[Glacial Flooding] Most people living in developed countries have blood on their hands. - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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[Glacial Flooding] Most people living in developed countries have blood on their hands.

Cos they caused global warming due to high carbon emissions. This has melted glaciers in mountainous regions and formed glacial lakes.

Unfortunately, the glacial lake is stoppered at its mouth by an unmelted ice wall, which will eventually break open as melting continues, to release a huge torrent of water and wash away the lives and properties of those living downstream.

Inhabitants in developed countries responsible for high carbon emissions better donate some funds to examine all the glaciers in the world, or else reduce the rate of CO2 emissions significantly if they want to maintain clean conscience and karma in the present world.

https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-ne ... 90832.html
BicCherry wrote:[Glacial Flooding] Most people living in developed countries have blood on their hands.

Cos they caused global warming due to high carbon emissions. This has melted glaciers in mountainous regions and formed glacial lakes.

Unfortunately, the glacial lake is stoppered at its mouth by an unmelted ice wall, which will eventually break open as melting continues, to release a huge torrent of water and wash away the lives and properties of those living downstream.

Inhabitants in developed countries responsible for high carbon emissions better donate some funds to examine all the glaciers in the world, or else reduce the rate of CO2 emissions significantly if they want to maintain clean conscience and karma in the present world.

https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-ne ... 90832.html


China, US, India and Russia are the largest modern polluters.

I think as global warming happens, this kinda disaster will happen more often. Thee will also be drought and famine besides the immediate aftermath destruction due to sudden torrent/tsunami of flood water. This is because healthy glaciers fill river all year round with water, but unhealthy, rolled back glaciers cannot continuously / slowly slide forwards, so the river runs dry in summer and then the food production will significantly be lowered.
late wrote:If you look at total emissions (over time), per country, America leads the pack, and not by a small margin.

What is your point? That America used to be the largest poluter and now it is the 2nd largest? Sure but it is not contributing to polution the most anymore. But it is not like the US can just take away all that CO2 already released. US can wait for it to naturally get recycled or plant trees but thats it. The best thing that we can do is to polute less which US is trying to do. Same goes for Europe.
JohnRawls wrote:
What is your point? That America used to be the largest polluter and now it is the 2nd largest? Sure but it is not contributing to pollution the most anymore. But it is not like the US can just take away all that CO2 already released. US can wait for it to naturally get recycled or plant trees but thats it. The best thing that we can do is to pollute less which US is trying to do. Same goes for Europe.

My point is we are quite responsible for what we did.

We should be leading the world, not jerking off with relatively minor changes.
late wrote:My point is we are quite responsible for what we did.

We should be leading the world, not jerking off with relatively minor changes.

"We" are not responsible. I did not pollute nor do i accept collective punishment because it is immoral and illegal actually.

Here you go.
late wrote:Being a responsible adult is not punishment.

It's being an adult.

Your playing with words. You are basically pushing punishment and responsibility on people who were not responsible for the pollution and are guilty by association of being the descendants of people who didn't understand the problem at large. Even worse is that you are doing that while the same people are actually slowly improving the situation regarding the pollution.
Are users seriously arguing amongst themselves who is the biggest polluter. America or China? :lol:

Those who are to blame are not the poor but those who have the means to make a difference. Climate change denying presidents who dodge out of agreements for profitable purposes and those who hold back technological advancement or funding so fossil fuels retain profitability are to blame. Our behaviour is to blame as well but understandable whilst alternatives remain oblivious. You could argue the poor are doing self harm but what is the alternative? Not to eat, no power, lack of production, lack of advancement? Also, their Carbon Footprint isn't even comparable to the West or other developed nations.
@late @B0ycey

Nobody is questioning the science late. Also this topic is more of a question of how to convince people to do something about it even more compared to what is happening. I just don't think that telling people tough luck, we are going to punish you now so accept it and take responsibility will work. It won't. Nobody wants to suffer or will accept suffering that comes from something that they didn't personally do.

Asking people to pay more taxes, pay higher prices or have less jobs are not something that people will accept in mass. Find a way how to make it in to a win-win situation or at least present it as a huge economic win of some sorts. Show how this greening will have businesses and increase our way of lives in real terms and not some vague concepts that might be prevented.
JohnRawls wrote:@late @B0ycey

Nobody is questioning the science late. Also this topic is more of a question of how to convince people to do something about it even more compared to what is happening. I just don't think that telling people tough luck, we are going to punish you now so accept it and take responsibility will work. It won't. Nobody wants to suffer or will accept suffering that comes from something that they didn't personally do.

It seems to me this thread is blaming poor people for their own flooding. That isn't an attack on you or your opinion FYI. That is what it is about. But I did find it bizarre that the two big players of CO2 emissions were getting defended by you two arguing who is the bigger baddie. They both are responsible but Trump was the most responsible of them all by pulling out of his nations climate commitments.

Asking people to pay more taxes, pay higher prices or have less jobs are not something that people will accept in mass. Find a way how to make it in to a win-win situation or at least present it as a huge economic win of some sorts. Show how this greening will have businesses and increase our way of lives in real terms and not some vague concepts that might be prevented.

Tackling climate change is indeed win-win. Can you imagine your nation being fuel efficient under hydrogen power? No more oil. No more illegal wars. Abundance clean air. But this isn't a pipe dream. The technology is already out there. But a final push is needed to get it started. If we had the same drive to tackle climate change like we did with covid19, this would be sorted by the end of the decade. So why are we not tackling it? Because we have invested in fossil fuels and those companies also fund the research in hydro fuels. And perhaps those who have the power to do something about climate change are the most responsible for this crisis than someone who lives under a glacier. Perhaps you guys should debate that then say yes but so and so is worse. They both are worse. They both have the financial but not the political desire to do something.
late wrote:It's not punishment, you're lying.

My patience with lying excuse addicts is gone.

How would it be and is perceived? You are asking people to take on hardship in some way. I understand that you do it for the cause but what if the person doesn't believe in the cause even if he understand the science? This is all real life scenario and has nothing to do with science denial. People usually agree with the science but it doesn't mean that they are willing to do anything about it or have the means or see any reason to.
I spent most of my morning washing the blood off my hands.

Seriously though, I'm all for making that changes needed to reduce emissions, to reduce waste, especially plastic waste, etc.

However, until the economics line up, it's just going to happen. That said, it seems like the economics is finally starting to line up in some areas, like getting off fossil fuels.
There is reason for a modest optimism. Big Oil is in terrible shape. They have lost an unreal amount of money, many billions, and won't be lining the pockets of politicians the way they usually do. Ford and Chevy have seen the writing on the wall, and know that if they want to avoid Japan burying them, they need to develop good electric cars. I haven't seen a peep about this from Biden, but that also means it's time to work on upgrading the power grid, and pushing alternative sources to replace coal and gas power generation. I keep waiting to hear the words, Smart Grid.

This is a very different political landscape than it was even a couple years ago. There is a lot less resistance to change, and a growing list of reasons why we need to.

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