Turning Back the Clock - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Traditional 'common sense' values and duty to the state.
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THE 1950s DECADE IS WORTHY OF EMULATION. I have stated this several times on my web page. I have often received email from people who think it is profound to claim, "You can't turn back the clock." Such shallow thinking is not going to save our people from extinction. When one uses something as a model, or an example, that does not mean that all details and all things are going to be exactly the same. It is not the time of the 1950s which should draw us to it but rather the attitudes and ideals of that era which can give us hope.

In 10 Things I Like About the 1950s I discussed some aspects of the 1950s that I think we should emulate today. In The Leftist and the 1950s I covered how the Leftists today attack the 1950s because they know that in that decade lies the seeds for their destruction. But is looking at the 1950s as a model, especially when you are using it only as a rough approximation, and a starting point for where we want to be, "turning back the clock?"

When a man is lying sick in bed, his fever is up, his stomach is returning everything that is sent to it, and all of his joints ache throughout his entire body, what does he want? Why he wants to return to health, of course! Is that a desire to turn back the clock? Not at all. If he simply turned back the clock, he would live through the same things over again, just like he did the first time. He would have to even go through the sickness he is suffering through this very minute. What he wants, is to move the clock forward to a point in time where he is both healthy and past this illness. He looks backward to a time that he was healthy, only to help envision what it was like not to be sick.

That is what I am doing with the 1950s. Moving the clock in any direction is beyond our power at the moment, but thinking and planning, striving for a goal, is not. We can look at the ideals of the 1950s and say, "I would like to see more of that if we can get past this current illness."

What does an ill man do? He takes vitamins, eats the best food he can find, gets lots of sleep, and rigidly follows his doctor's advice. He takes every action possible to move his condition from unhealthy to healthy. But he has to know what are the right things to do in order to improve his state.

{Demo- edit, Sorry links to White Power sites are not allowed per the forum rules. Further I don't appreciate them either. If you don't like it take it up with Foxy}
By Freedom
What does White Power have to do with conservatism?
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By Noumenon
I consider myself a conservative, but I don't want to "turn back the clock." In fact I want things to change (just in a different direction than the change liberals advocate). I want this country to be color-blind, where everyone is treated fairly based on their merits, not the color of their skin (liberals want the continuation of discrimination, in the form of affirmative action). I also want change in the form of smaller government and fewer taxes, while liberals want the opposite. We should have more effective national security, and we can do that by changing our immigration policy and becoming tougher in our foreign policy. Major change could be accomplished with term limits for our congressmen (right now they might as well be unelected, since its so hard to unseat them). We need to change our deficit spending habit by introducing a Blanced Budget amendment. We also need to change the fact that uncountable numbers of human lives are murdered all the time in the form of abortion.

I guess if this were the 1950's, I'd be considered a liberal (in fact JFK's views weren't so much different from mine). But a 1950's liberal is today considered right wing, since today's liberals are so much further to the left.
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