Conservative views on Mexican Immigration - Politics | PoFo

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Traditional 'common sense' values and duty to the state.
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I'm kind of new here, but I and very curious on the conservative views regarding Mexico and immigration. Don't know if this is the right board to post this on, but whatever.

I myself am a liberal, and my grandparents where from Mexico. I have heard many extreme and crazy ideas from conservatives in regards to illegal immigrants, some going so far as to say we should establish a war zone along the border and open fire on anyone who tries to cross.

I'm not denying there are bad aspects of illegal immigration, but in my opinion the good aspects that Mexicans bring far outweigh the bad. There are issues concerning the amount of crime, violence and drugs that Mexicans bring into America, but this is more a result of poverty than of culture.

Anywho, I'm interested in hearing some conservative views, preferable rational ones, on the issue of Mexican immigration. I have my own ideas, but I think I'll post them later on.
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By Noumenon
I used to be conservative and opposed to illegal immigration. I was concerned with the possibility of terrorists coming across the border, but I realized its not fair to punish millions of people for something that has not happened. Besides, if a terrorist was determined enough, he could get here anyway. Good intelligence is much better and less expensive protection.

As for the "they take our jobs" argument, I think its BS. Population has been increasing for thousands of years, did we run out of jobs? Of course not. A bigger population means more demand for things, and therefore more jobs. A large immigrant population means a big new market for goods and services. What happens is that the non-immigrants benefit from cheap labor and a new market and the immigrants benefit from new opportunities. Free trade benefits both sides, it is not a zero sum game. While many people might lose their jobs, there are so many new jobs created that it doesn't matter.
By The Flaming Jalapeno
Umm.... could you expand a little on that maybe? Obviously its illegal, but do you like the immigration system as it stands right now? America has purposefully not enforced its souther border patrol in order to bring cheap labor into the US, do you agree with that? Dissagree?
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By Noumenon
I oppose illegal immergration because its illegal.

:roll: What disgusting trust in the state. So whatever the state says is illegal, you'll blindly tow the line and oppose it? What if they made being a republican illegal?

Law should be based on morality, not the other way around. It is our duty to form the morality which laws are based on, and if laws are immoral, we should change them. The fact that illegal immigration is illegal is not justification to oppose it. You must decide whether it is moral or not, and from there determine whether it should be legal or not.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I say we allow immigration as often as possible on our borderlines, we should be proud that so many want to taste the sweet nector of freedom that is the U.S.A. We should show them our utmost support and confidence in thier ability to speak other languages and the work they have gone through to come here. Good things should be awarded to good people.

In the red neck's defence, I say we kick out anti-American protesters that live here. You hate America so bad get the hell out, we don't need you. Heck, Canada's a drive away. Stay in that moutain heep of snow for a year and see how quickly you miss the red white and blue..

1. I hate America-bashers with a passion. There is no reason to hate a country, just it's policies.

2. I feel this would diplomatically appease both sides. As letting more in would even-out with me escorting many more out and thus noone turks yer jurb! :lol:

3. I simply smile at the thought of kicking some aging hippy douchebag in the ass going "out ya' go!" and watching him shiver next to a sign saying "Welcome to Canada" while penguins are in buisness suits talking on cellphones and the abomoniable snowman is working at McDonalds giving a thumbs up. Oh yeah, that's Big Evil's America. :D
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By Goranhammer
I oppose ALL immigration right now. Close the borers for now, and I'll be happy.

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