What's so great about Hollywood? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Why is this industry so popular throughout the world when most of its films are of marginal talent? Most films rely on using high-powered action scenes to compensate the marginal talent in the film. Another thing that Hollywood does that tarnishes its reputation is rehashing the same crap and hardly creates any original content. I, therefore, see no problem with people pirating these films since I believe that the industry should collapse.

An example of a typical talentless film that relies on CGI to make it look better than it already is.

Don't ruin Battleship for me! I wasn't intending to see it...until I heard it had Rihanna in it...you know Hollywood is in deep trouble when they start bringing in the not so talented rnb songtresses.
What's so great about Hollywood?


Why is this industry so popular throughout the world

because it is an American product.

a typical talentless film that relies on CGI to make it look better

CGI is a boon for talentless lot, I hate it and seriously CGI is for kids or grown up kids.
Yes, Hollywood creates crap movies sometimes. Battleship is almost certainly going to be a shit movie, just looking at that trailer I can make that bet. On the other hand, it also makes things like The Hurt Locker, Juno, Milk, Dark Knight, etc.
Quantum wrote:Why is this industry so popular throughout the world when most of its films are of marginal talent?

People are too afraid to make their own art, so they let others make art for them.

It isn't the most talented, but the most confident, who become apparent.

I, therefore, see no problem with people pirating these films since I believe that the industry should collapse.

Interesting point.

I don't see why you would want to pollute your palette though. Giving friends garbage to watch isn't going to lead to an artistic revolution any sooner either.
Hollywood is so great because, between about 1908 and 1917, it invented the continuity style of film-making. 99% of all mainstream movie made around the world are made according to the rules and norms of the continuity style. There is a reason for this - it is the best method known for creating the illusion that what you are seeing on the silver screen is 'real'. While the continuity style has severe artistic limitations, it has also allowed the creation, over the past hundred years or so, of some awesome and profound movies. What tonality is to Western music, the continuity style is to film-making: it's the standard by which all movies are measured and which they either aspire to or rebel against.
Last edited by Potemkin on 09 Apr 2012 00:54, edited 2 times in total.
Hollywood makes Hollywood movies better than most. Few film studios elsewhere can compete with the budgets and this often will attract some of the best directors from around the world will make their movies in the Hollywood studio system if their career affords them the opportunity. Personally, I think 90% of all films are crap regardless of budget, studio system and country of origin. Though still distinctly "Hollywood" there has always been a trickle of truly excellent films coming out of the studios.

In America, we have a skewed sense of how good the cinema is coming out of other countries because we have the good sense to not import the bad ones. We like foreign cinema, in part, because they are unable to compete with the studios on budget and that, by default, will place a greater emphasis on character driven story telling.
Hollywood is owned and operated by the same clique that owns and operates most commercial media.

So they cross-promote their products, and this means that commercial news sources will trip over themselves trying to promote mediocre products from the same cabal.

"This movie will make you want to jump up and cheer!" is really code for back-scratching among the representatives of our autocracy.
I am a big fan of Asian cinema. I doubt Hollywood would be able to produce movies involving taboos and controversial topics. Such as Kim Ki-duk or Park-Chan Wook have. Korea has produced some of the most exciting and refreshing cinema of recent years.
Hollywood has become (or perhaps always has been) an industry, always looking to maximizing profits. How does one do this? By looking for the lowest common denominator among its potential costumers and then making an action-packed, fun-filled mediocre movie that no one will love nor hate. CGI completely destroyed whatever credibility it had left.
oppose_obama wrote:Jealous much?

Jealous of what? A bunch of talentless child abusing executives and equally talentless actors? There's nothing that I could possibly want from Hollywood.

Battleship was as entertaining as it was mindless. Sometimes movies are just made for fun and plain old entertainment, and not explore deep meaning, or controversial subjects.

Fasces wrote:The films are entertaining. Not everything in life has to be up its own ass.
This too.
What's so great about Hollywood?

They produce a ton of movies. They have a developed worldwide distribution network as well as lot of money for film budgets and marketing...

So while failure is the rule, there are some entertaining exceptions in all these movies
Godstud wrote:Battleship was as entertaining as it was mindless. Sometimes movies are just made for fun and plain old entertainment, and not explore deep meaning, or controversial subjects.

This is one angle on the subject of "entertainment."

The other one is that we are so sick and propaganda-fed that our idea of a good time is to sit still and watch actors pretend to have exciting lives for us.

Pretty sad, isn't it.

And what's worse is that the bored consumer's addiction to entertainment-media makes him an easy target for manipulation.
QatzelOk wrote:And what's worse is that the bored consumer's addiction to entertainment-media makes him an easy target for manipulation.
I will not argue with that.

I don't think boredom enters into it, however. TV/movies often fill the gaps between work and sleep quite effectively, and when all you have to talk about is work and TV, then you tend to focus on those things. Bored is not something you can be when, you have so little time on your hands. You could argue that you become a addicted to being entertained(albeit poorly).

I have entire days to fill now, because I am pretty much retired, and in Thailand. I watch LESS TV/movies, despite having an abundance of time on my hands. When I am with friends, we don't discuss TV/movies, but experiences and real life. Bored? Never. I have more time to think and actually enjoy life. My day doesn't revolve around making sure I am home for a certain TV show, and I've observed that Thais aren't hooked into TV either.
John Lennon knew where it's at.

John Lennon wrote:Keep you doped with religion, sex and T.V.


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