We ARE in fact brainwashed - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Decky wrote:The medium is the message is an interesting McLuhan one too.

By this, he means that each media technology transforms us in unnatural ways that no one can control.

We degrade our existence with each increasingly complex layer of text.
We degrade our existence with each increasingly complex layer of text.
Sounds like something Derrida would say.

The Medium is the message, aka the medium is the massage, which is a double entendre for mass age... is a flirtatious body of whimsical text which probes the reader's critical thinking skills. I own that (along with War & Peace in the Global Village and lesser known works) but I didn't list it because it isn't a thoroughly researched book, and is usually read by the dilettante who stumbles upon Marshall McLuhan through media studies, etc. See the medium is the web that wraps around the user and changes the common sense ratio, therefore the medium massages the mind, thus the medium programs the mass age.

His real achievement is not that pithy slogan. McLuhan had been researching technological determinism and how advances in technology tend to modify our human sensorium, rewire the brain, and thus reprogram perception (our relation to the material world). I could sit here and type out a long explanation (including his personal beliefs I've gathered from his private letters) but that would be a waste of my time, just like the threads Ive posted in the past that have yet to be recognized. So here, feast your eyes on this, you slum bumpkins.

I highly recommend his audio disc "The Medium is the Massage" and the DvD "McLuhan's Wake." McLuhan had been swept under the cultural rug because of his deconstruction of the occult & the West's superficial culture. However, it is inevitable that his work shall reappear during the 21st century, because he was the oracle of the information age. We are entering the age of Quantum reason which will nullify Einstein's world of absolute relativity and empty space physics (research Tesla's view of the universe). Relativity be only relative to the human senses. Nonlocal process creates the material world, and gravity is a symptom of frequencies colliding. The world is not solid.... Matter is programmable because it be made of malleable information particles... You've been fooled for years by the illusory yet sensate experience. Mind you, I've left Plato's cave... I've been using quantum logic for three years now.
"Those who are not shocked when they first come across quantum theory cannot possibly have understood it." -Niels Bohr

Notice my little signature, I am a self-aware living organism that sees our world through the quantum lens.
QatzelOk wrote:By this, he means that each media technology transforms us in unnatural ways that no one can control.

We degrade our existence with each increasingly complex layer of text.

"Unnatural"... so like a priest speaking of demons. That which exists is natural, that which does not and cannot exist is unnatural. The Cern Supercollider, the Soviet space program, velcro and Mickey D "happy" meals are all as natural as bird's nests, beaver dams and stone tipped spears. They are. This perverse idea that technology is some evil malady, some unholy aberration that imperils the soul is as much garbage as priestly whining over fornication, pride, fighting and acquisitiveness for not being their god's intended ways for man and is just as much of a psyop / scam.

None of you so called primitivists are really primitive at all, just a bunch of effete pretentious wankers. A real primitivist drives the flashiest car he can, the same as in another age he would ride the fastest horse or wear the coolest collection of animal bones and feathers. A real primitivist goes fighting on a Saturday night in his Nike trainers, the same as a lion would throw down the baddest roar and deliver the smackdown on the beta-lions. Fashion is natural, check out the plumage of a peacock, the tattoos of a Masaai warrior, it is all gucci, all armani. Technology is natural, because there is nothing more natural than the desire for power, which is all technology is for, power to survive, power for pleasure, power for success, power for victory.

Wake the fuck up.
SolarCross, it sounds like what you're saying is "brainwashing is good and as natural as the humming of cicadas."

It's not very convincing, even though you've used many of the semantic structures of PR campaigns (ie. "Nuclear Energy; as clean as a glass of sparkling Fiji water.")

The "wake the fuck up" is actually a call to zombiehood.

None of your comparisons of natural and fake phenomena hold up. The side effects of fake phenomena are disastrous. It's only because we're brainwashed that we can imagine otherwise.

The natives were correct. Your mercenary defense of "technology" is just your own love of power and violence over others.
QatzelOk wrote:SolarCross, it sounds like what you're saying is "brainwashing is good and as natural as the humming of cicadas."
It is and priestly types like you are doing it too. You are doing it too..
QatzelOk wrote:It's not very convincing, even though you've used many of the semantic structures of PR campaigns (ie. "Nuclear Energy; as clean as a glass of sparkling Fiji water.")

