Teh American intervention in Russia of 1918 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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This is a really fascinating subject, and yet also a very disturbing one. It was a tragedy all the way aruond and I really feel badly for the American soldiers who had to go on that expedition, which might possibly be one of the most ill-concieved military expeditiosn of American forces of all time.

For more on this subject from the American perspective see:

http://www.ocnus.net/cgi-bin/exec/view. ... 8&num=9699

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By Phoenix
Er Boris....how can US lost a war there? US simply intervened in the civil war, on the side of the White Armies. It cannot offically lose a war, just like Korean War (stalemate) or Vietnam. US never declared war, however, it can be said that it has a military defeat.
And actually this is rather very important incident, because it is conisdered as the origins of the Cold War. This is where USSR is mistrustful of USA, because they never forgot how USA attempted to destroy their new founded communist state.

And sorry to be off topic, but you would be surprised to know that US did lose a war before that. (In 1830s I think, they lost a war to the Canadians, or at least colony of France. And got the white house burned :lol: :muha1: )
By Piano Red
Uh are you talking about the War of 1812? That's the one where Washington D.C. was sacked by the British, and technically we won that war. The U.S. did have a few major defeats on land in the beginning but we kicked ass on the sea. In fact the Royal Navy was getting beat so bad that they gave orders for their ships not to engage American frigates unless they had a 2 to 1 advantage.
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By Phoenix
Well yes, I was talking about the War of 1812. However, USA tried and failed to invade Canada. Therefore they lost the war against the Canadians. This is what is taught in history classes in Canada.
It claims that Canada is the only nation beside Vietnam to win a war against the USA.
The source I believe is the History of Canada series by BBC.
By malachi151
Technically the war of 1812 was a statemate, however this thread is not about that war. The real loosers of the war of 1812 were the Native Americans.
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In fact the Royal Navy was getting beat so bad that they gave orders for their ships not to engage American frigates unless they had a 2 to 1 advantage.

Yep, that was the embarrasing defeat that really gave the Royal navy a kick up the arse. Never again.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Putting aside the thing about the war of 1812 I found out that after teh civil war ended Ford and General motors went into the USSR and actually helped out.... and donated money. :hmm: :eh: I found this very odd though and still don't understand why they did.
By malachi151
INteresting, I'd like to see more on that. Coolidge, or Taft, or some president, donated food to the USSR after the Civil War also.
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