UK Conservatives ahead in the polls - Politics | PoFo

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By Tesl
Blair is on his way out, unless he gets a few successive victories soon to change the current momentum.

The tories wont get in, even if they get the number of votes that some predict; they still wont win enough seats to hold any sort of majority.

That and i reckon in ditching Blair and bringing in Brown Labour will regain a lot of people who are currently unfavourable with them.

I still think the next election is going to Labour; but the one after is almost certaintly going to be won by the tories. After all, the shape of the country will only get worse under a term of Gordon Brown
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By Mark
Tesl wrote:Blair is on his way out, unless he gets a few successive victories soon to change the current momentum.

The tories wont get in, even if they get the number of votes that some predict; they still wont win enough seats to hold any sort of majority.

That and i reckon in ditching Blair and bringing in Brown Labour will regain a lot of people who are currently unfavourable with them.

I still think the next election is going to Labour; but the one after is almost certaintly going to be won by the tories. After all, the shape of the country will only get worse under a term of Gordon Brown

I agree, Labour will probably win with a small majority, unless Blair holds on and thus allows the ship to sink..
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By Agent Buckwalter
Kudos to Mr. Howard. Hope the right continues to advance in the UK.
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By Saddam
The right will advance in the UK and if they don't get into power in 2005 they will in the election after that.

Don't underestimate the straying power of Blair though. I suspect the situation in Iraq will improve by next year and in the mean time he will be plugging the fact that that Labour reforms have improved the economy. Whether or not Labour is to blame for the strong economy is questionable however what must be said is that things are generally improving. Britain is growing faster than the Eurozone, NHS statistics are positive in all areas (albeit not astounding). Overall crime is falling (violent crime is up) and inflation is low.

When it comes down to it the people will vote on the economy. The Local and European elections were lost on a protest vote, this I suspect will not occur next year.

I also predict that Blair will stand down mid term after the next election. He desperately wants a place in the history books and to be the first leader to stand down voluntarily (without the auspice of illness) will be a great feat.
By Seán Himmelb(L)au
The Conservative Kid wrote:Kudos to Mr. Howard. Hope the right continues to advance in the UK.

I'm sorry, despite your political views, try living here with no proper left wing and Labour having gone up the kyber. At least parties like UKIP make people think more about politics, the Cons just dither on all issues and undo whatever Labour does.
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By DondonerKebab
The opposition's nearly always ahead of the polls at times like these.

Personally, I don't think things can get much worse for Blair now, if he manages to draw attention away from Iraq and Europe by the next election I'm sure Labour will still win.

Though the election after that may be a different matter.
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By Agent Buckwalter
From what I gather, you have no proper right wing. I'd like to see what you call a proper left wing.
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By slantedandenchanted
sadly i think that labour will get another term, due to the popularity of UKIP, they took 40% of the conservative vote in the european elections and although that isnt the best indicator of the general elections it is still an indicator non the less.
There is no real left representation in the "big" political parties in the uk anymore however i do believe there is a definate right wing.
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