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Communism is a dream, but socialism is a real thing with achievable goals and means. All industries, from pharmaceuticals, to energy, to agriculture, to telecommunications, and so on can be nationalized. Society, and the means of production, can be restructured. I don't know what you mean by your first sentence: are you referring to the misconception that socialism is the same thing as communism, and that it's about "changing human nature"?
Potemkin wrote:I don't see how that is possible, @foxdemon. After all, even the fact that government exists at all is itself ideological - the anarchists and lolbertarians would like to abolish government altogether, for ideological reasons, while sane people want to keep at least a minimal government apparatus, for similarly ideological reasons. Everything about governments is ideological, and they are never more ideological than when they claim not to be ideological.

I acknowledge there is a problem with my suggestion. I am struggling to see how ideology could be separated from the state as religion was.

Let’s take a step back and ask ourselves what politics is all about. I like this definition: “politics is about who gets what, when and how”. Some American dude said that. This should not be taken to completely invalidate the quote in your dog, as politics often manifests that way. However, I think it is reasonable to say politics is about the distribution of resources.

Ideology, as applied to politics, is a system of belief about who gets what, when and how. Take liberalism for example. Here we have a system of belief tailored to justify mercantile townsfolk being the predominant interest group that the state and society ought aim answers to the question of who get what, when and how. This is done by emphasising such norms as private property ownership, including the means of production, various concepts of meritocracy, etc.

OK, so there’s your basic capitalist system. But what happens when this system of belief runs it’s course and a distribution of resources results which excludes are large proportion of the population? Of course an alternative ideology will emerge which argues for a different justification of resources. Such as the late 19th century labour and social justice movement which ultimately led to public schools, welfare, universal sufferage, laws regarding working conditions, etc. The reduction of social-economic inequality over the 20th century up til the Regan/Thatcher era was the result.

This is where the problems start, since those benefiting from liberalism where of a mindset to accept a winner takes all mentality in the first place, they are not likely to simply give in to the new ideology that would not benifit them. So now we have ideological conflict for control of the state to see who can exclude the opposition. And what better way to do that than by using the instruments of the state to persecute the opposition?

However, to achieve this, one must be able to present a moral justification to make such discrimination lawful. If one could take the opposition’s morality and turn it against thenm, then one would be in a very good position to justify their exclusion from the political process and implement laws to keep them marginalised in terms they couldn’t argue against. Well not without abandoning those social justice beliefs. So if liberals could co-opt social justice....wait, that is what PC is!

Since liberal thinkers such as Rawls, liberalism has recast itself as being about rights between identity groups rather than rights between individuals and the state. This is the means by which liberalism has appropriated social justice. Now the higher levels of the bourgeoisie can decide which identity groups should be favoured over others.

Of course it is the majority labour group than is going to be targeted for marginalisation. How better to concentrate power and thus wealth in one’s own hands than to exclude the majority? And what’s more social justice provides all the moral legitimacy needed for drafting all sorts of laws to achieve that aim.

It is, in my opinion, no accident that rising levels of socio-economic inequality and rising levels of PC are coincidental. This appropriation of social justice by liberalism is the new ‘how’ of who get what and when. And so we see an endless stream of propaganda on the evils of white males and how their privileges must be removed. And yet minorities still mysteriously never seem to see their position improve. Yet the wealth and power is increasingly concentrated in the hands of the few.

A sensible, though ghtful person will look at this and call it an absurdly illogical situation (ie: bullshit).

So there is a need for the elites to repress such thoughtful people. And what we get is a cult like implementation of liberal social justice which is based on faith rather than reason. This is not actually any different from mid 19th century liberalism which used religion for the same purposes. How did Marx put it again?

“The heart of a heartless world, the soul of a soulless condition, the sigh of the oppressed beast...religion social justice is the opium of the masses”.

But there is a counter reformation reaction. Just as irrational. Trump and his supporters represent that reaction. They have rejected social justice but still represent labour. Now they have temporarily taken the state and used its power hamfistedly to correct wrongs. The liberal PC mob will take the state’s power back and persecute the counter reformists twice as zealously. Then the cycle will repeat, each time with greater ruthlessness.

How to prevent this? I suggested separating ideology from the state as a solution on the grounds that it is the same process as the wars of the reformation and thus the same solution could be applied.

Perhaps a more practical solution would be to identify liberal social justice capitalism as a ruthless and uncompromising system of belief that will happily destroy intellectual freedoms in order to protect the concentration of power. Quite the opposite of what liberals claim to be about.

And the result is an intolerant and unstable society that is increasingly at war with itself.

So @Potemkin , what should we do about all of this?
Bulaba Jones wrote:Communism is a dream, but socialism is a real thing with achievable goals and means. All industries, from pharmaceuticals, to energy, to agriculture, to telecommunications, and so on can be nationalized. Society, and the means of production, can be restructured. I don't know what you mean by your first sentence: are you referring to the misconception that socialism is the same thing as communism, and that it's about "changing human nature"?

No, I'm saying I wouldn't force socialism on a society. I don't believe in one-party states that have socialism as a founding ideology and I think most instances of socialism in history have been forced. I don't know that society can be restructured to that extent through liberal democracy, it may very well be necessary to overthrow the capitalists by force once a sizable majority supports socialism, but I do think the political process should always be open to capitalists, fascists, monarchists, theocrats, and all political persuasions.
Sivad wrote:It really is astounding how naive people are about science. Science is a flawed and limited human institution. The most that can be said for science is that it's the best we can do, it's not an oracle. I guess people need an oracle though, that's probably why every society and culture in history has given full credence and authority to some priesthood or other, and for the uninitiated science satisfies that need.

