Pig Maher: Herman Cain ‘likes working with Fox team, - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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A comedian made a joke about a political figure.

How can even the Lamestream media ignore this crucial story?

I haven't seen this picked up anywhere except for conservative sites. Why the media silence about a political comedian making a political joke? What's wrong with going into this story? What has the media, and the Obama White House, have to hide?
1-> Uncle Toms are generally considered fair game, and Herman Cain is the archetypal Uncle Tom.
2-> Cain went through plenty trouble and public embarassment for trying so screw everything that moves and being quite pushy about it.
3-> An overwhelming majority of Fox anchors are white.

Nothing to see here, move along.
longknife wrote:particularly some of them fine-ass white women’

    by Jenn Taylor @ Twitchy

    Predictably, Obama’s million dollar man Bill Maher just couldn’t resist cracking a disgusting racial joke about Herman Cain joining Fox News as a contributor.

Just how disgusting is this guy? Read more @ http://twitchy.com/2013/02/21/pig-maher ... ite-women/

Given that Herman Cain has molested a white woman in his car before, are you surprised that people make jokes about Cain's motivations for power tripping? Maybe it's a 'racist' stereotype if you live in a land entirely filled with American centre-leftists, but in this case the hand fits the glove. If the hand fits the glove, it's not a racist scare stereotype, it's reality.

If you don't like the fact that he's in your party for the purpose of groping and assaulting white women, and you don't like that your political opponents point this out, then:

  • You should should expel him from the party.
  • You should not have run him as a presidential candidate.
Funny how these "conservatives" always make appeals, both implicit and explicit, to whites by using patriotic rhetoric and exploiting racial anxiety yet have the need to trot out their token black guy as part of their diversity agenda and cry racism when he is attacked.

If you need a black guy in your right-wing movement to America, you blew it.

You need to stick to one shtick rather than jumping from pesudo-patriotism to pseudo anti-racism.

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