Sun more active than for a millennium - Politics | PoFo

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Sun more active than for a millennium

The Sun is more active now than it has been for a millennium. The realisation, which comes from a reconstruction of sunspots stretching back 1150 years, comes just as the Sun has thrown a tantrum. Over the last week, giant plumes of have material burst out from our star's surface and streamed into space, causing geomagnetic storms on Earth.

The dark patches on the surface of the Sun that we call sunspots are a symptom of fierce magnetic activity inside. Ilya Usoskin, a geophysicist who worked with colleagues from the University of Oulu in Finland and the Max Planck Institute for Aeronomy in Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany, has found that there have been more sunspots since the 1940s than for the past 1150 years.

Sunspot activity
Sunspot observations stretch back to the early 17th century, when the telescope was invented. To extend the data farther back in time, Usoskin's team used a physical model to calculate past sunspot numbers from levels of a radioactive isotope preserved in ice cores taken from Greenland and Antarctica.

Global warming

Ice cores provide a record of the concentration of beryllium-10 in the atmosphere. This is produced when high-energy particles from space bombard the atmosphere, but when the Sun is active its magnetic field protects the Earth from these particles and levels of beryllium-10 are lower.

There was already tantalising evidence that beryllium-10 is scarcer now than for a very long time, says Mike Lockwood, from the UK's Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford.

But he told New Scientist that when he saw the data converted to sunspot numbers he thought, "why the hell didn't I do this?" It makes the conclusion very stark, he says. "We are living with a very unusual sun at the moment."

The findings may stoke the controversy over the contribution of the Sun to global warming. Usoskin and his team are reluctant to be dragged into the debate, but their work will probably be seized upon by those who claim that temperature rises over the past century are the result of changes in the Sun's output (New Scientist, print edition, 12 April 2003). The link between the Sun's magnetic activity and the Earth's climate is, however, unclear.


Typical Greeny response: Ignore.
By Classical Liberal
The link between the Sun's magnetic activity and the Earth's climate is, however, unclear.

They still aren't sure.
By Freedom
They still cant prove "Global Warming" or even that CO2 and humans cause Global Warming, yet we still have Kyoto and I still have to sit through hours of indoctrination at my shitty state run school about how by driving my car I'm commiting genocide. I still have to read in Irish-English and French about the wonderful scientific work that is being done by Greenpeace. Its all crap. Bah...its a hypocracy plain and simple. Silly hippies.

Okay an example of this may be neccessary:

About two weeks ago in Geography we were doing a lesson on Climatic change. What did I learn in this lesson? I learned that Letterkenny would be under water within four years. I heard that we are all gonna die within the next twenty etc Of course none of this will happen-but its what we are taught in school...bah
By Classical Liberal
Everyone knows that CO2 creates warming because it's that much more greenhouse gas added to the atmosphere. I am not saying that you are killing everyone and that you profess a "Kill the planet" idealogy either. People still have to be careful, or Letterkenny will literally be sleeping with the fishes in due time.
By Freedom
If this were true Creeper, that Human Activity and increasing Co2 use was causing the earth to heat'd expect the 20th centrury to be the warming Centrury in history wouldnt you not?


Global Warming is a joke. I'm sick of being told about the how I'm affecting the climate.

The above diagram is part of a thorough rebutall of the claims that the 20th centrury is really the warmest centrury on record. Availible here

If you want more on the huge worldwide practical joke that is Global Warming visit

OISM Petition

Still Waiting for Greenhouse(This also contains a link to another site with the above graph in it and also thorough debunkings of many Global Warming lies]
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By Demosthenes
Oh! Oh! Freedom please let me include my link which also disproves the "sky is falling" notion of global warming... At the bottom of the page is the link I so lovingly provided but since I also hate to see the hippies get themselves all worried I also included the text of the link in this thread.

Freedom- I recognize that Oregan Institute of Science link, It's also very good but you'll need to several degrees in science and a whole lotta patience to get through it...
By Freedom
The Ozone Hole Fraud

Is that the one?

Also for something easier, the the eleven step re-education course here

Also you Hippies may want to look into this: Three out of the four methods of measuring tempurature show NO signs of global the Still Wating for Greenhouse Page its really good.

Like I said, typical Green response: Ignore.
By smashthestate
When it comes down to it, no scientific study or series of studies have proven that the majority effect of "global warming" has been caused by Man or an increase in the Sun's activity.
By Classical Liberal
Oh boy, my testbook WRITTEN BY SCIENTISTS must have a liberal bias. :roll:
By Freedom
I really enjoyed the refutation of the article about the Sun, then I really loved your thrashing of the data that the 20th centrury really isnt the hottest centrury in History and then I love the way you picked apart the views on the scientists who dispell Global Warming as the myth it is in. You should also note that the handy graph I supplied, was a refutation of the study that was the bases of the Kyoto agreement. What a silly irrelevant point that is Creeper-your textbook is just wrong or unobjective if it doesnt facter in all possible explainations for and against Global Warming. Maybe you shouldnt reply if thats all you've got.
By Classical Liberal
Don't take it the wrong way, Freedom. This is the hottest century, but it will still get hotter if you add CO2. Basically, it's gotten bad, and then it will get worse. That's all I'm saying. The question I really want to aks you is, "Do you really think CO2 has no effect?" If you say yes, which you should for without it we would not have enough heat to survive, then still adding more is bad, and thus we contribute to global warming along with the Sun (which obviously hates us :p).
By Freedom

About your claims in CO2 etc please visit these links here and here

Also a visit to co2 Science will do you the world of good to.
By Freedom
When did I call you a name, other than Creeper?

Still your article doesnt make sense, if CO2 and more to the point humans using CO2 is the cause for the supposed increase in temperatures it is only logical to assume that indeed the 20th century was the warmest, which it is not. It doesnt add up.
By Classical Liberal
Also you Hippies


Thomas Crowley wrote:"Conclusions to the contrary have been based on fragmentary data," he observed. "I think it would be hazardous to conclude, based on discrepancies between models and data from the past, that projections interpreting the negative impact of future anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions are erroneous."

And it concludes...

"The bottom line remains the same -- CO2 is still very important to the whole process of climate change. We just don't have all the story yet," Crowley said.
By Freedom
Oh sorry I forgot you prefer "Stupid Pinko Bastard" I'm sorry ;) anyway I was calling the average greenie "hippies", not specifically you...
By Classical Liberal
I am actually not an eco-freak as some would call them. If I was, I would be writing letters to you on rice paper with a soy pencil.
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By Demosthenes
If I had a hypothesis that I would look into it would definately be the sunspot-solar flare thing. Since light destroys ozone much faster and completely than Cfc's It only makes sense to look there first and quit charging so damn much for recharging my AC in my car! Those bastards!

Thats it! Global Warming was invented by the evil air conditioning companies, in cooperation with the hair spray makers so we'd have to start paying more for these items!

By gawd don't anybody try to tell me different either. If you post facts refuting it than they must be hopelessly biased or simply a part of the massive conspiracy... I know it's ALL true! Don't ask me how, I just know through sheer force of my WILL!! ;)

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