Summary of U.S Presidents since 1932 - Politics | PoFo

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Every U.S statesman has been truly vile; I'd like to barf on all their graves.

F.D Roosefeld - Bourgeois aristocrat who undermined a revolutionary sweep in America by implementing tricky, inefficient capitalist reforms that really did not do a blasted thing of positivity for the economy; wanted the Nazis to destroy the USSR hence the delayed opening of the second front; oppurtunist who hopped aboard the anti-fascist front only after Germany's defeat was assured; detained oriental citizens for without any logic; icon for idiot bourgeois Democrats and Liberals.

Truman - Arbitrary vaporizer of Japanese civilians. Meddled in internal affairs of China, Korea, and Greece even though the Soviet Union had either minimal or an entire absence of involvement in each country. Saboteur of 1948 elections in Italy where peace-loving Marxists were poised to win.

Eisenhower - Enemy of freedom and self-determination who overthrew elected governments of Iran and Guatemala; encouraged fascists in Hungary to destroy the revolution with the lie of deliverance of western aid

Kennedy - Bourgeois, debauchery sleazebag who slashed taxes for the big bourgeoisie; tried to sabotage the Cuban revolution and subsequently sanctioned the country with the purpose of murdering its people; unleashed belligerence toward the USSR for without any sort of justification, tried to provoke a nuclear apocalypse; contradictorily demanded for USSR to remove defensive missiles in Cuba even though offensive U.S missiles were planted in Turkey.

Johnson - Meddled in the internal affairs of the Indochinese people resulting in massive slaughter; foe of freedom who overthrew elected regimes of Indonesia, Brazil, Greece, Congo; Bourgeois Social Democrat-like "Great Society" program that falls much too short.

Nixon - Relatively respectable in that he sought peace with the progressive forces of the world; however Chile's progressive regime was overthrown because it promised to issue milk to school children without charge. Further, he was exposed as a fascistic monster who steals elections during the whole Watergate affair.

Ford - A politically illiterate klutz who pointlessly unleashed aggression on Cambodia even after its regime freed American passengers of the Mayaguez. His pardon of Nixon was morally bankrupt and obstructed the necessary justice that the American people deserved.

Carter - Bourgeois kulak who lied about a Soviet "invasion" of Afghanistan, helped to create the future Al-Qaeda and Taliban by arming the mujahideen invader reactionaries; refused to extradite Iran's criminal Shah, leading to storming of U.S embassy by Persian liberators; aided Philippines' Marcos, El Salvador's fascist regime, and contra terrorists in Nicaragua while rambling on about nonsensical "Inalienable Human Rights".

Reagan - Expanded tax cuts for the ultra bourgeoisie started by Kennedy that consequently increased poverty and severely hurt America's economic strcture in the long term; murderous thug who lied about the assistance issued to terrorists in Nicaragua; stole billions upon billions of proletariat tax dollars to drastically increase the military budget; a depiction of lies about a struggle against communism even though 75% all Soviet inhabitants wanted to preserve the revolution in the March '91 referendum.

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