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Godstud wrote:@One Degree Thank you, Racist. I am against racism. I guess you embrace it. SAD. I thought it was limited to the stupid and uneducated.

The races of the world evolved naturally in separate locations. It is not unnatural for some people to have their culture so tied to race that they appear racist to you. Still today in most of the world race and culture are so intermingled for it to be normal for people to confuse the two. Those most confused are Western liberals as they seem totally incapable of seeing the difference.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I am still waiting for @SolarCross to cite an example of him being called racist by someone on PoFo.

I am way too lazy and easy going to catalogue every instance of being slandered on pofo.

Do you think I am not a racist?
SolarCross wrote:I am way too lazy and easy going to catalogue every instance of being slandered on pofo.

Do you think I am not a racist?

Using search, I cannot find any instances of you being called racist.

I think people like to play the victim card, and claim that they have been called racist, in order to deflect the discussion.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Using search, I cannot find any instances of you being called racist.

I think people like to play the victim card, and claim that they have been called racist, in order to deflect the discussion.

Of course the forum's rule 2 would filter out those instances. I can definitely recall being called a "fascist" many times, I think the implication of that label is "racist" rather than "totalitarian" because the accuser using that term is usually a totalitarian themselves.


@Pants-of-dog just answer my question:

Do you think I am not a racist?
SolarCross wrote:Of course the forum's rule 2 would filter out those instances. I can definitely recall being called a "fascist" many times, I think the implication of that label is "racist" rather than "totalitarian" because the accuser using that term is usually a totalitarian themselves.

Do you report this as a rule violation each time?
Pants-of-dog wrote:I am still waiting for @SolarCross to cite an example of him being called racist by someone on PoFo.

I am sure you don't need any example of me being called racist.
Hindsite wrote:I am sure you don't need any example of me being called racist.

I believe that the human race is descended from two persons, Adam and Eve, a little over 7000 years ago. In my opinion to think otherwise is what is racist, along with the whole theory of Darwinian Evolution, once you understand the anthropological ramifications of the theory.
annatar1914 wrote:I believe that the human race is descended from two persons, Adam and Eve, a little over 7000 years ago. In my opinion to think otherwise is what is racist, along with the whole theory of Darwinian Evolution, once you understand the anthropological ramifications of the theory.

Yes, I believe exactly the same as you do.
Praise the Lord.
Yes, Dumb and Dumber. Screw science and rational thought!


Conservatives, apparently, also conserve stupidity.
Godstud wrote:Yes, Dumb and Dumber. Screw science and rational thought!


Conservatives, apparently, also conserve stupidity.

Yeah, I figured with all your surplus of ''rational thought'' simply running out your ears you'd be the first to snipe with all the dignity and intellectual acumen as you usually muster.

It was science and rational thought that led me away from the racist Darwinian theory of evolution, based on a veritable religion of modernist secularism that it is, not towards it. But since you're going to believe what you're going to believe anyway, I guess we'll just have to experience who was right and who was wrong someday. That's the best way to test something anyway.
annatar1914 wrote:But since you're going to believe what you're going to believe anyway, I guess we'll just have to experience who was right and who was wrong someday.
You're right. Scientific Method is all belief based!!! How could I have been so wrong to be led to think that the world was over 7,000 years old and that it wasn't flat???

Godstud wrote:You're right. Scientific Method is all belief based!!! How could I have been so wrong to be led to think that the world was over 7,000 years old and that it wasn't flat???


Yes, with the whole Hulk Hogan meme thing going on there, you're the apex of rational modern thought.

Note too that you posited a strawman there with that ''flat earth'' business....I'm discussing evolution with HindSite, not ''flat earth''. Yes, really rational and logical. Like when I posted a thread about ''materialism'' and you assumed I was talking about quite another materialism than what you thought. Never did get an apology from you on that.

''Scientific Method'' is using testable and repeatable experiments to prove or disprove a hypothesis about an object of inquiry. Is the macro-evolution of species something capable of being tested in a lab under testable and repeatable circumstances, or is there a set of assumptions there that are based on faith in something prior to testing?

Funny how triggered you get, at something i'm not even trying to convince you of, but are simply stating to another person who likewise has a similar belief in common.
I need apologize to you? I can't remember why, but here you go:

Sorry. :peace:

annatar1914 wrote:''Scientific Method'' is using testable and repeatable experiments to prove or disprove a hypothesis about an object of inquiry.
Yes. That is correct.

annatar1914 wrote:Is the macro-evolution of species something capable of being tested in a lab under testable and repeatable circumstances, or is there a set of assumptions there that are based on faith in something prior to testing?
The former.
The world is not only 7000 years old. I am a Christian and believe the entire idea is idiotic. Here is why.

We have solid scientific evidence that it is much older than that. We have irrefutable evidence that people have been around vastly longer than that.

