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By Comrade Ogilvy
Is there any pictures of the superbomb being detonated? And also how big was the shockwave because I imagine a bomb as big as that bomb would have a shockwave that was huge. If somebody could help I would appreciate it
By unPerson1
Tsar Bomba


There are no pictures of the detonation on Google, but it would look exactly like all the others. All those pictures don't show much except the mushroom cloud, so it's very difficult to tell the actual size of it.

The shockwave was indeed huge - apparently it was detected going around the earth three times.
By glinert
Funny, today I haved lunch with Nuclear physicist, we talked about Tsar Bomba.
By glinert
[/quote]What did he say??

Waste of money time and brainpower for something unuseful. We needed things not to scare US but to hit it.
By Tzar
if u want a good segment of the Tsar Bomba, buy the DVD "Secrets of War: The Strangelove Factor" It shows the detonation, construction, the plane being sprayed with protective coating, interview with scientist who saw the explosion and alot of other stuff. They talk about how it broke windows in Norway, considering the explosion happened over Novaya Zemlya, that's a pretty large shockwave :eek:
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By MB.
Well, I'm not surprised. 50 megatons ain't exactly chicken feed.
By U-235
Mr Bill wrote:Well, I'm not surprised. 50 megatons ain't exactly chicken feed.

pfft...give me a kilo of antimatter and i shall rule the world.
By unPerson1
A kilo of antimatter and there wouldn't be a world to rule.

Be smart, ask for a containment pod along with the antimatter.
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By MB.
More Star Trek inspired physics comming up folks.
By U-235
Person wrote:Be smart, ask for a containment pod along with the antimatter.

That is to be assumed, how else would I recieve the antimatter? I would, i would certainly not use it all at once, perhaps in 500mg portions.
By U-235
Mr Bill wrote:More Star Trek inspired physics comming up folks.

Star Trek inspired? How is antimatter inspired by Star Trek?
By UkrainianNationalist
"Tsar Bomba (Russian for "King of the Bombs"; During its development the bomb was actually nicknamed Ivan) was the largest nuclear weapon ever detonated. It was a fusion bomb with a yield of 50 megatons, though the design was capable of approximately 100 megatons. It was not intended for actual use in warfare, however; it was developed and tested as part of the sabre-rattling between the Soviet Union and United States in the course of the Cold War. The 50-Mt test was hot enough to have induced 3rd-degree burns at 100 km, atmospheric irregularities caused blast damage up to 1000 km away; the "dirty" 100-Mt version would've laid lethal radioactivity over an enormous area. In other words, such an enormous bomb has tremendous "blow back" potential to its user, while at the same time being inefficient in radiating much of its energy out into space. Modern nuclear-weapon tactics call for multiple smaller bombs to produce more damage on the ground.

And, the Soviets themselves had no bomber, even in planning, that could carry the 27-Mg bomb long-range and then pass its 2-m width.

Tsar Bomba was designed and constructed in only 14 weeks after Soviet premier Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev initiated the project on July 10, 1961. The bomb itself weighed 27 metric tons and was 8 metres long by 2 metres wide; a special parachute had to be designed to allow it to be dropped from an airplane. The fabrication of this parachute required so much material that the Soviet hosiery industry was noticeably disrupted. Tsar Bomba was detonated on October 23, 1961, at a height of 4000 metres over Novaya Zemlya Island in the Arctic Sea; it was dropped from a Tu-96 bomber at 10,500 metres altitude by pilot A. E. Durnovtsev. The fireball touched the ground and reached nearly as high as the release plane and light from the detonation was visible 1000 km away; the mushroom cloud rose as high as 64 km.

The Tsar Bomba had its yield scaled down by replacing the uranium fusion tamper (which amplifies the reaction) with one made of lead to eliminate fast fission by the fusion neutrons. If detonated at full yield, the force of this bomb would have been approximately 6,500 times the 15-16 kiloton bomb detonated at Hiroshima and would have increased the world's total fission fallout since the invention of the atomic bomb by 25%.

Technical details:
"Tsar Bomba"

Explosive power:
~50 to 100 Mt"
By Garibaldi
unPerson wrote:A kilo of antimatter and there wouldn't be a world to rule.

Not true, while the shockwave would be quite literally unimaginable, only a kilo of the earth would actually diappear. The explotion itself would release unimaginable amounts of gamma raidation into space and throughout the world, effectively enhancing evolution world wide.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Is there any photographs of the mushroom cloud or the aftermath and the likes? Its so interesting how this bomb is so big that it had no use strategically for the military!
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By Liberal
Good God...
How many T`sar Bombs do exist? Is there any record about that?
By UkrainianNationalist
Liberal wrote:Good God...
How many T`sar Bombs do exist? Is there any record about that?

I dunno how many exist, but there are only a few left in museums.

People have to remember that the tsar bomba was not going to be used for attack, it was a show of force.

Russia has ICBMs to attack countries.. they arent going to use Tsar bombas

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