The Punic Wars according to Polybius - Politics | PoFo

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By Truth-a-naut
I can think of two off of the top of my head that use Polybius' account.

Hannibal - Theodore Ayrault Dodge (more about the strategy)
and On the Origins of War - Donald Kagan; He discusses the events (policy etc) leading up to the Wars using Polybius' account.
By HR_Barca
Since Polybius is the only first-hand (for the third punic war at least) and reliable source for the punic wars, almost every modern books take his work in account. The other source frequently used is Tite-Live, who based most of his work on polybius'.

Here are a couple of good books on the topic (i'm sorry, the titles are in french. Maybe some of these weren't published in english, but I hope you can find something to work with)

AUDISIO Gabriel, Hannibal, Paris, Éditions Berger-Levrault, 1961.

BAKER G.P., Annibal, Paris, Payot, 1935.

BRISSON Jean-Paul, Carthage ou Rome?, Paris, Fayard, coll. Les grandes études historiques, 1973.

CARCOPINO Jérôme, Les étapes de l’impérialisme romain, Paris, 1961.

CHARLES-PICARD Gilbert, Hannibal, Paris, Hachette, 1967.

CHARLES-PICARD Gilbert et Colette PICARD, Vie et mort de Carthage, Paris, Hachette, 1970.

DECRET François, Carthage ou l’empire de la mer, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 1977.

DRIDI Hédi, Carthage et le monde punique, Paris, les belles lettres, 2006.

HARMAND Louis, Société et économie de la République romaine, Paris, Librairie Armand Colin, 1976.

GRIMAL Pierre, Le siècle des Scipions : Rome et l’hellénisme au temps des guerres puniques, Paris, Éditions Aubier-Montaigne, 1975.

LE BOHEC Yann, Histoire de l’Afrique romaine, Paris, Picard, 2005.

LE BOHEC Yann, Histoire militaire des guerres puniques, Paris, Éditions du Rocher, coll. L’art de la guerre, 1996.

ROULAND Norbert, Rome, démocratie impossible?, Paris, Babel, 1994.

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