The Whole Damn Mess...(Iraqi Prisoners) - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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By Terca
I answered you. Sorry you don't like my answer.

Recently, a public official complained that Abu Ghraib was getting more coverage than D-Day. That's the kind of foolish comment that just has me rolling my eyes in disgust. Hello! Current news or old news, news involving atrocities paid for by our tax dollars, or news involving atrocities paid for by the tax dollars of other people.

Clearly, current news of torture paid for by American tax dollars is the most relevant news out there right now.

And again, where are those photos?

Where, also, is the media coverage of the vote to NOT seek more information on Abu Ghraib, including information on contractors who took part in torture?
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By Tex
Terca wrote:I answered you. Sorry you don't like my answer.

No, you are simply following the same mindless approach as your predecessor in this thread...repeating the same unsupported BS over and over again. I made my points on this subject two weeks ago, and neither of you have offered anything that answers my very simple questions. Unlike you, I will not continue to repeat myself. I have said what I have to say on the matter, and rather than discuss it rationally, you prefer to propagandize, which I will not waste any more time reading.
By Terca
I stated nothing but facts, many backed up by documents released under the freedom of information act, others backed up by simple things like: we don't get to see the other pictures, or read the whole Taguba report, see the faces and know the names of contractors involved, or see properly harsh sentences meted out. Our government has no intention of squelching this behavior, therefore, what right do we have to expect anyone else to?

I was trying to provide you with context, which you need in order ot understand exactly why your claim that it was only a few, that they would be punished, and that this is oversensationalized is simply wrong.
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By Agent Buckwalter

Let me say that I agree with you that our military should be above that. It is a black mark on the record of the U.S. military that likely won't be forgotten anytime soon.
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They could of made them eat alot of salty french/freedom fries and make them talk before they gave them a coke (water is too plain for good info). It is worth a shot.

I am disgusted by these acts, and even more disgusted by the people who are disgusted by the discust. I mean, when they say "Saddam's were worse, I beat they are just grateful we were in charge and not Saddam", It just makes me want to hunt em down and rip their head off, I mean, they want to be held to the same standard as Saddam, and, at the same time, want the U.N. to take their word as enough to goto war.

Come on, trying to defend this is like trying to defend an ice cube in the middle of the desert.
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By Tex
Ice_Demon wrote:Come on, trying to defend this is like trying to defend an ice cube in the middle of the desert.

I make no effort to defend barbaric behavior by Americans toward those who are weaker...nor will I accept excuses by Moslems who justify their own barbarism against those unable to defend themselves.

Morally, we cannot accept any concept that allows bad behavior by one party to the conflict to cancel out the same behavior, or worse, by the opposing party. Immoral behavior, by either side, is simply immoral behavior...a black and white issue, at least by western standards. The fact that Arabs do not accept western standards, unless it benefits their goals, is irrelevant to this question, because western standards of morality make no concessions in this regard.

Morally...not logically.

This is an important distinction, because, in a conflict of this intensity, it is a reality that as the conflict begans to "ebb and flow," with first one side holding the moral high ground, then the side or the other will always begin to escalate the violence, in an attempt to gain a strategic advantage, and gradually, both sides will begin to incrementally surrender bits and pieces of their humanity along the way, because it is expedient to bend the rules for moral behavior and gamble that such "breeches" will be overlooked or ignored. It is a well-known fact that the victors get to write the history, and that the real facts always become clouded, over time, and can be manipulated by clever people who are less interested in truth than in pressing their own agendas.

My point is that it is correct to be morally outraged at the barbarism displayed by Americans. It is also correct to be sensible about addressing the punishment for such crimes, because, although the moral outrage we feel is justified, it accomplishes nothing in our quest for justice...and if we react emotionally, disregarding the statutes that have been put in place long ago for dealing with such crimes, we are guilty of the same "expedience" that led to the crimes in the first place.

These people broke American laws that were in existence long before the actual crimes were committed, and the perpetrators must answer to them, with the same right to offer evidence and mitigation that any other American citizen has, when accused of a crime...and as is always the case, some will receive too little retribution from the law, and some will receive too much...but the alternative is a "kangeroo court," show trials created for "public consumption," designed to appease those who posture themselves as the most offended. The beheading of Nicholas Berg is one of the more extreme examples of what happens when the law gives in to expedience. The only way a trial can be conducted in which the defendant is judged by the evidence that can be presented, is to allow the initial outrage to be "blunted" by the passage of time.

