Will media's lies get us nuked? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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I just read a very good article by John Pilger that summarizes the last two decades of media lies and wars very well. It starts out by mentionning that Slobodan Milosevic has just been found innocent of any war crimes or genocide in Yugoslavia. It was all media lies. (are you listening, Chris Hedges?)

John Pilger wrote:Provoking Nuclear War by Media

The exoneration of a man accused of the worst of crimes, genocide, made no headlines. Neither the BBC nor CNN covered it. The Guardian allowed a brief commentary. Such a rare official admission was buried or suppressed, understandably. It would explain too much about how the rulers of the world rule.
Far from conspiring with the convicted Bosnian-Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, Milosevic actually “condemned ethnic cleansing”, opposed Karadzic and tried to stop the war that dismembered Yugoslavia.

So there's one NATO-destroyed country that was raided and pillaged by multinationals with the media lies to garner public support. And just look at the model of those media lies:

Milosevic was the victim of war propaganda that today runs like a torrent across our screens and newspapers and beckons great danger for us all. He was the prototype demon, vilified by the western media as the “butcher of the Balkans” who was responsible for “genocide”, especially in the secessionist Yugoslav province of Kosovo. Prime Minister Tony Blair said so, invoked the Holocaust and demanded action against “this new Hitler”. David Scheffer, the US ambassador-at-large for war crimes [sic], declared that as many as “225,000 ethnic Albanian men aged between 14 and 59” may have been murdered by Milocevic’s forces.

And look what Madeleine Albright (special place in Hell) offered him if he didn't want his country destroyed:
Albright delivered an “offer” to Milosevic that no national leader could accept. Unless he agreed to the foreign military occupation of his country, with the occupying forces “outside the legal process”, and to the imposition of a neo-liberal “free market”, Serbia would be bombed.

The article goes on to mention all the other post-911 wars that really used the Multinational butchering of Yugoslavia to steal resources as a model.

It's worth a read to see how false and manipulative mainstream media is, and how loathesome Western politicians are, and what miserable "governance" they provide us with.
skinster wrote:What did Hedges say?

I saw this Pilger article a few days ago. I dig his schtick.

In many articles renouncing the imperial wars in Iraq, Libya and Syria, Chris Hedges has defended the imperial war on Yugoslavia as 'just and fair.'
No. :roll: Media will not get us nuked. It will make us have to put up with people like you, however, Qatz. ;)

PS: Just kidding! You know I love ya!
QatzelOk wrote:I just read a very good article by John Pilger that summarizes the last two decades of media lies and wars very well. It starts out by mentionning that Slobodan Milosevic has just been found innocent of any war crimes or genocide in Yugoslavia. It was all media lies.

The ICTY neither exonerated nor found Milosevic guilty - he died in the ICTY detention during the trial. From a legal viewpoint, he was and will be always presumed innocent simply because he was not sentenced for any of the crimes, but he was not specifically exonerated.

There is no doubt whatever that Milosevic planned and executed atrocities against civilians on a mass scale. Does that justify Western intervention? No, nor were Milosevic's crimes the real reason for this intervention. Nevertheless, if you actually believe Milosevic is 'innocent,' you may as well grab your socks and go full Trump.
quetzalcoatl wrote:The ICTY neither exonerated nor found Milosevic guilty - he died in the ICTY detention during the trial.

He was just exonerated last week. During the days he was in prison, he was allowed to die when doctors refused to treat him as he awaited his show trial.

It came out, during the investigation a decade ago, that NATO had bombed virtually every cooperative factory in the country, leaving multinational factories untouched.

Also, Kosovo has the largest untapped coal deposits in Europe.

This is more fossil fuel, easy-money through-warfare. If anyone is guilty of war crimes and genocide, it is NATO. And worse than genocide and war crimes, capitalism - on its death bed because of pollution and social gangrene - is trying to eliminate all other options.

This will get us either nuked or extincted. Lies cause great harm.
QatzelOk wrote:He was just exonerated last week. During the days he was in prison, he was allowed to die when doctors refused to treat him as he awaited his show trial.

It came out, during the investigation a decade ago, that NATO had bombed virtually every cooperative factory in the country, leaving multinational factories untouched.

Also, Kosovo has the largest untapped coal deposits in Europe.

This is more fossil fuel, easy-money through-warfare. If anyone is guilty of war crimes and genocide, it is NATO. And worse than genocide and war crimes, capitalism - on its death bed because of pollution and social gangrene - is trying to eliminate all other options.

This will get us either nuked or extincted. Lies cause great harm.

Lies are the principal tool of statecraft - including the lie that Milosevic was "exonerated." While you are largely correct in your description of Western motives, it does not logically follow that Milosevic was innocent.
Watch this 30 minute documentary Quetzalcoatl, it's good.

It is an expose about the involvement of the media back then that fits perfectly inside this thread.