Everybody and everything shits. To be alive is to be in a battle with entropy, eating and shitting is how we pay the rent to entropy that which will consume all in the end. The bear bites down on the salmon and shits in the woods and the nuclear power plant bites down on heavy radioactive metals clawed out of the earth and shits spent fuel rods. At least the nuclear power plant has the hygiene to bury its poop back in the earth where it found it.

QatzelOk wrote:The "wake the fuck up" is actually a call to zombiehood.

None of your comparisons of natural and fake phenomena hold up. The side effects of fake phenomena are disastrous. It's only because we're brainwashed that we can imagine otherwise.

The natives were correct. Your mercenary defense of "technology" is just your own love of power and violence over others.

Fake? The Cern Supercollider is fake? What were the Soviet's boosting into space cardboard cutouts of rockets? What are you saying? You are weaving untruths as any priest of old, you are the faker.

What natives? EVERYBODY is a fucking native, where do you think I am from Alpha Centauri? Nope planet earth born and bred, thanks to those actually clever STEM types (STEM are the real intellectuals, liberal arts is no less hokum and quackery than divinities) I can trace my family tree back 3 billion years! All earth natives, none of your Alpha Centauri foreign trash.

Nature is violence, nature is power, only an effete urbanite could ever believe otherwise. I have seen with my own eyes what the farmer will do to the fox, what the fox will do to the hen, what the hen will do to the insect, what the insect will do to even smaller insects. It is the way of things and an internet circle jerk of clueless townies will never change it.
Solar Cross, you have officially started trolling. You have not responded to any of the numerous sources provided that are highly pertinent to this discussion. Your distaste for sociopyschological analysis is noted and appreciated. I am advising you to remain on topic. I encourage you to start another thread where we can discuss the political and ideological differences between left wing critical theory primitivism and right wing technological authoritirainism, if you so desire.
MB. wrote:Solar Cross, you have officially started trolling. You have not responded to any of the numerous sources provided that are highly pertinent to this discussion. Your distaste for sociopyschological analysis is noted and appreciated. I am advising you to remain on topic. I encourage you to start another thread where we can discuss the political and ideological differences between left wing critical theory primitivism and right wing technological authoritirainism, if you so desire.

That is your self-serving opinion and I respect that as much as it deserves. The cute little memes about technology being something akin to devil worship wasn't originally brought up by me, that was some other person, I only responded to it. It might be somewhat tangential to the conspiracy theory that B-grade media studies grads are secretly DPRK style mass brainwashers (possibly connected with the illuminaughties) but it isn't entirely irrelevant either. Come to think of it, doesn't this whole thread belong in the conspiracy theory sub-forum?
Solar Cross, you have officially started trolling. You have not responded to any of the numerous sources provided that are highly pertinent to this discussion. Your distaste for sociopyschological analysis is noted and appreciated. I am advising you to remain on topic. I encourage you to start another thread where we can discuss the political and ideological differences between left wing critical theory primitivism and right wing technological authoritirainism, if you so desire.
:up: Solar Cross, I will now respond to your antics and amplify our reactive puppetry.

"Unnatural"... so like a priest speaking of demons. That which exists is natural, that which does not and cannot exist is unnatural.
Here you've formulated meaningless sentences. Priests utilize the demon ideation to embody & denote an emotional configuration that negatively impacts the human experience (based upon the social majority's emotional consensus, that which is defined by the negative or positive attributes within that society). You're confusing the emotional response with the intellectual response. This why you attempt to compare our criticism with an emotional judgment.
The Cern Supercollider, the Soviet space program, velcro and Mickey D "happy" meals are all as natural as bird's nests, beaver dams and stone tipped spears. They are. This perverse idea that technology is some evil malady, some unholy aberration that imperils the soul is as much garbage as priestly whining over fornication, pride, fighting and acquisitiveness for not being their god's intended ways for man and is just as much of a psyop / scam
McLuhan once said (in order to avoid the debase & inarticulate opinions of folks like SolarCross. Plus he had to maintain his academic/professional integrity) that he avoids making any 'value judgements,' and he is not prescribing, but rather describing the effects of technology. In a debate with the highly emotional author Norman Mailer, McLuhan had to set the record straight (17:00 minutes in).