We really shouldn't legally persecute prosecute heretics deniers of scientific orthodoxy consensus, it never ends well and history usually sides with the heretics.

Show me a 97% consensus in a theoretical science and I'll show you groupthink, politics, bullshit, and rampant assholism.

I think there's something to the idea that science is standing in for some aspects of religion, but it's worthwhile to distinguish between different sciences in terms of the quality of evidence they can provide. Even within scientific fields there are better and worse sub-fields.

What's depressing about this debate is that if you make it illegal to go against a scientific consensus you are no longer engaging in science, so those who support this idea are actually anti-science by definition (while imagining themselves to be the defenders of it of course). As you say, it's more like religious people declaring others heretics and the similarity doesn't end there, but the justification is also the same - the contrary opinion or speech is dangerous.

Bulaba Jones wrote:@Kaiserschmarrn I specifically said I am against people who not only deny climate change, but whose denial of climate change has real-world effects (I thought it was obvious I was talking about how their actions are contributing to real-world conditions).

Fair enough. I was focusing on your agreement with Potemkin and should have read more closely.

Bulaba Jones wrote:I'd rather see all energy industries nationalized, corporate executives either shot in the head or sent to reeducation camps to learn the concept of doing actual work, and (the) national government(s) work on directly limiting hydrocarbon emissions as much as possible.

That's probably putting too much trust in politicians, even if this involved a socialist state (?). They need to have a stake in the outcome and should be targeted directly.
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:What's depressing about this debate is that if you make it illegal to go against a scientific consensus you are no longer engaging in science, so those who support this idea are actually anti-science by definition (while imagining themselves to be the defenders of it of course). As you say, it's more like religious people declaring others heretics and the similarity doesn't end there, but the justification is also the same - the contrary opinion or speech is dangerous.

And since apparently a consensus can just be made up out of thin air regardless of what scientists are actually saying, it probably wouldn't actually be science determining which ideas and opinions are too dangerous to tolerate.
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:What's depressing about this debate is that if you make it illegal to go against a scientific consensus you are no longer engaging in science, so those who support this idea are actually anti-science by definition (while imagining themselves to be the defenders of it of course).

No, you're not. You have absolutely no basis for this claim.

As you say, it's more like religious people declaring others heretics and the similarity doesn't end there, but the justification is also the same - the contrary opinion or speech is dangerous.

Yes it does. Religious heresies and orthodoxies have no basis in facts or reality. Scientific claims do.

There is nothing wrong with making it illegal to claim that the Earth is flat or that gravity doesn't exist, etc.
Saeko wrote:No, you're not. You have absolutely no basis for this claim.

The basis for my claim should be obvious. Science is supposed to be self-correcting and this can only happen if scientists are free to pursue all hypotheses, including those that are considered controversial. Note that this is usually not about disproving a theory but correcting and updating it.

But again, the only way to get results is to directly criminalise actions and the most effective strategy would be to target actions of politicians because they can and do ignore science if it suits them, e.g. in the developed world all policy is made under the assumption that there are no male female differences in preferences, despite the scientific consensus that differences exist across time and space.

Saeko wrote:Yes it does. Religious heresies and orthodoxies have no basis in facts or reality. Scientific claims do.

This isn't entirely true. Scientific consensus and theory is often based on absence of evidence or on shaky facts, e.g. so-called junk DNA was thought to be, well, junk; "refrigerator mothers" were thought to be responsible for their kids' autism; many western countries had the crudest eugenics and forced sterilisation programmes based on the scientific consensus at the time; etc.

You are also naive if you believe that ideologues won't try and capitalise on the opportunity to enshrine any consensus in the law, no matter how shaky its foundations, or to outright fabricate consensus.
There's a story about the Soviet Union in the 1930s. A guy said the thought the five year plan was good. He was shipped off to a labour camp for ten years- just in case he was being sarcastic. That's what you've got to do if you really want to control what people say. You see I remember how bad it was in 2001. The Muslim lovers were absolutely running riot. it was forbidden to make even the most polite criticism of Islam. I wasn't on PoFo, I don't know if it had been started, but you couldn't criticise Islam on internet forums like you can today. This is why we started the "Religion of Peace" meme. It was very difficult for them (the Muslim lovers) to control sarcasm. the only way you could criticise Islam was by praising it.

By banning things, without complete totalitarian control, you can actually strengthen them. But the Cultural Marxists and the Cuckservative establishment were aware of this. This is why the Muslim lovers in the establishment went to such extreme lengths to ban 9/11 conspiracy theories from official / "legitimate" discourse. This wasn't to suppress them, oh no it was to help spread them. The cuckservative and establishment Liberal position was that 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam. Of course in an ideal world (for them) they would have like everyone to believe the official narrative, but they knew that was not realistic. A safe anti narrative was needed. The supposedly oh so radical, oh so daring, oh so dangerous, 9/11 conspiracy theories were again that 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam.

You see the same thing with so called "Nazis". The extreme anti-Nazis are not trying to eliminate Nazism, no quite the reverse. No they need the Nazi bogeyman. They need to be able to associate anyone who opposes the Cultural Marxist agenda with Nazis. Its the lefties that constantly seek to racialise and genderise every dispute. They seek to make every argument, every debate, every disagreement, a choice between Hitler and Cultural Marxism.
This is an older thread but i found it interesting so I want to add my 2 cents.

Science is largely self correcting, only so long as scientists are free to pursue it without fear of recrimination For that reason, I think that any lawsuit that seeks to censor scientific expression is destructive to all science.

The 97% scientific consensus of AGW is real and the evidence is compelling. That doesn’t mean that the minority should not be allowed to try to prove the majority wrong. If the consensus view cannot withstand a scientific challenge then it will fall. If it can, then it will be strengthened.

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