I contend that most of the perpetrators of these crimes, at least on the American side, will receive justice from outraged Americans...while I have very serious doubts that those Arabs who are guilty of the same crimes, or worse, against Americans, will always be looked upon by their people as "freedom fighters," because there is no history that I know of that would indicate that Moslems are held accountable for their atrocities against infidels. Where is the justice in that?
By Non-Sectarian Bastard!
That small amount of rage that now consists among the American people is only enough to punish some smaller guys. While the generals and leaders stay out of shot.

It's idiotic to claim that the US leaders and highcommand didn't know anything about it, because the US is one of the few countries who didn't sign the anti-torture agreement. Something like 1 year ago 2 Afgan civilians were beaten to death at Bagram Airbase, Afganistan.

The expertise that the CIA and US military has gained in torturing hasn't fallen from the sky. It has been gained in many, many decades of torturing.

You see torture by the US military and intell happening all over the place. So are you trying to ignore that, or did you really don't know about this?




Gaurdian Unlimited,2763,1206725,00.html

New Yorker


Long Live Blind Patriotism!
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By Tex
Non-Sectarian Bastard! wrote:It's idiotic to claim that the US leaders and highcommand didn't know anything about it, because the US is one of the few countries who didn't sign the anti-torture agreement.

What is idiotic is to be so offended by something that is suspected about a few people on one side, and ignore the irrefutable proof against their sworn enemies. I can only assume that you support terrorism in any form when directed against the side you oppose ideologically.

You and I have nothing to talk about. Go and bait someone else who enjoys fruitless arguments with party functionaries. It no longer amuses me.
By Non-Sectarian Bastard!
Before you show your openmindedness by yelling at me. I know that the Iraqi fighters torture and abuse. But who are you to judge that when you support torture excecuted by US forces. Is it so hard to imagine that you can be against terror excecuted by both the Coalition and Iraqi resistance? I am against torture of any kind.

This has to damage your conservative mind, but when I claim to be anti-capitalist, that means both Saddam and Bush. I am not anti-America, I do not hate the soil you life on, nor do I hate the people. But I hate Capitalism and that is something on which we can debate further. Please spare me your stereotypical image of Communism or whatever you think that I am.

Demo Edit- I don't care whate you are, frankly. But I WILL NOT tolerate off-topic discussion of Communism in this forum. There is a very dedicated forum on this site where you may talk about it to your heart's content. I am not interested, neither are many of those that visit here.

I'm just informing you, not warning or threatening anything at this point. Do bear this in mind when you visit us.

I am not discussing communism. If you read carefully you would notice that. I am attacking the double standards of Conservatism. If you do care about that, debate with me.
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By Tex
Non-Sectarian Bastard! wrote:This has to damage your conservative mind, but when I claim to be anti-capitalist, that means both Saddam and Bush. I am not anti-America, I do not hate the soil you life on, nor do I hate the people. But I hate Capitalism and that is something on which we can debate further. Please spare me your stereotypical image of Communism or whatever you think that I am.

You stereotype conservatives and in the same breath whine about communists being stereotyped...all of which has no relationship to the least show respect for your fellow idealogues by improving your "bait and switch" skills...they must be terribly embarassed at your bungling attempt to change the subject.

I am not discussing communism. If you read carefully you would notice that. I am attacking the double standards of Conservatism. If you do care about that, debate with me.

If you read carefully, you will discover that this topic is about war atrocities, and that even the evil conservatives are upset about it. In order to have a debate, it is necessary for the parties to that debate to be talking about the same subject. In order for people of different political beliefs to debate, it is necessary that both sides agree to temporarily suspend their emotions and deal with cold-blooded reality, in a manner that is devoid of sentimentality...else it simply turns into a contest of who is the most victimized...and leftists own that topic, because conservatives typically don't stoop to trying to work the "pity angle."

If you want to debate the topic, bring something to the party besides your boring ideology.

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