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By Sivad
Porn is degrading and destructive but it seems like banning it would create more problems than it would solve. Mass liberal culture in general is just nasty, but the wingnuts who are rightly appalled by it can't be trusted with the power of censorship. If I have to pick my poison I'll go with the smut over Christian Taliban theocracy. Both are pretty fucking ignorant but at least I can personally opt out of pop-smut culture, I doubt the Talibangecals would leave me the option.
Sivad wrote:Christian Taliban theocracy.

yeah, because this is happening any time soon..... :lol:
By B0ycey
Can you ban Porn? The Internet has made it an impossibility. You could perhaps make viewing it illegal, but you'll need to imprison most of the male population.

At best you can regulate the industry and give specific health conditions for stars and restrict what type of content you would allow to be shown. But if a porn company wants to break those conditions, all they need to do is shoot in another country.
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By Rancid
B0ycey wrote:Can you ban Porn? The Internet has made it an impossibility. You could perhaps make viewing it illegal, but you'll need to imprison most of the male population.

At best you can regulate the industry and give specific health conditions for stars and restrict what type of content you would allow to be shown. But if a porn company wants to break those conditions, all they need to do is shoot in another country.

True, it would be extremely difficult to ban.

If it were banned, I would start to sell black market porn magazines. :) I'd become RIIIIIIIIIIIICH!!!
By SolarCross
The Immortal Goon wrote:For some clarification, you won't ban porn any more than you could ban drinking.

I'm not against porn, I'm against the porn industry because I'm against all capitalist industries.

Muslims ban drinking everywhere they go in significant numbers, it can be done. One failed prohibition attempt on alcohol in the US does not mean all banning is doomed. Strictly speaking we will never completely ban child molesting or 1st degree murder but that in no way means we shouldn't try or that in the trying it won't be mostly successful which is still better than allowing a free-for-all. The success of banning depends on the will and resources of the enforcers vs the will and resources of the defiers, where the former is stronger it will succeed.

But I am fascinated that you think you can ban capitalism but not porn. lol, it's like saying you can flatten Mount Everast but you can't flatten a molehill. The contradiction there is amazing.
Last edited by SolarCross on 12 Feb 2018 19:57, edited 1 time in total.
By skinster
Victoribus Spolia wrote:So is it fair to say you reject the whole third-wave feminism's war on the sex industry? Because you sound like an old-school pro-sex second-wave feminist, not a third wave feminist like I have to deal with in my generation.....

I believe it was second-wave feminists that fought/fight against the objectification of women, the beauty and porn industries, prostitution etc. The "sex-positive" feminists are of the third-wave.

I think sex-positive and sex-negative are stupid terms.

Anyway, porn would be impossible to ban, but I think there should be restrictions on accessing some of the hardcore gonzo shit that is easily available to barely teenage boys who learn sex from porn: something awful for the girls/women they encounter sexually.

Otherwise, I think it's bad for the culture for men to learn sex from porn. Since we read all the stories of really bad sex, I think it's fair to say porn has negatively affected men's understanding of what sex is.

Godstud wrote:I think most intelligent people know that sex in porn movies is not like real sex.

You would think, but that's not the case. Porn when you were growing up is very different to what's available nowadays.

In 2018 Porn Is An Industry: And It’s Not Sex That’s Being Sold, It’s Abuse
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By Rancid
My super all time favorite TV/Movie series Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex explores this idea lightly. Basically, there's an episode where they need to infultrate some old rich guy's mansion in order to get access to his vault to be able to arrest him for like tax fraud or something like that. Anyway, the way they get into the mansion is by attending a party the old dude throws. It's basically a sex party, but it's for people that only like to have sex with androids, not humans. Basically, these peopel are not turned on by flesh and blood humans, but they are turned on by robots that look human. Knowing that it's an android is where the arousal comes from. Know that it's a human, is a turn off.

I wonder if this is where we're going.
skinster wrote:I believe it was second-wave feminists that fought/fight against the objectification of women, the beauty and porn industries, prostitution etc. The "sex-positive" feminists are of the third-wave.

I think sex-positive and sex-negative are stupid terms.

Third Wave feminism is said to have begun in the 1990s; the sex-positive versus sex-negative schism occurred in the late 70s and early 80s as the porn-industry was actually becoming a legit industry and cultural phenomena. Thus, like I said, this schism was a split within the second-wave feminist movement; though, I would argue that sex-positivism was actually the orthodox position of the second-wave. Simple proof of this can be seen in that most of the prominent feminist literature of the 1950s and 1960s attacked the focus of society on strict monogamy , female modesty, female chastity, and traditional roles. The promotion of no-fault divorce, the legalization of pornographic material with its expansion, the restricting deductible child-expenses to two-income families, and supplanting traditional alimony for child-support also clearly show that this was the case. Second-wave was sex-positive.