Thus far SolarCross is using anti-intellectual rhetoric to claptrap his way through this thread. :roll:

Technology is natural, because there is nothing more natural than the desire for power, which is all technology is for, power to survive, power for pleasure, power for success, power for victory.
Actually, technology is our invented purpose that can extend our senses and allow us to probe the environment while we perform material tasks with greater ease. Your perverted sense of reality is paleolithic in nature. After-all, the troll may be synonymous with the cave-man.

Everybody and everything shits. To be alive is to be in a battle with entropy, eating and shitting is how we pay the rent to entropy that which will consume all in the end. The bear bites down on the salmon and shits in the woods and the nuclear power plant bites down on heavy radioactive metals clawed out of the earth and shits spent fuel rods. At least the nuclear power plant has the hygiene to bury its poop back in the earth where it found it.
What does this paleolithic perspective have to do with intelligent design? You lack a critical understanding of cause & effect. You seem to like things that go boom and zoom, without contemplating its invented purpose. However, I will agree with one thing: Humans may not invent anything, we simply rearrange the periodic table & discovery new perceptions of reality.

Nature is violence, nature is power, only an effete urbanite could ever believe otherwise. I have seen with my own eyes what the farmer will do to the fox, what the fox will do to the hen, what the hen will do to the insect, what the insect will do to even smaller insects. It is the way of things and an internet circle jerk of clueless townies will never change it.
Humans rise above the violence of nature by being its intelligent caretaker. Once again, you are in the cave, living in the ancient fear, that survival instinct that fogs your mind. Humans intelligently program their environments.

It might be somewhat tangential to the conspiracy theory that B-grade media studies grads are secretly DPRK style mass brainwashers (possibly connected with the illuminaughties) but it isn't entirely irrelevant either. Come to think of it, doesn't this whole thread belong in the conspiracy theory sub-forum?
Because thoughtful humans have the ability to intelligently design environments, we are analyzing the contemporary environment and asking if its effect(s) be desirable for the human species and the nature we continuously (knowingly & unknowingly) nurture. To do that, we must confront things like television, radio, advertising, etc, and ask if the invented purpose be wholly beneficial for the survival of our species here on planet Earth. Meanwhile, SolarCross is lost in his paleomammalian complex. May I suggest that SolarCross doesn't realize that he is being programmed through this medium? After-all, when I say we are reactive puppets, I am simply making reference to our chemical composure & how we react to the relative translation of our environment's stimuli. The Medium must be the message, because we are massaging each other right now.

We must continuously, and perhaps cautiously, examine & reexamine our invented purpose, because the universe is perpetually evolving. Since man is one symptom of the universe, sentient, conscious, self-aware, we must recognize our human bias and deny our SELF-esque or selfish relationship to the universe when it threatens the universe & our existence. I personally believe that the best solution is usually aligned with natural law. We should discover, develop, and deploy our technologies with consideration for the largest medium, nature. We shouldn't bypass or ignore the medium known as nature, we should flow with it instead of against it.

ONE LOVE, Infinity loves you!
Last edited by RhetoricThug on 04 Aug 2016 18:36, edited 3 times in total.
Here you've formulated meaningless sentences. Priests utilize the demon ideation to embody & denote an emotional configuration that negatively impacts the human experience (based upon the social majority's emotional consensus, that which is defined by the negative or positive attributes within that society). You're confusing the emotional response with the intellectual response. This why you attempt to compare our criticism with an emotional judgment.

Priests use demons as a psychological warfare gambit, it is a tool to frighten the credulous and the simple into seeing the priest as a necessary saviour who must be provided a living. It is a convoluted form of extortion.

This should be obvious to any man of genuine intelligence, (see I can be condescending too :p.

McLuhan once said (in order to avoid the debase & inarticulate opinions of folks like SolarCross. Plus he had to maintain his academic/professional integrity) that he avoids making any 'value judgements,' and he is not prescribing, but rather describing the effects of technology. In a debate with the highly emotional author Norman Mailer, McLuhan had to set the record straight.

Oh dear you are in a muddle again, I wasn't refering to anything McLuhan said, I was responding to QatzelOk's absurd techphobia.

