Awars early Balkan history - Politics | PoFo

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By Bosnjak
Any proves about the Bosnian Theory of the Slawo-Tartaric (Awars) Invasion on the Balkans:

End 6th Century on the Teritory of Bosnia came two new groups, Awars and Old Slawians , The Awars and Slaws were Barabarian Allies who fought sometimes together and sometimes against each other, Invaded the Balkan before them Invaded the Goths and Celts and mixed with the Illyrian (population)
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By Bosnjak
Then, in 626, the joint Avar and Persian siege of Constantinople failed. Following this defeat, the Avars' prestige and power declined. The Byzantines document a battle between the Avars and their Slav clients in 629. Constantine Porphyrogenitus, Byzantine emperor in the 10th century writes that seven Croat tribes had been hired as mercenaries to help in war against Avars. Shortly after this, the Croats and Serbs took over rule in Dalmatia/ Illyria. In the 630s, Samo increased his authority over lands to the north and west of the khanate, at the expense of the Avars, becoming ‘’King of the Wends’’. Around 630, Kubrat of the Dulo clan led an uprising from Patria Onoguria to end Avar authority over the Pannonian plain. In 631-32, there was a civil war, possibly a succession struggle, between the Avar parties and Kubrat's Utigur forces. The Kutrigur party lost, and chroniclers recorded that 9,000 Kutrigurs sought asylum and fled to Bavaria, only to be slaughtered by King Dagobert. However a significant number of Cozrigurs must have remained in Pannonia (Transylvania in particular) to be mentioned in the time of Menumorut.

In the Early Medieval period, Byzantine Dalmatia was ravaged by an Avar invasion that destroyed its capital, Salona, in 639 AD, an event that allowed for the settlement of the nearby Diocletian's Palace in Spalatum (Split) by Salonitans, greatly increasing the importance of the city. The Avars were followed by the great South Slavic migrations. The Slavs, loosely allied with the Avars, permanently settled the region in the first half of the 7th century AD and remained its predominant ethnic group ever since. The Slavs soon formed their own realm: the Principality of Dalmatia, a Medieval Croatian state ruled by native Princes of Guduscan origin. The menaing of the geographical term "Dalmatia", now shrunk to the cities and their immediate hinterland. These cities and towns remained influential as they were well fortified and maintained their connection with the Byzantine Empire. The two communities were somewhat hostile at first, but as the Slavs became Christianized this tension increasingly subsided. A degree of cultural mingling soon took place, in some enclaves stronger, in others weaker, as Slavic influence and culture was more accentuated in Ragusa, Spalatum, and Tragurium. In 925 AD Duke Tomislav was crowned in Tomislavgrad, establishing the Kingdom of Croatia, and extending his influence further southwards to Zachlumia. Being an ally of the Byzantine Empire, the King was given the status of Protector of Dalmatia, and became its de facto ruler

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