Brain hardwired to be subconciously racist? - Politics | PoFo

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CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- Psychologists have found that the amygdala, a subcortical region of the brain involved in emotional responses, is associated with a measure of unconscious race bias, especially when responding to faces presented subliminally. Their research also indicates that other higher areas of the brain that are involved in deliberative thought processes can moderate the amygdala activity. Their experiment, which suggests that the conscious brain can compensate for unconscious prejudices, assessed participants' reaction to faces displayed either subliminally, for three-hundredths of a second, or supraliminally, for slightly more than half a second.

The study, by authors at Harvard University, Yale University, and the University of Toronto, was conducted at Yale using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and is reported in the December issue of the journal Psychological Science.

"Physical properties that make up a person cannot be disregarded in face-to-face interactions, and the imprint of culture is what's reflected in the response to a 30-millisecond subliminal exposure," says co-author Mahzarin R. Banaji, Richard Clarke Cabot Professor of Social Ethics in the Department of Psychology in Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Carol K. Pforzheimer Professor at Harvard's Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. "However, seeing the face consciously, for as little as a half second, allows a more reasoned response to the face in view."

The researchers performed fMRIs on 13 white participants. During the scans, participants viewed a series of faces -– some of which could be consciously seen and some of which were presented so quickly that participants did not report seeing them. The researchers found that for the ultra-brief subliminal images, amygdala activity was greater in response to black faces than to white faces, suggesting that at least initially, black faces provoked a stronger emotional reaction than white faces.

"These results suggest that automatic and controlled evaluative processes may be more connected than previously thought. These processes may not be isolated or fully separate -– they may interact in more dynamic ways during evaluations of our social environment," says lead author William A. Cunningham, assistant professor of psychology at Toronto. "Even for non-prejudiced individuals, early perceptual processing may result in an automatic emotional response that may direct attention toward people of stigmatized social groups. Yet, with the opportunity to change or modify this initial impulse, they have the ability to do so."

The researchers found that the difference in amygdala response to black and white faces was greater among individuals displaying higher degrees of racial bias on a test that assesses the extent to which individuals are faster in a task associating black with bad and white with good compared to black with good and white with bad. However, all of the participants expressed disagreement with prejudiced statements and a personal interest in egalitarian behavior. Consistent with these conscious beliefs, in the fMRI phase of the study, when faces were viewed for longer periods of time, areas of the brain's frontal cortex that are involved in inhibition and control took over and amygdala activity displayed less bias.

Co-author Marcia K. Johnson, Charles C. and Dorathea S. Dilley Professor of Psychology at Yale, noted that the researchers also found that greater amygdala response to black than white faces was associated with less activity to black than white faces in the fusiform gyrus, a brain area associated with face processing. Thus, lack of "expertise" about other-race faces may trigger an early emotional response that can be modulated by more conscious processing.

The current work builds upon a tool for assessing bias developed in 1998 by Banaji and Anthony Greenwald of the University of Washington, which is now available online at This self-administered test, which has been taken by close to 3 million individuals, provides an index of unconscious prejudice against various groups such as elderly, gays, dark-skinned people, the obese, and a wide range of other groups.


This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Mental Health, and the National Science Foundation.

This story has been adapted from a news release issued by Harvard University.


interesting article - I'm subconciously racist?

then again, bear in mind the sample for this test was quite small - a mere 13 white Americans.
Last edited by bradley on 17 Dec 2004 14:01, edited 2 times in total.
By Pablo

Unconsciuos racial bias is learnt. How far this type of bias can be argued as RACISM, is also dubious.
By bradley
so in a single unsupported sentence you cancel this entire article/study?
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By Iain
Haven't you heard - if a study doesn't agree with our preconceived notions, we just ignore it and that makes it not true.

(Lots of reasons why a study might be wrong, misinterpreted etc. etc. etc. of course; but I don't think not liking the results is one of them).
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By Just Some Guy
so in a single unsupported sentence you cancel this entire article/study?

Well I'm perfectly happy to discount an in depth research study because I obviously know more than those dumbass scientists :roll: .
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By Noumenon
I think these researchers were probably biased. The fact that they only studied this "subconscious racism" in whites leads me to believe that they think only whites can be racist. Hardly an objective starting point. Not to say that what they say can't be true, though.
By | I, CWAS |
This is nothing new, we knew this back when i was in college. Stduies were done then too. It basically shows all races can be, and for the most part are racist, but due to sociological reasons they can trick themselves into thinking they aren't. But most people don't have much contact with people other races on a personal level, so it's tested when for instance you See an interracial couple, or Your daughter/son brings home a boyfriend/girlfriend of another race, your new neighbors are another race, a co-woker gets promoted and is now your boss and is another race, especially one thought of as lower, like koreans in japan, blacks in america, Romani in eastern europe.

