Reference Based Language - Politics | PoFo

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Modern electric media's content is designed by reference based language systems.

I've used the axiom, reference based language, in my writing many times. I will now attempt to explain it.

Reference based language: Compressed environmental symbols used to express artificial external realities. Contrasted with Intrinsic based language, which is used to express natural external realities. External realities being of man or nature in origin, language is used to symbolize tangible structures found inside an environment.

Observing, say, a natural occurrence like the Panthera tigris in its natural environment, forces the viewer to use an intrinsic based language system to describe or express the occurrence.

Observing, say, an artificial occurrence like the television's advertisement in its artificial environment, forces the viewer to use a reference based language system to describe or express the occurrence.

Each language system is tied to its own comprehension and expression through speech or connected-visual-symbols. The reference based language system must abide by man made law and interpretations of nature. The Intrinsic based language system must abide by natural law without any bias (beyond evolved sensory perception) of man made information.

Everything is information and can be absorbed by one of many senses. Up until the invention of Television, or electronic modes of communication, reference based language and intrinsic based language lived in harmony. Civilization had maintained a balance between the rational order of Earthly law and the man made mental formations of human propaganda. Since the first spark of revolution, the human condition has increasingly turned toward human propaganda for relief from daily toil. Nonetheless, the human condition still may meet its conclusion, the fantasy land of man-made information deters and blinds more than half our world's population.

Our time, our electric noosphere... enables our collective imagination to deny the natural truth. Our sophisticated denial of each moment is incredible. Many people today unknowingly live according to false perception... Never understanding or pursuing the meaning of life. The psychology behind these artificial external realities allow the human race to bee-have inside our contemporary electronic metropolises. The sensory balance is skewed because of intelligent design. More reference based language = more artificial external realities.

Let me explain: Words, things we use to compress information and express information, all symbols compress and express information. When I interact with a man-made artifact, like a T-shirt, I need to conceptualize the T-shirt psychologically. To do that, I need to understand the propaganda behind the T-shirt, where it comes from, who, what, why, how, etc. If the T-shirt's who, what where, why, how, all come from artificial environments, my understanding of the T-shirt as an external reality will give me a man-made perception of my environment. This man-made perception follows man-made law. Man-made law is disconnected and detached from natural law. This perception subconsciously allows the human race to engage in dissociative acts of commerce and consumerism.

The reference based language system, if allowed to dominate your mind, will perpetuate artificial external realities. We economize and interpret natural environments by turning them into man-made propaganda. We justify our irrationality by pointing to the benefits artificial realities have granted the human race at the expense of the entire planet's ecological system. Contemporary society must live according to propaganda in order to keep the pyramidal scheme, called society, operating. The reference based language system is used by the upper class of each pyramidal society to exploit the lower class and achieve accumulate material wealth.

The trivium and quadrivium encouraged balance and knowledge of each language system, reference & intrinsic. The intrinsic based language system is used to understand the law of nature. The law of nature can be used to govern men. Medieval scholasticism gave the power of literacy to a select few, and used their power to manipulate intrinsic matter, building artificial external realities for the men they ruled over. Language is thought, and thought is language. Sequentially one would like to manipulate language in order to manipulate thought.

Today, compulsory, outcome-based education, is used to keep an overpopulated bottom class under complete control. The bee-hive model works very well with electronic media and global consumerism. Years of indoctrination guides the bottom class of peoples, instructing them how to engage with the present external reality they face on a daily basis. The scientific method was formulated by medieval scholarship, and is used today for copy-printing specialists who live their life in subordination to the powers of society. Cogs in a wheel fiat accompli.

I thought Edward Bernays did a nice job summarizing this psychological operation in Propaganda.
"Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.

Universal literacy was supposed to educate the common man to control his environment. Once he could read and write he would have a mind fit to rule. So ran the democratic doctrine. But instead of a mind, universal literacy has given him rubber stamps, rubber stamps inked with advertising slogans, with editorials, with published scientific data, with the trivialities of the tabloids and the platitudes of history, but quite innocent of original thought. Each man's rubber stamps are duplicates of millions of others, so that when those millions are exposed to the same stimuli, all received identical imprints. it may seem an exaggeration to say that the American public gets most of its ideas in this wholesale fashion. The mechanism by which ideas are disseminated on a large scale is propaganda, in the broad sense of an organized effort to spread a particular belief or doctrine."

Propaganda, 1928

Can you see why language was a focal point for both Huxley & Orwell? They both could see how the machine mind and machine heart would eventually make the human soul callous and numb. Eventually, the majority of the human race would be united by reference based language that controlled their perception of reality and kept the pyramidal structure of government in tact. I believe that the electronic media is man's new world order. A new order of thought, a self-perpetuating reference-based language... Leaving the pursuit and design of life for the top of each pyramid.

Ultimately, contemporary society is heading toward scientific socialism, where an illiterate proletariat grinds the gears, while literate technocratic gods design the metropolis. If there is a third world war... it will be a paradigm shift, a flip of the pyramidal world we've built for thousands of years.

How do you feel? Is your perception of reality dominated by reference based language or intrinsic based language? Do you study man-made environments or natural environments?

Last edited by RhetoricThug on 23 Feb 2015 23:34, edited 1 time in total.
Very thought provoking. I knew many of us reasoned differently, but I never looked at it from that perspective.
I have always had a very poor declarative memory, so I believe I have a very strong procedural memory as a compensation.

Once I fully understand a basic concept, I can figure out the logical applications.

For example: I had a ‘probabilities’ class that I never attended after the first class because I was always caught up in a card game.
I took the final exam anyway and made up the formulas as I went.
The professor called me in three days later and told me I got every answer right, but she had never seen any of my formulas before.
She tested my formulas for 3 days and could not disprove them so she gave me an ‘A’ for the class.

This resulted in my having a curiosity about how people reason.
Thanks for another variation.

Edit: I guess I should clarify that I already understood the basic concepts of probability from my gambling that paid for my first two years of college.
I may not recognize what probability has to do with reference based language. Yes, it is certainly my unique viewpoint... I think reference based language is one prospering form of communication between adults and teens. This education process indoctrinated through our language systems dictates human action, subliminally. Listen to your friends, family, and you will observe the mentality and human sensibility that attenuates a perpetuating common-man. For I observe such reference based dialogue. Any conversation that involves and revolves around language which describes human propaganda is considerably attested by this idea I present, reference based language.

If your friend describes to you a show, a TV program, you need to understand human propaganda and its law to understand your friend's description. Yet, if you describe a bird living in its natural environment, and not a fixed human perspective brought forth by technological equipment which extends human senses... You need an intrinsic approach and understanding to address the bird in its natural environment. Our languages give expression to perceptional thoughts.

Reference based language systems expound human propaganda, in order to please human senses.

Intrinsic based language systems expound nature, in order to analysis life and its meaning.

Each system promotes the perpetuation of information bias. How can one recognize the external reality if the artificial noosphere replaces nature's atmosphere? Mind you that mind's hemispheres criss-cross and philosophically floss your own electric encephalopathy.

Input before output, this isn't nature vs nurture, this is nature nurtured.

I am a genius.

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