Can we just change the moon's or earth's orbit? - Politics | PoFo

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I cannot believe this is for realz.

Months ago, another stupid "republican" was suggesting to inject bleach and light into people for coronavirus. I thought I would never live to see someone say something even more stupid than that.
It turns out, I am underestimating these people.

Now, there is nothing "impossible" about moving an object in space, so while technically it falls within the realms of "possible" it is a fucking stupid idea. We could make a lake in the middle of the sahara if we ask everyone to travel there and start spitting on the same spot for the next 100 years, it would be possible, yet incredibly stupid.

There are many ways we could "reverse" damage that we have done. We could send thousands of satellites with large "sunscreens" that intercept and a portion of the light. It might sound crazy to "umbrella" a large portion of the planet, but the closer this "umbrella" is to the light/heat source (the sun) the larger the shadow that it casts on our planet. Mirrors, lenses and solar collectors could all play a role on this. It would be stupidly expensive to do this, but it would only be a minuscule portion of what "moving the orbit" of celestial bodies would cost in terms of money, resources, planning, etc (not to mention, once such "sunshield" is set up, presumably we would have the ability to literally control or climate, at all times.

The most insulting thing of it all is that he seems to be operating from the assumption that there is nothing we can do right now to help.... This is the sort of idiot that opposes "green" initiatives all of which combined would be less than a penny on the dollar, compared to what "moving the earth or the moon" would cost us. Cutting emisions? HELL NO. Putting a rocket on the moon to move it... "well that sounds promising".

Why do we keep electing literal moron's to lead our country?
How would you feel if you are on a cruise and your boat's capitan's plan to deal with an island or an iceberg is to have part of the crew go into boats, put some ropes on the island/iceberg and try to move it from your way because he has made his mind that he does not want to steer the ship? This is exactly what this moron is proposing, we don't want to alter our course (fossil fuels burning), and instead, this moron is suggesting we move our obstacle...
XogGyux wrote:I cannot believe this is for realz.

Welcome to America! Bet you're glad you left the insanity and backward idiocy of Castro's Cuba for the enlightenment and progressive idealism of 21st century America, eh? ;)

Months ago, another stupid "republican" was suggesting to inject bleach and light into people for coronavirus. I thought I would never live to see someone say something even more stupid than that.
It turns out, I am underestimating these people.

As George W Bush once said, misunderestimating these people is always a mistake. Lol.

Now, there is nothing "impossible" about moving an object in space, so while technically it falls within the realms of "possible" it is a fucking stupid idea. We could make a lake in the middle of the sahara if we ask everyone to travel there and start spitting on the same spot for the next 100 years, it would be possible, yet incredibly stupid.

There are many ways we could "reverse" damage that we have done. We could send thousands of satellites with large "sunscreens" that intercept and a portion of the light. It might sound crazy to "umbrella" a large portion of the planet, but the closer this "umbrella" is to the light/heat source (the sun) the larger the shadow that it casts on our planet. Mirrors, lenses and solar collectors could all play a role on this. It would be stupidly expensive to do this, but it would only be a minuscule portion of what "moving the orbit" of celestial bodies would cost in terms of money, resources, planning, etc (not to mention, once such "sunshield" is set up, presumably we would have the ability to literally control or climate, at all times.

The most insulting thing of it all is that he seems to be operating from the assumption that there is nothing we can do right now to help.... This is the sort of idiot that opposes "green" initiatives all of which combined would be less than a penny on the dollar, compared to what "moving the earth or the moon" would cost us. Cutting emisions? HELL NO. Putting a rocket on the moon to move it... "well that sounds promising".

Follow the money, @XogGyux. Someone must be paying this guy to say these things.

Why do we keep electing literal moron's to lead our country?

If most of your electorate are morons, then they are likely to vote a fellow moron into office, or at least someone who can convincingly pretend to be a fellow moron. Lol.

How would you feel if you are on a cruise and your boat's capitan's plan to deal with an island or an iceberg is to have part of the crew go into boats, put some ropes on the island/iceberg and try to move it from your way because he has made his mind that he does not want to steer the ship? This is exactly what this moron is proposing, we don't want to alter our course (fossil fuels burning), and instead, this moron is suggesting we move our obstacle...

What does this tell us? It tells us that the captain of the ship is happy with the course the ship is on right now, because it generates lots of lovely money for him. If some of the passengers aren't happy with the course the ship is on, why then, they can row out to the iceberg and try to tow it out of the way. Otherwise, fuck them. Lol.

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