This is evinced best in the Pornography sector. Where the top 20 starlets have never worked with Black men, because strip clubs will not book them, and it devalues them, they can have sex with 40 white guys and do a bukk-ake film daily, but that does not devalue them lik einterracial sex. Their fans to look in disgust if it happens, and racism plays a major role. Think of it as
"I can't have Jenna, but the men who get her are white, no problem I'll just masturbate."

Now Jenna Jameson refuses to do interracial, but she did confirm there are NO Blacks clauses in contracts, and film producers tell starlets what to say such as "Have't found the right one" etc etc, this is nothing new to those knowledgable about porn. Lets say if one of these angelic pornstars did do interracial, they are then to be looked at as true skank whores, because those that desire them, see them with someone completely different and subconsciously seen as lower.

This is common amongst Black women, many have become quite vocal, about successful black men who immediately hook up with white women, because it's seen as a sign of success, and they are more likely to be accepted.
By Pablo
Ok, so how can you verify it is a primordial instinct and not a learnt instinct?

Am i suppossed to be impressed by the brain impulses of 13 white people.

It dos not say anything but 13 white people had impulses from certain sections of their brain. What about those that are born and raised in a multicultural society/community. What do their brainwaves say brainiaks?
By Pablo
[Deleted for stupidity. I don't care how much you write, swear like a retard, and the whole post goes.]
By bradley
you're not directly disproving the article; you may have taken the racial bias test, i don't think (correct me if I'm wrong) you did the subliminal imagery/MRI scanning test that is the core of this experiment and from which the conclusions are drawn? how can you claim a result contrary to those which this experiment presents, when you haven't replicated the experiment?

Notice all 13 of the test subjects, like you, are thoroughly against racism; as am i. No doubt the racial prejudice tests all turned up negative scores, or near zero scores. But there was still a subconcious racism when conciousness/learned behaviour didn't have the time to control these racist instincts?
By bradley
pablo, the point is that you CAN suppress that racism, as you and I have done. But the suggestion is that this learning has to happen or subconcious racism creeps into the concious racism too.
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By jaakko
so in a single unsupported sentence you cancel this entire article/study?

The article/study assumes that unconscious racial bias aren't conditioned, but unconditioned reflex. But it doesn't provide any proof, it just assumes this without even mentioning that this assumption is taken as given.

So the burden of proof is on the article/study, and there it failed. Therefore, yes, it can be refuted by one sentence.
By Pablo
Bradley, i am pretty sure i never suppresed anything. I can fairly honestly say most, if not all, of any subconcious racism i had in the past is now expunged.

On reflection of the whole article, your assumption of hardwiring, and the statement in another thread that led me to this one, that racism is a natural thing, has led me to jump to a wrong conclusion about the article. I agree with the article wholeheartedly. I just came into the first reading, pissed and expecting another argument.

There is no suggestion in the article that racism is a natural occuring emotion, it only states that learned racism is hard to control and to get rid of on the subconcious level. That and other things but for this argument those points are relevant.

I don't know why you have come to this false conclusion. I wouldnt accuse anyone of being racist without just case. However, i think one reason, an individual would prefer to come to that conclusion, is to mask the reality of their own beliefs. Saying racism is natural or 'hardwired' would absolve a racist minded person from the guilt of their decision to be racist. Thats not to say, just by claiming you are not racist, then you are not racist, is true. It is obvious many non-racists have racist tendencies and don't understand what they are. Again I am not trying to connect this to you, i'll leave it up to your understanding of yourself to decide.

Just as racism can evolve in an individual, so can it devolve so that it is non-existent. I wouldn't say that it is easy, but it is do-able.
By Pablo
The article/study assumes that unconscious racial bias aren't conditioned, but unconditioned reflex.

