The Argument in Favor of the Atomic Bomb usage in Japan - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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The Second World War (1939-1945).
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By QatzelOk
So those millions of Arabs that have been killed by American and Israeli bombs could have been saved with just a couple of nukes dropped in US cities?

Thanks for the helpful strategic advice.
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By Suska
werent the japanese stocking up on a civilian piloted bomb squadron at the time? I read about this, they wanted to fill the air with suicide planes piloted by anyone with a pulse. They wanted to go to death - every last person, they didn't make this a secret. As far as I can tell they handled the surrender and post war period - outwardly - with proper dignity. Apocalyptic destruction fills their comic books, but I never hear them say it was unusually cruel. Almost like they found it a fair enough response, or even a beautiful one, like Ameratsu dropped a cosmic thunderbolt on their heads.
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By Truth-a-naut
werent the japanese stocking up on a civilian piloted bomb squadron at the time?

Yes and they were planning on fueling them with a kind of alcohol distilled from pine needles. Civilians were even training with pikes.
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By QatzelOk
Another reason to drop some exciting new bombs at THE END of World War Two was because this was a good time to launch a new product: after the aggression was over, but before the end was official.

This way, the inventors didn't have to worry about being hit back with their own bomb. The war was over anyways.

And by placing this product at THE END of the war, the makers could use the slogan "ended World War Two in seconds without any mess," and then sell it all over the world as the next big thing.

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By El Gilroy
I postulate that any attempts to rationalize the big-dickery that was the dropping of those bombs on inhabited cities are merely made by people incapable of perceiving the world outside their nationalist point of view, and intended to defend their country's (otherwise justifiably horrible) reputation.
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By Oxymoron
Here is the best argument:

In war you use the best weapon you have to achieve your aims, anything else is treason.
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By QatzelOk
In war you use the best weapon you have to achieve your aims, anything else is treason.

Does this include genocide?
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By Truth-a-naut
Does this include genocide?

Depending on the kind of war you're fighting. For the allies in WW2 no.

If WW3 is started by the same nations again, yes.
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By El Gilroy
You pretty much cided the genos of hiroshima and nagasaki, tho.
By pugsville
Best arguement, it simlpely fails to qualify as a arguement, it's might makes right with no regard for rights, morals ethics or the otherside. In order to qualify as an arguement you have to show enough respect to be willing to enter into a dialogue. If other people have no rights, them reason just does not matter.
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By Suska
I'll just leave this here.
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By Oxymoron
Does this include genocide?

Sometimes its useful sometimes its counterproductive.
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By QatzelOk
About genocide, Oxymoron wrote:Sometimes its useful

What about when it's aimed at your own tribe?
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By chuuzetsu
Drop bombs off of Tokyo Harbor, issue solved. City was already in shambles and it would have shown Japan that the US was being serious. Regardless, Japan offered a surrender before the bombs were dropped, but were rejected by the US.

Okinawa had demonstrated that there were no innocents in Japan.

If Americans did the same thing today in Hawaii, would you say the same about Americans?
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By Oxymoron
What about when it's aimed at your own tribe?

Not sure what you mean, and I am not suprised.
By chaostrivia
The dropping of both nuclear bombs was sweet revenge. Its goal was to get back at the japs for pearl harbour and make them realize that they were f*c*ing with the wrong country. It had no real military goal and was not a necessary step to end the war that was already close to its end. The "warning" at the beginning of the video is totally ridiculous, a thing that you would expect to find in a video of this kind, which is nothing but a propaganda level video and not even close to a real historical account or an academic discussion.

Is somebody wishes to get slightly above the propaganda level: especially:
Watch the discovery channel show that I saw couple of years ago, proving that after the U.S. intelligence estimated that the Japanese surrender is near, the order was given to work in double and triple shifts in order to make sure that the bomb is ready before the Japanese surrender. Unfortunately I found it only in Portugese, which is not among the 7 langauges I speak.... :(

Having said all that, if I were Truman I would haven given the same orders.
And my reason would have been that simple: "If the japanese had it, they would have dropped it on us without thinking twice."
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By redcarpet
Its goal was to get back at the japs for pearl harbour and make them realize that they were f*c*ing with the wrong country.

No. Truman wanted to frighten Stalin. He complained to his cabinet after he told Stalin the US had the bomb and intended to use it that he didn't respond. He also didn't think(if I recall correctly) that the Russians would take a few decades to develop their own(too stupid, in his view).
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By RatedKing
The dropping of both nuclear bombs was sweet revenge. Its goal was to get back at the japs for pearl harbour and make them realize that they were f*c*ing with the wrong country. It had no real military goal and was not a necessary step to end the war that was already close to its end. The "warning" at the beginning of the video is totally ridiculous, a thing that you would expect to find in a video of this kind, which is nothing but a propaganda level video and not even close to a real historical account or an academic discussion.

Is somebody wishes to get slightly above the propaganda level: especially:
Watch the discovery channel show that I saw couple of years ago, proving that after the U.S. intelligence estimated that the Japanese surrender is near, the order was given to work in double and triple shifts in order to make sure that the bomb is ready before the Japanese surrender. Unfortunately I found it only in Portugese, which is not among the 7 langauges I speak.... :(

Having said all that, if I were Truman I would haven given the same orders.
And my reason would have been that simple: "If the japanese had it, they would have dropped it on us without thinking twice."

This guy is my hero. Really man I think deep down the part about revenge is true in every american heart, I believe the only reason we all kinda pretend that we didnt kill thousands of innocent people in an horrifying way was because the Empire of Japan hit us in the most coward way in history
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By QatzelOk
the Empire of Japan hit us in the most coward way in history

So killing a few hundred thousand civilians with radiation poisoning from a bomb dropped from up high was brave?

And this was done to save soldiers from getting their hands dirty, which is more bravery?

Do you also consider the American bombing of Granada brave?

What about giving the natives smallpox blankets? Courageous and honorable?
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By RatedKing
So killing a few hundred thousand civilians with radiation poisoning from a bomb dropped from up high was brave?

And this was done to save soldiers from getting their hands dirty, which is more bravery?

Do you also consider the American bombing of Granada brave?

What about giving the natives smallpox blankets? Courageous and honorable?

You got me wrong, in war nothing is brave or righteous, I am just saying that we americans sort of disregard the fact that we did an awful thing because they did to us before that!


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