That third-wave was 1990s:

Third-wave feminism is an iteration of the Feminist Movement that began in the early 1990s United States


Second Wave was Sex Positive:

Authors such as Gayle Rubin and Wendy McElroy see the roots of sex-positive feminism stemming from the work of sex reformers and workers for sex education and access to contraception, such as Havelock Ellis, Margaret Sanger, Mary Dennett and, later, Alfred Kinsey and Shere Hite.[3][1] However, the contemporary incarnation of sex-positive feminism appeared more recently, following an increasing feminist focus on pornography as a source of women's oppression in the 1970s. The rise of second-wave feminism was concurrent with the sexual revolution and rulings that loosened legal restrictions on access to pornography. In the 1970s, radical feminists became increasingly focused on issues around sexuality in a patriarchal society. Some feminist groups began to concern themselves with prescribing what proper feminist sexuality should look like. This was especially characteristic of lesbian separatist groups, but some heterosexual women's groups, such as Redstockings, became engaged with this issue as well.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex-posit ... ical_roots

The use of the terms sex-positive v. sex-negative are important as there is a clear distinction between the heterosexual feminist woman who thinks women are empowered by getting aggressively gang-banged on camera as it is a clear rebellion against the Christian norms of monogamy and that women should embrace "free-love" and "scanty-dress" as part of this revolution on the one hand......and on the other hand, those feminists that believe pornography appeals to the toxic nature of masculinity and their objectification of, and desire to, subjugate women, and who also would argue that women should dress in non-sexual ways as to not draw the "male-gaze" and should avoid heterosexual relations if possible because human reproduction is inconsistent with environmentalism (eco-feminism and anti-natalism).

These are distinct groups that tend to not like each other very much. To say there is a united front in generational feminism between the first and second-waves is like saying such would be true of the first and second waves, which is also absurd. Indeed, some first-wave feminists who only wanted suffrage so they could "aid their husbands in the vote" would have had Betty Friedan shot in the streets for her disparaging remarks that housewives were "parasites."

I agree that porn is bad for young men, but I don't think we can call this a "feminist" position per se. The Christian tradition has been trying to deal with this epidemic amongst its young people for years, as everyone is affected by it. I also agree that there is no easy solution to the problem. Men are drawn to pornography because it fulfills their masculine desires (due to porno marketing itself based on what they know men secretly want) and it gives instant gratification with just a click.

Want to know how to make Porn difficult for mass consumption? Require it to be pay-per-view by LAW. No free videos, no free sharing, no discrete credit statements, and no amateur uploads unless you join a vetted sex-workers union.

Morally I think all pornography and sexual immorality is heinous, but if these requirements were put in place it would prevent 90% of the teenagers who don't have debit cards and would never use their parents from being able to access porn and it would prevent "hidden cams" and shit like that which even libs find morally dubious.
By skinster
Victoribus Spolia wrote:Third Wave feminism is said to have begun in the 1990s; the sex-positive versus sex-negative schism occurred in the late 70s and early 80s as the porn-industry was actually becoming a legit industry and cultural phenomena. Thus, like I said, this schism was a split within the second-wave feminist movement; though, I would argue that sex-positivism was actually the orthodox position of the second-wave.

I don't know, the anti-objectification, porn, prostitution feminists I've read claim to be of the second-wave and oppose the third-wave. Like Dr Gail Dines here:

Your own link says the third-wave were into sex positivity, or whatever.

I agree that porn is bad for young men, but I don't think we can call this a "feminist" position per se.

We can, since it affects women, mainly.

Men are drawn to pornography because it fulfills their masculine desires (due to porno marketing itself based on what they know men secretly want) and it gives instant gratification with just a click.

Yeah but something-something about instant gratification being baaaad. :excited:

I clean up the messes of the porn industry. Why are we still questioning whether pornography is oppressive?
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By Hong Wu
One thing I don't have much sympathy for is these people who say they can't be aroused by normal interactions after watching porn. If you're traumatized or something that would make sense in a way. But if you actually want sex to be like some of the porn out there, WTF is wrong with you lol.
By Sivad
Victoribus Spolia wrote:yeah, because this is happening any time soon..... :lol:

It would happen a lot sooner if we started establishing those kinds of precedents. Unfortunately extremist factions have made it impossible to set reasonable policy in these areas because any reasonable concession will be used as the thin end of the wedge and we all know it.

Most conservatives understand the logic here. Gun control is a similar issue for conservatives, most are in favor of stronger regulations but they oppose it because they know liberals can't be trusted.
By skinster
Boys and men get confused, thinking porn-sex is real sex. My work frand was really into porn and had similar problems with real human women. He ended up giving porn up and many months later, was able to reset his brain re: how he viewed women, and is all better now.

A tumblr on porn.

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By Godstud
Personal responsibility.

If porn is affecting you negatively, then stop watching it.
By skinster
Young boys with easy access to violent porn aren't aware that it's affecting them negatively until after the fact, by which point they could be addicted.

It’s awkward because we’re mostly not in a place where we want to talk to our kids about masturbating. And who would?

Dan Savage once advised that parents sit down with their kids and have a talk about porn. Make sure that they know that porn is to sex as Alien is to NASA. And that’s not bad advice as kids are fucking stupid and usually assume they invented masturbating anyway.

There will be some kids that walk away fine without the talk. Some won’t.

The availability of such well shot, hardcore, and abundant material is new.

On the other hand, people used to take their work colleagues to the brothel when they turned twelve, so it’s not like we had an angelic society before.
By skinster
I think parents should talk to their kids about sex and porn and predators and stuff like that. I think it's their responsibility. I would.
By skinster
I'm not anti-porn to the point of preventing loved ones from indulging in it, I just tell them how it's shit for the culture / not so good for them. I'm allowed an opinion. :D
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