Actually, technology is our invented purpose that can extend our senses and allow us to probe the environment while we perform material tasks with greater ease. Your perverted sense of reality is paleolithic in nature. After-all, the troll may be synonymous with the cave-man.
This is not a contradiction of what I have said, though your attempt isn't well written. The material tasks for which we employ technology are variations of surviving, comfort/pleasure, success & victory. I might have added sating curiosity too though that is plausibly redundant as curiosity is emotional drive that evolved as survival gambit because knowledge is power as the old saying goes.
Humans rise above the violence of nature by being its intelligent caretaker. Once again, you are in the cave, living in the ancient fear, that survival instinct that fogs your mind. Humans intelligently program their environments.

Except we don't that is just fanciful pretension. You are not a intelligent caretaker of anything so you wouldn't know. Farmers in contrast are intelligent caretakers of nature, they do so not for some airy fairy ennobling the human race and rising above the base instincts that priests so abhor. They do so for the same reason ancient peoples farm and hunt, to put food on the table, to survive and to succeed. They are no less violent too compared with their ancient predessors, (indeed Qatz would probably say they are more violent now than before :lol: ) visit an abattoir sometime and you will see, the violence never stopped.
What does this paleolithic perspective have to do with intelligent design? You lack a critical understanding of cause & effect. You seem to like things that go boom and zoom, without contemplating its invented purpose. However, I will agree with one thing: Humans may not invent anything, we simply rearrange the periodic table & discovery new perceptions of reality.

Absolutely nothing, why would it? Are you on drugs? Are you not understanding anything?
Because thoughtful humans have the ability to intelligently design environments, we are analyzing the contemporary environment and asking if its effect(s) be desirable for the human species and the nature we continuously (knowingly & unknowingly) nurture. To do that, we must confront things like television, radio, advertising, etc, and ask if the invented purpose be wholly beneficial for the survival of our species here on planet Earth. Meanwhile, SolarCross is lost in his paleomammalian complex. May I suggest that SolarCross doesn't realize that he is being programmed through this medium? After-all, when I say we are reactive puppets, I am simply referencing our chemical composure & how we react when to the relative translation of our environment's stimuli. The Medium must be the message, because we are massaging each other right now.

You can ask, but it is just entertainment & information sharing. It is Greek Theatre 2.0.
Nothing dangerous in it, you are jumping at shadows, imaginary ones at that.
Priests use demons as a psychological warfare gambit, it is a tool to frighten the credulous and the simple into seeing the priest as a necessary saviour who must be provided a living. It is a convoluted form of extortion.
This kind of perceptional extortion is being used by Wallstreet through the electronic noosphere. You criticize this kind of psychological warfare gambit, but not our modern methodologies? Please... :roll:
This is not a contradiction of what I have said, though your attempt isn't well written. The material tasks for which we employ technology are variations of surviving, comfort/pleasure, success & victory. I might have added sating curiosity too though that is plausibly redundant as curiosity is emotional drive that evolved as survival gambit because knowledge is power as the old saying goes.
Right, and now we have people designing our technologies around an imbalanced way of living to secure their own success/victory. Today, the material tasks for which we employ technology are primarily variations of pleasure utilizing any means necessary to control human perception.

Absolutely nothing, why would it? Are you on drugs? Are you not understanding anything?
Because you act as if we haven't conquered nature. We are not merely struggling to survive anymore, we've conquered that problem years ago. You are using a paleolithic perspective to justify our lifestyle. I shall reiterate: What does this paleolithic perspective have to do with intelligent design? You lack a critical understanding of cause & effect. You seem to like things that go boom and zoom, without contemplating its invented purpose. However, I will agree with one thing: Humans may not invent anything, we simply rearrange the periodic table & discovery new perceptions of reality.

Except we don't that is just fanciful pretension. You are not a intelligent caretaker of anything so you wouldn't know. Farmers in contrast are intelligent caretakers of nature, they do so not for some airy fairy ennobling the human race and rising above the base instincts that priests so abhor. They do so for the same reason ancient peoples farm and hunt, to put food on the table, to survive and to succeed. They are no less violent too compared with their ancient predessors, (indeed Qatz would probably say they are more violent now than before :lol: ) visit an abattoir sometime and you will see, the violence never stopped.
First off, try not to make accusations, as I farm many fruits & vegetables and raise chickens (in other-words: I'm in touch with sustainable living). What century are you coming from, why do you continue to attack the old priest class when our modern priest class (scientists) continue to manipulate the human species? Things do not change, just our measurements, labels, and the ongoing relative translation of the material world. I get it, you accept nothing beyond the current relative translation of NOW because you think it is the pinnacle of time & space. You consider anything that doesn't agree with the SELF asserted consumption driven socioeconomic edifice, irrational speculation. I hope you are happy with Darwinian materialism, with its laboratory certified patterns of thought manufactured for the people living in Metropolis.

