1st person testimony that ACC is heating the Earth. Surviving in Kuwait's 'unbearable' heat-BBC News - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Surviving in Kuwait's 'unbearable' heat - BBC News
just 15 min long

. . . The Middle East is heating up at twice the global average, and Kuwait now regularly sees temperatures above 50C.
. . . Kuwait’s economy is dominated by fossil fuel exports but as the temperature rises more and more of Kuwait is becoming desert and it becomes harder to live with the extreme heat.
. . . With the mercury topping 53C, three Kuwaiti citizens - an influencer, a weather forecaster and a retired civil servant - raise the alarm with concerns about “how much longer we can consider Kuwait habitable”.
. . . They urge that Kuwait must not be allowed to get any hotter - and one of them has a solution to offer.

This area was the birth place of civilisation. For thousands of years North Africa and the fertile crescent was part of the leading edge of civilisation, they made huge contributions to scientific, technological and cultural advancement. And then the Muslims came. There has been some confusion about this, because initially these lands were ruled by a small minority of Muslim terrorist parasites. It took a long time for theses lands to completely convert to Islam, so for some time these societies were still able to support technological and scientific advancement. In fact for a time the more unequal and more exploitative Muslim systems allowed the support of a greater number of scientist specialists. The Muslims have been terrible guardians of the land and have contributed greatly to desertification which increases temperatures and temperature extremes.

But these Muslim countries particularly Saudi Arabia have some of the worst per capita green house emissions on the planet. Yet we in Northern Europe constantly get hasselled about our green house emissions.
Rich wrote:This area was the birth place of civilisation. For thousands of years North Africa and the fertile crescent was part of the leading edge of civilisation, they made huge contributions to scientific, technological and cultural advancement. And then the Muslims came. There has been some confusion about this, because initially these lands were ruled by a small minority of Muslim terrorist parasites. It took a long time for theses lands to completely convert to Islam, so for some time these societies were still able to support technological and scientific advancement. In fact for a time the more unequal and more exploitative Muslim systems allowed the support of a greater number of scientist specialists. The Muslims have been terrible guardians of the land and have contributed greatly to desertification which increases temperatures and temperature extremes.

But these Muslim countries particularly Saudi Arabia have some of the worst per capita green house emissions on the planet. Yet we in Northern Europe constantly get hasselled about our green house emissions.

Maybe Europe should lead the way out of this.
Rancid wrote:Maybe Europe should lead the way out of this.

Well we in Britain should tell the international liberal elite where to shove it. For starters I'd point to the closing down of Germany's nuclear power stations, if the liberals are correct about the effects of Green House emissions then this was a grossly irresponsible and narcissistic act by the Germans. The second thing to consider is the huge inefficiency of Chinese industry, the liberals pile on the regulations to western industry, pushing companies to relocate their production to China where they have much higher green house emissions per unit of output.

But the third thing is if Texas and Saudi Arabia don't care about global warming why on earth is it our responsibility in Europe to try and help alleviate their mess. The climate scandal demonstrated that the whole environmental scientific establishment is deeply corrupt. The reinstatement of Phil Jones and the condoning of his anti scientific practices proved that this wasn't just the case of a few bad apples. They witch hunt any scientist whether working within environmental science or without that questions the scientific establishment and then have the effrontery to claim there's a consensus. Its a bit like Stalin saying he had a consensus amongst all the Communist Party's governing bodies.

But the so called science communicators are worse. They couldn't care less about science. They will say anything. So I can still remember they were threatening us in temperate climates with the ending of the Gulf Stream and a new ice age. I haven't forgotten "The Day after Tomorrow", a cultural Marxist fantasy where Americans have to go begging to Mexico to give them refuge. And of course as always Mexicans are portrayed as kind and generous as opposed to selfish, ignorant Americans.
Rich wrote:Well we in Britain should tell the international liberal elite where to shove it. For starters I'd point to the closing down of Germany's nuclear power stations, if the liberals are correct about the effects of Green House emissions then this was a grossly irresponsible and narcissistic act by the Germans. The second thing to consider is the huge inefficiency of Chinese industry, the liberals pile on the regulations to western industry, pushing companies to relocate their production to China where they have much higher green house emissions per unit of output.

But the third thing is if Texas and Saudi Arabia don't care about global warming why on earth is it our responsibility in Europe to try and help alleviate their mess. The climate scandal demonstrated that the whole environmental scientific establishment is deeply corrupt. The reinstatement of Phil Jones and the condoning of his anti scientific practices proved that this wasn't just the case of a few bad apples. They witch hunt any scientist whether working within environmental science or without that questions the scientific establishment and then have the effrontery to claim there's a consensus. Its a bit like Stalin saying he had a consensus amongst all the Communist Party's governing bodies.

But the so called science communicators are worse. They couldn't care less about science. They will say anything. So I can still remember they were threatening us in temperate climates with the ending of the Gulf Stream and a new ice age. I haven't forgotten "The Day after Tomorrow", a cultural Marxist fantasy where Americans have to go begging to Mexico to give them refuge. And of course as always Mexicans are portrayed as kind and generous as opposed to selfish, ignorant Americans.

The tragedy of the commons!

For this reason, I think all was can do is hope we can develop technologies fast enough to deal with these issues. I don't think we can successfully get any nation or group of people to actually make changes/sacrifice around this.
People, don't let Rich divert attention from the point I was making.

My point is that this video is 1st person evidence that ACC is warming the planet.

Further, that areas like the Middle East will become functionally uninhabitable, when local food can not feed the people.

