Why I Left The Democratic Party - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Traditional 'common sense' values and duty to the state.
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I went to work for a gun manufacturer in 1985 and quickly learned much about firearms. Then, the Democrats began their gun control campaign. It was obvious that they knew very little about guns and they did alot of lying about them to con people into supporting their gun bans.

The worst of the liars in the Senate was Joe Biden. Bill Clinton was second worst. The Dems claimed that banning semiauto rifles would reduce crime. That is nonsense. Most criminals use pistols to do their work. Then they said their assault weapons were automatic weapons, another lie. They are all semiautomatic.

Nowadays I see the Dems lying about most everything. I'm glad I left.
ArthurTandy1 wrote:I went to work for a gun manufacturer in 1985 and quickly learned much about firearms. Then, the Democrats began their gun control campaign. It was obvious that they knew very little about guns and they did alot of lying about them to con people into supporting their gun bans.

The worst of the liars in the Senate was Joe Biden. Bill Clinton was second worst. The Dems claimed that banning semiauto rifles would reduce crime. That is nonsense. Most criminals use pistols to do their work. Then they said their assault weapons were automatic weapons, another lie. They are all semiautomatic.

Nowadays I see the Dems lying about most everything. I'm glad I left.

Another guy making schools safe for corpses.

Btw, the insanity of the gun nuts became obvious with Ted Kennedy's gun bill in the early 70s. I quit the NRA in disgust because of it.

Other developed countries don't let their people die every day in a hail of bullets. It's different if you've lived in a country with sane gun laws, you get to experience what real civilisation is about.
ArthurTandy1 wrote:
I went to work for a gun manufacturer in 1985 and quickly learned much about firearms. Then, the Democrats began their gun control campaign. It was obvious that they knew very little about guns and they did alot of lying about them to con people into supporting their gun bans.

The worst of the liars in the Senate was Joe Biden. Bill Clinton was second worst. The Dems claimed that banning semiauto rifles would reduce crime. That is nonsense. Most criminals use pistols to do their work. Then they said their assault weapons were automatic weapons, another lie. They are all semiautomatic.

Nowadays I see the Dems lying about most everything. I'm glad I left.

The politics of a gun industry investor, everyone.
I find it illuminating that Democrats don't object to lies by their politicians. If lying is acceptable to you, you are morally corrupt.
ArthurTandy1 wrote:
I have no investment in the gun industry. What I have is a need to protect myself from criminals. Crime is rampant today.

Yeah, whatevs. Just don't do *this*:

Gregory initiated the chase after seeing Arbery running past his house,[6] suspecting that Arbery had committed burglary or theft in Satilla Shores,[7][8]



ArthurTandy1 wrote:
I find it illuminating that Democrats don't object to lies by their politicians. If lying is acceptable to you, you are morally corrupt.

Trump told a *whopper*, to hang onto power. How does anyone follow *that* fiasco, except maybe to clean up the mess. Ditto for racism, killer cops, etc.

Not a Democrat, myself, btw -- I'm far-left.
ArthurTandy1 wrote:If you don't like guns, don't buy one. I'll be damned if I let you wacko liberals disarm me and leave me helpless.

We will succeed. It might take a bit longer, but when you are right, you succeed at the end. It is just a matter of time.
ArthurTandy1 wrote:Stupid people will always get hurt wherever they go. Are you one of them?

What a coincidence, a lot of those stupid people seem to get their hands on guns. :lol: Perhaps all the lound bangs of guns firing are liquefying their brain and thus making them stupid. We should ban guns for their safety and their mental health!
Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992)

Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Heller, case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on June 26, 2008, held (5–4) that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to possess firearms independent of service in a state militia and to use firearms for traditionally lawful purposes, including self-defense within the home.
Key People: Antonin Scalia
Date: June 26, 2008
Location: United States

District of Columbia v. Heller | Summary, Ruling, & Factshttps://www.britannica.com › event › District-of-Columbi...

If you don't like guns, don't buy one. I'll be damned if I let you wacko liberals disarm me and leave me helpless.

Well son, armed to the teeth or not you are helpless. Your absolute best defense is an orderly society.

Here is a cold hard fact of life. If a smart person wants to kill you, the fact that you are carrying a gun does not deter him/her at all. In fact, a smart person can use the fact that you are armed to their advantage. Especially now that there is evidence on the internet that you may be "quick on the trigger and suffering unreasonable fears."

I am sorry that you think that "crime is rampant". It has actually been falling for some time now. Unreasonable fears.

Guns will eventually be much more closely regulated. The upcoming generation is far less trigger happy than older people are. And they are far more likely to favor strict gun control.

It is sad that so many gun owners would be classified as 'not very smart'. There are a couple of things that have always been true. One is to not go into dangerous situations. If you have strong fears of being in unsafe places, don't go there. If there is a neighborhood in town that is rife with crime, then a prudent person does not arm himself and go there, he just doesn't go there. And the excuse that he/she has to is absurd.

Finally, the democrats are not the enemy of gun owners. Irresponsible gun owners like the parents of the recent school shooter, and criminals in possession of guns are.

If a smart person wanted to be certain that he/she would always be allowed to own and carry a firearm he/she would be the first to want to ensure that irresponsible, untrained or criminal people do not have access to firearms. Instead what we have are a bunch of unintelligent gun-nuts ensuring that criminals and irresponsible people have unfettered access to firearms in the idiotic notion that laws which seek to prevent criminals from possessing guns are a "slippery slope".

There is probably not a greater aggregation of dangerously foolish people acting against their own interest than gun owners.

I admit to being a gun owner. I am responsible. I am highly trained. I do not go where I 'need' a gun unless it is absolutely necessary and it is almost never absolutely necessary. If ever.

Finally as a former soldier I realize how stupid the private ownership of military style firearms is. It is not that they are not fun to shoot. (If you find shooting fun. I don't particularly but then shooting used to be a part of my job so....) For those who do ripping off $50.00 worth of ammunition as fast as one can pull the trigger can be exhilarating I am sure. If you think that is fun you ought to spend some time with an M240L or one if its cousins. But then to do that you pretty much have to become a real soldier not just some pot-bellied GI-Wannabee who feels potent because he has a Glock in a belly pack.
Among other ways, to justify a staged killing in "self defense". Or by taking the gun away from the owner and shooting them with it. Want more?
I also think guns are cool and don't like the democratic party. What confuses me is why you want to vote for Republicans. Are you the CEO of a massive corporation? If not, the republicans are doing their best to fuck you viciously.

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