Good day to you, sir!
Last edited by RhetoricThug on 04 Aug 2016 18:34, edited 2 times in total.
Yes I agree we are being brainwashed big time, we as a species have been brainwashed since we developed languages with things like religion, war, advertising and so on but now we have entered an age that goes beyond brainwashing.

The modern techniques currently being honed and refined on the mass public aren't just being used to sell us cheese burgers and alcohol, their purpose is to mentally condition the people. They're being used to alter not just our habits but also our behaviours. It's coming to a stage now where it is possible with enough resources to make people en masse abandon reality an accept whatever untruths they are fed.

Even this in essence is nothing new but with today's ever increasing advances in communication technology the possibilities for their exploitation is becoming limitless. This isn't tinfoil hat, lizard people stuff, it's happening in broad daylight.
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By MB.
I agree with what jessupjonesjnr87 is saying. Virtual reality has existed for many decades now, and there are a great number of documented cases of people using virtual reality technology to escape from what they perceive to be their intolerably constrained and meaningless spectacle-life in, as rhetoricthug put it, Metropolis. Virtual reality technology has been tied into the military industrial complex since the development of computers for the purposes of battlefield simulation and training.

As Bernays would appreciate, this technology is now being employed as psychological warfare, if you will, against the populace to keep them distracted and consumerist. I should need only to mention the ridiculous distraction of the augmented reality app, Pokemon go, which is so powerful in terms of its control over the individual that people freely obey its fantastic commands to go here and do this entirely for the purpose of digital consumption.

Faced with these facts, solar cross's argument, if I understand it correctly, that technological authoritarianism is the expression of natural phenomenon and supposedly naturally occurring power structures, has no legs upon which to stand.

Indeed, this debate reminds me very much of these lines of dialogue from Patrick O'Brian:

Indeed, VR is the next step for the digital stasis lifestyle... The goal, connect everyone to the manufactured disconnection.
MB. wrote: I should need only to mention the ridiculous distraction of the augmented reality app, Pokemon go, which is so powerful in terms of its control over the individual that people freely obey its fantastic commands to go here and do this entirely for the purpose of digital consumption.
Yes, and to elucidate further with fervor, I shall add something from Marshall McLuhan's Laws of Media, page 114:

The task confronting contemporary man is to live with the hidden ground of his activities as familiarly as our literate predecessors lived with the figure minus the ground.

In his Propaganda, Jacques Ellul explains that the basic conditioning or shaping of populations is done, not by programs for various media, but by the media themselves, and by the very language we take for granted: 'Direct propaganda, aimed at modifying opinions and attitudes, must be preceded by propaganda that is sociological in character, slow, general, seeking to create a climate, an atmosphere of favorable preliminary attitudes' (page 15). After this preparation of the ground, the whole cultural ground itself must be mobilized: not messages but the new configuration of the whole ground constitutes propaganda: 'Propaganda must be total. The propagandist must utilize all of the technical means at his disposal- the press, radio, TV, movies, posters, meetings, door-to-door canvassing' (page 9). That is, the media themselves, and the whole cultural ground are forms of language and of what Bacon termed idols of the Marketplace (idola fori). The transforming power of language is recgonized by contemporary phenomenology and linguistics as well...
Pokemon GO, like the new Star Wars movie, will find success through generational programming. The old generation will tap the application because of nostalgia, while new generations may share a 'brand new' moment of discovery through Pokemon GO. Augmented reality being the new sociological ground, will be incrementally prepared through seemingly innocuous activities like Pokemon GO. Applications like Pokemon GO may be used to normalize augmented reality as a new form of social association, meaning to say- Pokemon GO may disappear from memory, but augmented reality applications may be here to stay, as one new form of engagement and expression, as we learn to live with the 'hidden ground' of our activities.