If you are curious about Milosevic per se, you should watch his trial at the Hague(it's on youtube), there are moments in the trial that are truly mind-boggling.
quetzalcoatl wrote:While you are largely correct in your description of Western motives, it does not logically follow that Milosevic was innocent.

A quote from the original article (logically) follows:

The OP article wrote:The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague has quietly cleared the late Serbian president, Slobodan Milosevic, of war crimes committed during the 1992-95 Bosnian war, including the massacre at Srebrenica.

Far from conspiring with the convicted Bosnian-Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, Milosevic actually “condemned ethnic cleansing”, opposed Karadzic and tried to stop the war that dismembered Yugoslavia. Buried near the end of a 2,590- page judgement on Karadzic last February, this truth further demolishes the propaganda that justified Nato’s illegal onslaught on Serbia in 1999.

That NATO lied about who was responsible for destroying Yugoslavia - a successful socialist experiment in cooperative factory and business ownership - is extremely important. I would suggest that what logically follows is that NATO has been trying to destroy social experiments all over the world since it was formed. It is the goon-squad of predatory capitalism. Our media are the lying squad of the same world-destroying gangsters.
Yugoslavia was doomed after the SU collapsed. Even China got the point to go Capitalist. Forget about communism, it is dead because the SU is dead. So any socialist/communist or any other social experimenting country will not be allowed to exist until something happens to America. Communism has lost and Capitalism has won.
JohnRawls wrote:Communism has lost and Capitalism has won.

More important than who has currently "won" is how capitalism won. It won through terrorism, and not by providing a better or more sustainable way of life.

Capitalism has proven itself excellent at destroying many things: the environment, human nature, our instincts, our minds (through overwork and propaganda), and of course, any alternatives to itself. It has been very good at destroying options so that humanity is forced to exploit the earth to the point of extinction.

Mass media has guaranteed a passive and clueless soldier class in North America and other media-saturated environments. Is this something to celebrate? Are these "lies" something we should be proud to believe?
QatzelOk wrote:More important than who has currently "won" is how capitalism won. It won through terrorism, and not by providing a better or more sustainable way of life.

Capitalism has proven itself excellent at destroying many things: the environment, human nature, our instincts, our minds (through overwork and propaganda), and of course, any alternatives to itself. It has been very good at destroying options so that humanity is forced to exploit the earth to the point of extinction.

It's unbelievable how people don't let facts confuse them.....
Communist states were the worst environment destroyers since dawn of humanity.
Communist states supported terrorist organisations all over the globe.
Propaganda is the only media exists in Communism.
In the western world, the media that uses propaganda is the left media, the kind that is close to communism in many aspects.
Voice-of-truth wrote:It's unbelievable how people don't let facts confuse them.....
Communist states were the worst environment destroyers since dawn of humanity.
Communist states supported terrorist organisations all over the globe.
Propaganda is the only media exists in Communism.
In the western world, the media that uses propaganda is the left media, the kind that is close to communism in many aspects.

Yes, those nasty Russians.

Those nasty Russians are the reason that capitalism didn't destroy Libya, Iraq, Syria, and half of South America... a lot sooner.

Those nasty Commies are the reason America lost its Vietnam War, despite dropping enough experimental chemicals on it to damage the next 10 generations of infants.

And while we capitalist-living freedom-lovers were staring at our TVs, Hollywood and billboards while listening to commercial radio in our cars, the Russians were "creating propaganda" our product-plugging media told us.

Amazing how badly educated the Western media lies have made us.

Spouting ignorant things about all alternatives to capitalism... is exactly the problem that might get us nuked. Capitalism is in permanent war against all attacks on oligarchical accumulation of resources and slave labor.

You may have just brought us all a little closer to armageddon with your regurgitation of the propaganda you have internalized.
QatzelOk wrote:Yes, those nasty Russians.

Those nasty Russians are the reason that capitalism didn't destroy Libya, Iraq, Syria, and half of South America... a lot sooner.

Those nasty Commies are the reason America lost its Vietnam War, despite dropping enough experimental chemicals on it to damage the next 10 generations of infants.

And while we capitalist-living freedom-lovers were staring at our TVs, Hollywood and billboards while listening to commercial radio in our cars, the Russians were "creating propaganda" our product-plugging media told us.

Amazing how badly educated the Western media lies have made us.

Spouting ignorant things about all alternatives to capitalism... is exactly the problem that might get us nuked. Capitalism is in permanent war against all attacks on oligarchical accumulation of resources and slave labor.

You may have just brought us all a little closer to armageddon with your regurgitation of the propaganda you have internalized.

Are you forgetting Aral Sea and Chernobyl?

I will not say capitalism is the best way, the problem is just that Communism almost always lead to Authoritarianism and One-party Dictatorships, which is even more detrimental than capitalism, at least to individual lives.

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