I don't think it does say that, can you provide a quote from the article to support that it is saying that. as far as i can tell it is an uncontrolled reflex, not an unconditioned one.
By bradley
I'm not sure, actually, that my initial analysis was therefore correct; however that doesnt mean the article isn't. The article at no point says anything about unlearned behaviour; it is possible that this initial, millisecond unreasoned racist response is in fact conditioned. The article never claims the contrary. So perhaps 'hardwired' is inappropriate (it was my title, the article title was too long to fit in). I just assumed that a response which is
- subconcious
- very rapid
- subsequently annulled by areas of the brain that provide a more rational response

was inborn. But looking back, that obviously isn't the case. It could be, or it may not be, I don't think the article actually made either case. Instead, it demonstrates that even those amongst us who are not racist, have an almost instantaneous, fleetingly racist response upon seeing another 'race's' face. Just how racist our actual response is, once the amygdala kicks in, depends on how much experience around the other race one has, or how racist one has been brought up to be; as Pablo proves, you can have very little experience around black people and yet not be racist towards them.

so Jaako, i still don't think you have discredited this article. The title, certainly (though i had added a question mark); but as for their findings, no.

certainly, shouting @Codswallop' at it isn't gonna do the trick :P
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By jaakko
I thought the topic title reflected the content of the article, my mistake.

But Bradley also misread it as can be seen from the thread title.

The researchers found that the difference in amygdala response to black and white faces was greater among individuals displaying higher degrees of racial bias on a test that assesses the extent to which individuals are faster in a task associating black with bad and white with good compared to black with good and white with bad.

Goes to show that racism, including subconscious, is conditioned. Racism is not biological but social.
By bradley
that quote doesn't say anything about conditioning; it could be that because the more racially biased people were born with a more active amygdala region, they are more subconciously racist, even though they are not prejudiced in their otherwise observed behaviour.

so i think 'brain hardwired to be racist?', accompanied by the question mark, is an appropriate title for this thread; even though my own take on it (clearly labelled as such),
that although the human ground-state is racist, only those who are poorly educated and let prejudices run free in spite of the irrationality of a hardwired prejudice in today's society, develop to be racists in adult life

was an incorrect conclusion from this article. Subconcious racism may be hardwired, or it may be acquired from society.

to conclude from this article that
Racism is not biological but social
is just as false.
By Pablo
; as Pablo proves, you can have very little experience around black people and yet not be racist towards them.

I only said my upbringing was largely devoid of black people, my adult life is different. That probably proves my case even more.

The article is interesting, do a google on 'political psychology', it seems to be a new branch of the science that seperates behaviour from actual 'thought'. As in this case it is those who do not behave racist, even to themselves, but are subconciously racist.

It is very interesting because so much of political philosophy is based on behaviour.
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By jaakko
that quote doesn't say anything about conditioning; it could be that because the more racially biased people were born with a more active amygdala region, they are more subconciously racist, even though they are not prejudiced in their otherwise observed behaviour.

These two hypotheses:
a) Racist people have more active amygdala ('active' in the way as explained in the article)
b) People with more active amygdala are with greater possibility racist
Aren't equally possible.

As I already quoted from the article:
The researchers found that the difference in amygdala response to black and white faces was greater among individuals displaying higher degrees of racial bias on a test that assesses the extent to which individuals are faster in a task associating black with bad and white with good compared to black with good and white with bad.

So 'b' would require that each 'race' had its own type of amygdala, the amygdala of whites discriminating against blacks etc. This is highly improbable, and from an evolutionary perspective just doesn't make sense.

is just as false.

If 'a' is correct then racism indeed is not biological but social.
By bradley
So 'b' would require that each 'race' had its own type of amygdala, the amygdala of whites discriminating against blacks etc. This is highly improbable, and from an evolutionary perspective just doesn't make sense.

from my experience in biology, not many systems actually function this way. It's too complex. Instead, having a more active amygdala (or rather, the region that promotes the racist reflex) might just mean you are more fearful of any culture that is not your own. This is different from having an area of your brain that means you are fearful of any race that is not white, whilst a 'black race' would have one that is fearful of a race that is not black etc etc, which is what you propose.

instead, all races, in this hypothesis, which is valid, have exactly the same brain area; a prejudice against any race that is not your own. Thus if you were to transplant the amygdala of a white man to that of a black man, you would not end up with a black man that is racist towards black people (which you would, under your proposed disproved hypothesis). You would just end up with a black man who has the same degree of subconcious racial reflex as the white man the amygdala is from. They might not be equally racist, of course; the racism suppressor regions stayed in their original hosts.

If 'a' is correct then racism indeed is not biological but social.
well duh!

i think you should make more of an effort to distinguish between concious racism and subconcious racist reflexes. This article asserts that while you have been conditioned by social factors to not behave racialistically, you still have a subconcious racist reflex in the first few milliseconds.

We have carried the debate (in fact I did, erroneously) beyond what this article says, into whether this initial reflex is social conditioning or is inborn. The article doesn't actually say anything to that effect; merely the possibility of hardwiring is implicit; nothing more. Since this thread has derived into this debate, we might as well leave the title as it is.

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