So to believe that the world is 7000 years old you have to conclude that God lied to us. That he made creation to deliberately fool us. My God is not a liar.

There is absolutely nothing about believing that the universe is 13.8 billion years old that in any way diminishes Jesus' message. That the Bible, which was written my men and edited by people with a particular political view. contains allegory and analogy is indisputable. To take the Bible literally diminishes the majesty and power of God.

But we Christians have to put up with the morons who try to sell us Clement of Alexandria's (et al) calculations.
I need apologize to you?

I didn't say you needed to, I said that you didn't. I was making the point that civil discussions are the most rational ones, and generally I've been civil to you in the past on this forum. I don't agree with a great deal of what you say, nor you with what I say, but we tend to be civil. I don't think you're a bad person, and I prefer to talk to people with a little fire in their belly, some passion, anyways.

I can't remember why

It was this thread;


Where I was talking about how as a person with a Christian worldview, It may surprise some people when I say that in Creation, there is only Matter, and all creatures are composed of Matter in some form. That makes me a Christian ''Materialist'', and you very much misunderstood me, as if I was speaking in praise of the beliefs of these goddamned tv preacher evangelicals with their ''health and wealth prosperity gospel'' bullshit.

, but here you go:

Sorry. :peace:

No problem, lol... :lol:

Yes. That is correct.

See? We can agree on some things, and a lover of reason and logic is by no means an enemy of mine.

The former.

I disagree, except... That I should probably expand my remarks to say that I believe that De-Evolution is the process generally at work in the Cosmos today and in the past, in a dialectical conflict with Progress/Evolution, which is Teleological and will be the process at work in the future.

My ''conservatism'' is not the ''conservatism'' of most ''conservatives'', but I do believe in absolutes and eternal principles.

Bottom line is, this isn't the thread I want to discuss this about on. You'll find I'm probably a more ''profound'' a critic of so-called Conservatism than you realize. I mean, I'm a Christian Communist for God's sake! ;)


@Drlee ,

You said;

The world is not only 7000 years old. I am a Christian and believe the entire idea is idiotic. Here is why.

We have solid scientific evidence that it is much older than that. We have irrefutable evidence that people have been around vastly longer than that.

So to believe that the world is 7000 years old you have to conclude that God lied to us. That he made creation to deliberately fool us. My God is not a liar.

There is absolutely nothing about believing that the universe is 13.8 billion years old that in any way diminishes Jesus' message. That the Bible, which was written my men and edited by people with a particular political view. contains allegory and analogy is indisputable. To take the Bible literally diminishes the majesty and power of God.

But we Christians have to put up with the morons who try to sell us Clement of Alexandria's (et al) calculations.

I simply do not agree with anything you've said here, except maybe your sincerity in your idea of Christian beliefs, which sincerity does not seem to mesh well with characterizing those who believe still in a more traditional idea of salvation history, the age of the cosmos, and disbelief in the theory of evolution (which was the majority position of Christians universally from the earliest times), as being ''idiots'' and ''morons''.

Is that what you think of me, for example?

I 'll extend to you the charity you have not extended to me so far, and rather than get into a quarrel with a fellow Christian, I'd prefer to let the matter drop.
annatar1914 wrote:@Drlee ,
I simply do not agree with anything you've said here, except maybe your sincerity in your idea of Christian beliefs, which sincerity does not seem to mesh well with characterizing those who believe still in a more traditional idea of salvation history, the age of the cosmos, and disbelief in the theory of evolution (which was the majority position of Christians universally from the earliest times), as being ''idiots'' and ''morons''.

Is that what you think of me, for example?

I 'll extend to you the charity you have not extended to me so far, and rather than get into a quarrel with a fellow Christian, I'd prefer to let the matter drop.

Drlee is one of those old earth Christian liberal socialist that has been fooled by those atheist who believe in macro-evolution. I am a young earth Christian conservative capitalist.
Hindsite wrote:Drlee is one of those old earth Christian liberal socialist that has been fooled by those atheist who believe in macro-evolution. I am a young earth Christian conservative capitalist.

Wrong. Drlee is very much a Capitalist, from every conversation I've seen of him online he is very much a believer in private property control. I have tried to show you again and again what Socialism is, and you insist on improperly using that term. Socialism is public control of the means of production in a society, and I am a Socialist, Drlee most emphatically is not a Socialist.

And again, I am a young earth creationist, who believes the cosmos is a little over 7000 years old and was made in six days, and man came from two persons, man and woman made directly by God in His likeness and Image. I don't make a big deal about it because people are emotionally and intellectually invested in what they believe for the most part, and only God can convince.

Tell a man the truth, like I did to you about what Socialism is, and he doubts an hour later and returns to what he thought before.
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