Augmented Reality and its interface prompt new forms of data retrieval that consciously and unconsciously dictate our sensual relationships, thus programming our cognitive reality. Augmented reality builds upon the smart phone, which took about one decade to become a normalized form (mass produced/mass consumed) of technological interaction.

Here is a snippet of some poetry I recently constructed:

Culture through zensory sinsations
in waste stations tap dat apparition's application
wiffet whack enmass, augmented mass pizzazz
pleonastic pastimes cripple our astral spine

Electric autosuggestion

Necrobiosis, poke the plague every manic mon-day
with thy generalmotorskill focus
ignorance is bliss involved in popular pattern psychosis
MB. wrote:... solar cross's argument, if I understand it correctly, that technological authoritarianism is the expression of natural phenomenon and supposedly naturally occurring power structures, has no legs upon which to stand.

Actually, my issue with SolarCross's defense of technological authoritarianism being "natural" isn't that it isn't.

My argument is that every civilization has destroyed its food and water supplies with the technology of its age. And that if we do the same thing, the entire earth will be destroyed.

All the evidence seems to point to the Earth's Industrial monoculture going the same way as Easter Island, but on a whole-earth scale. Which makes mankind's last 10,000 years of technological worship - including our worship of the lies that well-connected priests have written down - seem like a cancerous blip on the timeline of the planet.

"The earth once housed a vain, nervous animal who almost destroyed all the life on it by worshipping power instead of nature."
I agree, it could easily happen. Our existence as it is today depends on a very fragile set of circumstances that could change at any moment and as a species we seem to only exacerbate the possibility of a complete collapse.

A junkie can survive for decades living on a knife edge day by day but unless they change their ways when the end does come it will be premature and messy, as individuals on average we can demonstrate certain levels of restraint and consideration but as a collective we are self defeating junkies with a death wish.
QatzelOk wrote:"...My argument is that every civilization has destroyed its food and water supplies with the technology of its age. And that if we do the same thing, the entire earth will be destroyed..."
If God does not destroy what has destroyed then he is not God. There will be no atheists left in the center of the world. They will either convert or be moved forward. Just more centuries most of mankind has been misled.

Someone said that at a moment's notice the whole thing changed. It's resolutely stupid to state there is no God. You say that you might get approved. If you are hungry today, tomorrow you will be starved. All's for food.

The Leftists shall be replaced for the Right has occupied. Meaning they've been misplaced. No one misunderstands anything. It is only skepticism: The heretics are on. The laws of Tesla are all for yearning so onto go learned.

What law is that. Just three stars are still there is what. They cannot cancel the math. What stars turn out to be is why there is a method. The black hole of the universe is no mistaken identity when all of death is swallowed.

The oceans, the rivers, the streams, the lakes all entered the same exact opportunity man was allotted how many millions of years to behave a caveman or another realm of individualism is what got it all bad to it also starred.

Osiris and Anubis and Horus the Father attends the son with his feet washed. There are either the brain dead or the alive there's nothing else to be allotted. By the word there is baptism unto death until the Holy Ghost shall be revived.

The U.S. Constitution was never written to be anything else but is only righted. Nothing else hardly ever just a big mix-up of who rules over them is only good. Never was it meant to be except a starter-over since mostly most complained.

Isn't that way better than only saying a minority of color only because whited. The slaves who made the White House were white people enslaved enslaved. All they do is now run the cotton-picking just to finally see the schools also lied.

The floor of the feet below sounds hotter since the last earthquake happened. Is the earth just part of the land that shifts when the type key goes past the ed. Oh well hell still opened up just because the lava once flowed by the shrined.

God wants the earth to be transformed enough just to come back to him opened. Is hell ever hot enough to warm the whole place up just once space is the spaced. Some may hear the screams of demons when they are so very righted.

The whole foundation of the United States' Constitution as in how if just two Congress Critters or more U.seless Senators should gain a single vote from the other for the U.S. Border Patrol if not given the exact proper funding to undo all of those most unnecessary rules to make anyone legal when they can all stay.

And you all just agree to give up your exact same seats just because there is no more room for white people anywhere just because the 90%+ or - always a - negative 2+1=3 that you either set up some much older Moses' statues with a gigantic a.t.m. on the other side because they don't care anyway for pay.

The lamp stand called the Jefferson Memorial is no slave's memory save he did his job the best he could have to destroy liberty to ever own another slave again.