I don't know this for a fact, but IMO right now Kuwait can *not* even begin to feed all its people, and so must import over half the food they eat.
Kuwait can do this because it exports oil. This will stop being possible as the world reduces the amount of oil it is burning.
When that happens, the people of Kuwait will have to move somewhere else.
Right now the woman in the video said that she can't go outside between 11am and about 4 pm because it is too hot on most days. Except, to go to an AC'd car to drive to an AC'd building. She said that without AC kuwait is uninhabitable now.

IMHO, she should be moving now. Why wait? Why not avoid the chaos of mass migration and find a nation to go to, now?

Maybe it is because she knows things that I don't know. An example would be massive Kuwaiti Gov. programs to remove the salt from seawater (using solar energy) to pour millions of tons of fresh water per day on the sand of the desert to make it grow trees like the video suggested and to grow food inside some sort of greenhouses.
Unthinking Majority wrote:It's ironic that a lot of people live in these areas for the oil money and now are complaining about ACC. :lol:

Also she's Eurassen, she's not racially adapted for that climate. I'm sorry liberals but nature is racist. For example people from racial groups that have evolved near sea level will not find life on the Tibetan plateau equally as easy as the indigenous people. Or its like when liberals were whining like bitches because darker skinned racial groups in western countries had higher Covid mortality rates, where as the peoples in south Asia and Africa actually had lower rates of Covid than Europeans for the most part, despite way less expensive health services, shorter or non existent lock downs and much less access to vaccines.
What is ACC anyways? I typed ACC on Google and a lot of shit comes up with none of them look like what the OP is blaming.

And the Wikipedia page of ACC is a very long list.

If one wants to blame someone at least state clearly who is being blamed!
Rich wrote:
Also she's Eurassen, she's not racially adapted for that climate. I'm sorry liberals but nature is racist. For example people from racial groups that have evolved near sea level will not find life on the Tibetan plateau equally as easy as the indigenous people.

Nobody is adapted to that much heat, and it wasn't just her in that video. Which tells me you didn't watch it...

Btw, it's going to keep getting hotter...
The BBC is Cultural Marxism personified.

They seem to have decided the woman in the video is a person of virtue. She seems to be married to a man of non European race. She's meant to demonstrate that Kuwait is a tolerant multiracial, multicultural place, look how wonderful Muslims are compared to evil racist sexist "White" people with their completely irrational Islamophobia.

They so caught up in their own propaganda that it blinds them to the absurdity of what they're showing us. Here is a a woman of temperate climate race wanting to live in one of the hottest countries on Earth. What's even worse is she seems to be a you-tube influencer. Influencers often consume huge amount of resources to produce social media in order to get other people to consume loads of stuff. She consumes loads of stuff in order to create envy in people so they consume loads of stuff. If successful she earns loads of money by getting people to buy loads of things that they don't need. She can then afford to spend loads of money consuming other stuff that isn't paid for by the brands and live in one of them most costly and expensive cities on Earth.

And then this woman is whining about our green house emissions. I mean what next, will Prince Charles, Prince William or the jet setting liberal Holywood elite be whining about our green house emissions as well.
Rich wrote:The BBC is Cultural Marxism personified.

They seem to have decided the woman in the video is a person of virtue. She seems to be married to a man of non European race. She's meant to demonstrate that Kuwait is a tolerant multiracial, multicultural place, look how wonderful Muslims are compared to evil racist sexist "White" people with their completely irrational Islamophobia.

They so caught up in their own propaganda that it blinds them to the absurdity of what they're showing us. Here is a a woman of temperate climate race wanting to live in one of the hottest countries on Earth. What's even worse is she seems to be a you-tube influencer. Influencers often consume huge amount of resources to produce social media in order to get other people to consume loads of stuff. She consumes loads of stuff in order to create envy in people so they consume loads of stuff. If successful she earns loads of money by getting people to buy loads of things that they don't need. She can then afford to spend loads of money consuming other stuff that isn't paid for by the brands and live in one of them most costly and expensive cities on Earth.

And then this woman is whining about our green house emissions. I mean what next, will Prince Charles, Prince William or the jet setting liberal Holywood elite be whining about our green house emissions as well.

In every society throughout all of human history, the rich have always regarded themselves as a race apart, @Rich. They never see themselves as part of the problem, no matter what that problem happens to be. The wealthy elite imported huge numbers of cheap slaves into Rome in the aftermath of the Third Punic War, but the massive unemployment among the Roman working class which resulted was not their fault, of course. It was the fault of those workshy Roman commoners who were refusing to work for less than subsistence wages. Likewise, our current lords and masters do not regard anthropogenic global warming as being their fault - it's all those repulsive lower-class masses with their curry takeaways and their TV quiz shows and their awaydays to Benidorm who are to blame. Let them tighten their belts!
Rich wrote:
1) The BBC is Cultural Marxism personified.

2) They so caught up in their own propaganda that it blinds them to the absurdity of what they're showing us.

3) And then this woman is whining about our green house emissions.

1) The thing you need to remember is to keep your lies at least vaguely plausible; crazy just won't cut it.

2) Speaking of crazy, Kuwait will become too hot for humans to live there.

3) It's what the sane do.

Patrickov wrote:What is ACC anyways? I typed ACC on Google and a lot of shit comes up with none of them look like what the OP is blaming.

And the Wikipedia page of ACC is a very long list.

If one wants to blame someone at least state clearly who is being blamed!

You are complaining that you can't decode the title of this thread?

I am limited in the length of titles. I often say ACC, aka AGW; but this time it didn't seem necessary.
I wrote, "ACC is heating the Earth".
Did you try googling "acc is heating the earth"?
I did, and this was the 1st hit after the "People also ask" that begins the real hits.

Global Warming - NASA Earth Observatoryhttps://earthobservatory.nasa.gov › features ›GlobalWa...
Jun 3, 2553 BE — Global warming is happening now, and scientists are confident that ...

Right there it says 'Global warming'. That would have been a clue if you had googled a little more.

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