think only like 20 - 25 channels. I'm not trying to defend the watching of TV, however I am providing an explination to why we would have more TV hours watched today, than in 1992. There are more and different types of programs for people to watch, so they will end up watching more hours.
By kami321
There is nothing to be afraid of, Qatzel, the system is simply trying to develop a more efficient Central Nervous System. About time.
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I guess the only real program I enjoy watching when I can, is Pardon The Interruption, which is just a program where two well known columnists discuss and often argue over different sports topics of the day or week.

PTI is awesome
I remember in 1992, when I started watching the Blue Jays


then again I started really becoming a Packers fan in the mid-90's, so...
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By Boondock Saint
By tv do you count movies that I put in the DVD player or are we just specifically speaking of television programs?

I watch about one or two hours of programming a week. In the past month, I might have watched a total of one hour of news.

Since MLB started I have watched an avg. of six to eight hours of baseball a week.

So I guess about eight to six hours a week.
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By QatzelOk
By tv do you count movies that I put in the DVD player or are we just specifically speaking of television programs?

I would like to include all Hollywood, whether small screen or at an IMAX, as TV. Going to a film is just a way of making TV seem social;
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By Doomhammer
I don't watch much tv; now at least. I remember watching cartoons for long hours back when I was in primary school. Every passing year saw a decline in the hours. I watch roughly an hour of TV most days. 2 hours if there's a good football match on.
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By Mikolaj
I have not owned a TV since 2005. I think I'm better off for it. Thing is, when I actually happen to watch after such a long interval of time without it, I realized just how much of the programming is utter crap. I'd say 99% of it is absolutely worthless.
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By MB.
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By Kylie
Hmmm. I think I actually only watch about a couple of hours of television each week.
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By QatzelOk
Can TV viewing cause autism?
by Julia Layton

An autism diagnosis is something that every parent fears. It can mean a life of self-contained struggle, limited growth and social incapacitation for a child, and there is no cure. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately one in 300 children in the United States suffers from autism-spectrum disorders (ASD). According to the Cornell and Purdue University researchers who released a study connecting toddler-age TV viewing with autism occurrence, that number is more like one in 175...

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