The image of Arabs prior to 1973 - Politics | PoFo

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Drlee wrote:I think you had better think again. Our generation was fine with conservative Islam. It is becoming more radical and conservative, not less. We had to be brought kicking and screaming against the abuses listed above.

How did you see the Islamic world till the oil embargo of 1973? There were three parts of them.

1. The picturesque but reactionary desert Arabs who enjoined quite great Valentino-style fascination until 9/11 came out of the blue.

2. There were radical ostensibly "secular" and "socialists" Arabs like Nasserite Egypt, Baath Iraq and Syria, revolutionary Lybia and Algeria, who had some American sympathy for their "anti imperialst" stand.

3. There were non Arab Muslims, who were supposedly American "friends", like Pakistan and Afghanistan.
All of the above. You hit it just about spot on.

My entire education before college looked at "Arabs" very little at all. We were taught about when Egypt "happened" and how cool the Sphinx was and got a smattering of the culture from movies in which all Arabs were extras. We knew absolutely nothing about Islam. As best as I can recall, it did not figure in my education at all. Of course we knew Bible place names but they were not real. Tarzan, Albert Schweitzer and National Geographic were our total view of Sub Saharan Africa.

The US of the 1950 -60's was simply not interested. Once we kicked Rommel out of North Africa that was about it.

Depressing. With America falls to Arab Islamic realm, there will be no Western civilization. They work so smartly and brilliantly in recruiting the liberal public opinion. Their achievements mainly with the "Palestinian" cause (in fact the bridgehead of global Islamic jihad) is phenomenal. Some Americans (mainly Christians) are trying to alert the public opinion, but the task is almost impossible.

Crude propaganda video by Rair Foundation. The most depressing is the sound of white American student calling to jihad in his American accent, "intifada, intifada long live intifada".

Amy Mek
Drlee wrote:The US of the 1950 -60's was simply not interested. Once we kicked Rommel out of North Africa that was about it.


The allies?

Come on Decky. You are looking to pick a fight. We were there too you know. Rescuing our British friends from themselves. ;)
Nonsense, everyone knows that Britain stood alone against Rommel! Well aside from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Malta, the Sudan defence force etc...

Anyway the point is that the American contribution was negligible as it was everywhere outside of the Pacific.
Careful Decky. Don't piss us off.

Delivery Vehicles Warheads
Minuteman III W78/Mk12A; W87/Mk21 431 481
ICBM (total) 431 481
UGM-133A Trident II D-5 W76-0/Mk4 230 N/A
UGM-133A Trident II D-5 W76-1/Mk4A N/A
UGM-133A Trident II D-5 W88/Mk5 N/A
SLBM (total) 230 920
B-2 12 N/A
B-52H 68 N/A
B61-7 N/A N/A
B61-11 N/A N/A
B83 N/A N/A
AGM-86 ALCM W80-1 N/A N/A
Bomber force (total) 80 *
Strategic forces (total) 741 1481+

Do not piss us off.
Like you would be competent enough to aim them. :lol: Judging by your behavior in Iraq and Afghanistan with regards to friendly fire you would be a bigger danger to your friends than your targets.
Decky wrote:Nonsense, everyone knows that Britain stood alone against Rommel! Well aside from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Malta, the Sudan defence force etc...

Anyway the point is that the American contribution was negligible as it was everywhere outside of the Pacific.

That's not the point of @Drlee. Negligible or not, he says after that mission they forgot about them.

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