The whole Declaration of Independence was to altared how many times by the real slaveholders who never wanted to see a white ever rule over Judah's slaving.

The true fundamentals of all liberals is that only white people could ever own anyone but that blacks could also say bought sold or paid for was theirs plantations.

If the per capita was less then why do they of that exact same race by some other variables of course so much more kill each other than any other race ever has.

Is this the mark of Cain they all talked about as when the same exact tiller of that very same ground would find himself crawling as a snake in all of that dust was.

Oh so finally the white man is just getting used to himself as almost being one of the most finally so almost exactly so useless almost as bad from what theirs calls.

The real actual truth of what was is now sew ethers you like any of it or not just because there were only a real exact few who actually lay their lives down deaths.

Manasseh is the United States of the most vain people in all of the world of movie, film and/or music industry/or favorites thereof/all magazines newspaper outlets.
Sirius, the biblical-style texts that you have written capture the style of pre-mass-media propaganda really well.

But not only has this Desert-God "style" contaminated our public discourse with fantasy and emotional dead ends, the very logic of Abrahamic texts has doomed us to ignorant, unreflected lives of make-believe.

The "fantasy" of the programmed slave (Abrahamic religions) or the fantasy of their self-proclaimed racial masters (other Abrahamic religions) is the main problem. Even our smartest thinkers and most dedicated philanthropists watch as their work does nothing to improve the human condition and this is because our do-gooders have been programmed to be inaffective by Abrahamic propaganda.

By reverting to pre-television text, you are just being nostalgic for earlier and cruder forms of propaganda. You have to go back a lot further than the 5th Century to escape the Obligatory Lies of the Oligarchs.
I originally wanted to create my own thread for this, but due to the lack of 'traffic' and replies, I decided to make it more accessible in this well-established thread. I'd like to expand on the idea of brainwashing by coupling it with 'gene-washing.'

Social Engineering 101
Software= Cultural evolution
Hardware= Biological evolution
Hardware+Software= Synthesis called human expression

As long as the content or software intrigues the human organism, one can predicatively program the hardware to reinforce gene expression (epi-genetics). For social engineers, the vice grip occurs when the medium or vehicle of information creates synergy within the method of sensory engagement created by the information field (total field of awareness). Therefore the content or software influences 'perception' as the hardware or medium influences physiological reception through repetition. Repetition may 'condition' physiological traits due to the human brain's neuroplasticity. Social engineers must exploit the innate flexibility or adaptability of the human system in order to properly/incrementally (re)program human populations.

Propaganda (programming) must be total, education, entertainment, art, etc. The matrix of experience must lean toward desirable genetic expression(s), dictated by the information priest class (today's scientific social engineers) throughout each phase of civilization. In evolutionary biology, convergent evolution is the process whereby organisms not closely related, independently evolve similar traits as a result of having to adapt to similar environments or ecological niches.

Example one: Facebook reorganizes human sensory semantics while the information schematic reinforces participation. Video games, television, etc. Environmental stimuli (information fields) interactively change cultural and biological expression. Consumption habits (all forms of information, tangible & intangible) must be conditioned, including food/drink, as to work with the desired genetic expression(s).

Example two: Paleolithic art (say, Venus figurines) tend to be externalized forms which reflect the inner-life of the artist. Once you externalize something, it can program other folks that knowingly/unknowingly internalize its form. This information loop or system of biomimicry can be described as one holographic schematic. Each human is 'plugged in,' interfacing with the environment or information field, and shan't be separate from its content, software and hardware, etc. The sum of the working parts produce genetic variation. Language can be described as a virus because it can fundamentally change or influence the internal life (realm of ideas), eventually reshaping the will & action of human organisms. Stone sculptures produce the same effect.

Perpetual reverberation within the quantum field of information (spectrum of light/primordial energy), programming all participants experiencing the holographic schematic called conscious existence. We are reiterations of everyTHING that came before NOW. :roll: The 'pinnacle' of our dimension's time/space information collision. One fine balance of conductive will power and informative determinism. Take some time to consider the 'program,' before materialized distractions take over your operating system... I know it's a difficult 'thing' to confront, because we are mentally excited, momentarily suspended above death, for NOW.

Physiological potency
iPads as effective as sedatives for children before operations

New research presented at this year's World Congress of Anaesthesiologists (WCA) in Hong Kong (Aug. 28 - Sept. 2) shows that allowing children to use iPads to distract them before surgery requiring general anaesthesia is as effective at lowering their anxiety as conventional sedatives. Furthermore, parental satisfaction and quality of anaesthesia induction was higher in children using iPads. The study is by Dr Dominique Chassard, EPICIME, Hopital Mere Enfant, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Bron, France, and colleagues.

Mobile interactive tools have been found to be effective to reduce child anxiety at parental separation in the operating theatre*. The authors' aim in this study was to compare the effects of midazolam (a sedative used regularly before anaesthesia) in premedication with age-appropriate game apps (on an iPad tablet) on children aged 4-10 years during and after ambulatory (day) surgery. Anxiety was assessed both in children and in parents.

Children were randomly allocated to one of the two groups (MDZ [midazolam-54 children] or TAB [iPad - 58 children]). Patients in group MDZ received midazolam 0.3mg/kg orally or rectally, or, in group TAB, were given an electronic tablet (iPAD) 20 min before anaesthesia. Child anxiety (using m-YPAS scale) was measured by 2 independent psychologists at four time points: 1) at arrival at hospital 2) at separation from the parents 3) during induction and 4) in the post anaesthesia care unit (PACU). Parental (using STAI score) anxiety was measured at the same time points except during induction as they were not present at that point. Anaesthetic nurses ranked from 0 (not satisfied) to 10 (highly satisfied) the quality of induction of anaesthesia.

Then, 30 minutes after the child received their last dose of nalbuphine anaesthestic or 45 min after arrival in the PACU, the children were transferred to the ambulatory surgery ward where parental anxiety (STAI 3) and children anxiety (m-YPAS 4) were again evaluated for the final time. In addition, parents' satisfaction with the anaesthesia procedure was rated from 0 to 10. Postoperative behaviour changes were assessed with the Post Hospital Behaviour Questionnaire (PHBQ).

The researchers found both parental and child anxiety levels to be similar in both groups, with a similar pattern of evolution. Both parents and nurses found anaesthesia more satisfying in the iPad group.

Dr Chassard concludes: "Our study showed that child and parental anxiety before anaesthesia are equally blunted by midazolam or use of the iPad. However, the quality of induction of anaesthesia, as well as parental satisfaction, were judged better in the iPad group. Use of iPads or other tablet devices is a non-pharmacologic tool which can reduce perioperative stress without any sedative effect in paediatric ambulatory surgery."

http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/ ... 082516.php

As many parents know, the secret to getting a child to relax can sometimes mean simply handing them an iPad. Apparently, that move has a scientific basis, too. According to a small new study, giving children who were about to undergo surgery an iPad was as effective at calming them down as giving them a sedative.

In the report, which was presented at the World Congress of Anaesthesiologists in Hong Kong, researchers compared the effect of using an iPad to taking a sedative called midazolam on children’s anxiety before anesthesia and surgery. The kids, who were between the ages of 4 and 10, were randomly assigned to either take the sedative or play with an iPad—they could play games like Angry Birds and Monster Dash—20 minutes before they were given anesthesia

http://time.com/4472306/its-official-ip ... -for-kids/

Could this be why Steve Jobs didn't allow his children to rewire their brains through his technology?

Asking whether his children liked the new device, Jobs replied: "They haven't used it. We limit how much technology our kids use at home."

http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style ... 93216.html

What's your digital drug of choice? Socially engineered through your 'innocuous' addiction(s).

I know. It's just a silly commercial . But I fear it reflects something deeper about our values these days. It implies that unless kids are told what to do by schools that feed them facts to be memorized, they don't have a clue how to spend their time aside from watching TV.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/laurie-le ... 50342.html

While Netflix contends that the binge model is what viewers want, some traditional network and cable executives continue to argue that their week-to-week rollout of original programming keeps their shows in the cultural conversations for months at a time. Bingeing is obviously an option at other streaming services; several contacted Wednesday did not have comparable data, or did not respond to requests for it.

But Ms. Holland said the study proved to the company that, yes, Netflix viewers were inclined to binge, and reinforced the company’s faith in its policy of releasing all the episodes of an original series at once.

http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/09/busin ... -long.html

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