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Traditional 'common sense' values and duty to the state.
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By Hot Choco
Personal Details

Country of Birth: England
Country of Residence: England
Religion: Atheist
Interests: Playing video games, reading books, watching TV...

Political Views

Socially: The only things that should be criminalised are force, fraud and infringement of property. The government only act as a record keeper, if two or more people want to share a contract between each other, like "marriage" or whatever, the government should record it, but it should not bestow any rights and benefits upon such contracts.

I'm for women having unconditional access to abortion. I'm for very liberal gun control laws. I'm anti-death penalty, but for harsher punishment on crime. I'm for opening up the borders (mostly at least, terrorists and the likes can stay out!)

Economically: Limited Government in this area - the only time the government should intervene is in cases of fraud or other crimes. I'm for a single, small consumption tax funding the government, and massive slashes in government spending; no social security, no business subsidies, no more money spent hunting down and jailing drug addicts, prostitutes etc.

Military: Strong, well-funded and up-to-date military suitable for defending our country against attack, nothing more. Reduce the amount of waste and beaurocracy that goes on in the military.

Foreign Policy: Opposed to entering any international or supranational organisations, but not opposed to one-off treaties and contracts with other nations.
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By Dr House
I've never really liked the label 'conservative,' up until a few months ago I was probably the most extremely socially liberal person on this forum. Regardless, I don't think there's a more accurate term for my current views, so I guess I'll post here. Here goes:

Personal Details

Country of Birth: Puerto Rico
Country of Residence: Puerto Rico
Religion: Atheist
Interests: See profile

Political Views

Social: My own morals are non-traditional, but I support a traditional, family-centric society for purely pragmatic reasons, as it is the most socially optimal arrangement and the one most natural to human instincts. Regarding non-traditional lifestyles I support parallelism, meaning that they can simply exist in their own enclaves, separate from the mainstream population. I support the government intervening in people's lives wherever it is in society's best interests, but it must do so as unintrusively as is feasible, and I strongly oppose the government mollycoddling people for no good reason (e.g. seatbelt laws).

I support gay marriage (no social harm has been shown to result from gays marrying and adopting children), abortion (which is actually beneficial as it represents a crude form of eugenics), and euthanasia (no external harm done). I oppose single motherhood, as it is a breeding ground for sociopathy and psychological diseases, and believe it should be outlawed. Soft drugs should be given the same legal treatment as alcohol and tobacco, whereas hard drugs should be legalized for consumption and distributed by a restrictive state monopoly, to stamp out organized crime surrounding the trade without allowing drug use to proliferate. Gambling and prostitution should be given the same treatment.

I am deeply nationalist. I believe that the nation in its essence is a tribe, united by a common cultural, historical, ethnic and linguistic background, and all nations have the right to self-determination. I therefore support limiting immigration to skilled people culturally and ethnically similar to nationals of old stock (essentially a points system as it's used in most developed countries, but with ethnic requirements). I additionally subscribe to racialism, in that I believe there to be significant taxonomical differences between races, with profound social and behavioral effects. I don't believe any race is superior to any other for it, however. One very unfortunate effect of this though is that some races (those that did not evolve to withstand harsh climates) do not possess the adequate human capital to succeed in an advanced industrial economy, which needs to be corrected if my nation is to succeed. I therefore support an eugenics program.

Economic: The industrial sector is the backbone of the economy, and should be protected and encouraged, though this does not necessarily preclude free trade or an export-oriented economy. The economy should be guided into the most productive, most innovative and most capital-intensive industries, and then to the extent that it is possible lead the charge in future innovation. To that end, I support an economy where production, wages and prices are dictated by profit-making entities, with some regulations where appropriate, but the government should also engage in an industrial policy to guide the economy higher into the value-added chain.

For developed countries this means securing an abundant pool of capital (via forced savings), ensuring the cost of production is low (through infrastructure development and good maintenance), and facilitating technical innovation (such as through civilian R&D investment and industry-wide research cartels).

For developing countries (such as mine) however, this means capturing marketable industries currently the domain of first-world countries, in order to converge with the industrial leaders. As said industries are not profitable in developing countries and the logistical backing for them develops areound the industry rather than simply developing naturally, this means the industries need to be founded by the state and then developed into global competitiveness either through internal competition (in very large countries) or forced into the international market through subsidies and the like, while protected from losses at home. Over time the industry will gain the economies of scale, skills and logistical backing to compete internationally, provided that subsidies and protection get scaled back gradually to keep said enterprises on their toes, at which point if the manufacturing output of the nation is high enough it will become fully developed.

For details on how I'd handle my nation's economy, see here.

Military: Support boot camp training in high school, mandatory one-year conscription and mandatory membership to a citizen's militia, with drilling required every six months. in the US this would be a state militia, but Puerto Rico is far too small for that, so in the island eight local militia chapters would be used, divided by senatorial district. Upon completion of military training, all citizens would be given a military-issue rifle and sidearm, and required to keep the rifle in a gun safe and the sidearm in their person at all times.

As unit cohesion is crucial to military effectiveness, military members are allowed to discriminate. Don't Ask, Don't Tell stays, with the slight modification that troops themselves can decide if they want gays in their unit (there could even be all-gay units that don't allow straight people). Women can be allowed to serve, but in segregated units and support roles only, and they should be held to the same physical standards as men.

Foreign Policy: Realism. For such a small island armed neutrality seems the best choice, but given that the land size of the island is much smaller than its population, I believe if it is geopolitically feasible expansionism would be very appropriate, and am very supportive of the idea of having my country invade and colonize other nations in the Caribbean.
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By nucklepunche

Country of Birth: United States of America, Michigan

Country of Residence: United States of America, Michigan

Religion: Protestant Christian


Social: Strongly anti-abortion, and fairly moderate on everything else. If you want to get into specifics I am against government recognition of same-sex marriage but opposed to sodomy laws, for legalization of marijuana, harm reduction policies with regards to harder drugs with stiff penalties for trafficking, anti-gun control, anti-death penalty but favor long sentences for violent crime and think police are hamstringed too much by civil rights attorneys, anti-gambling, generally pro-immigration. In other words I'm sort of all over the place but mostly center-right.

Economic: Center-left. I'm for capitalism with health, safety, and fair labor regulations as well as a strong welfare state, universal health care, and public education. On the flip side I have mixed views on labor unions, am skeptical of global warming and environmental hysteria, and generally support free trade.

Military: Military service should be voluntary, the military should be well funded but used for national defense purposes primarily. I favor a strongly funded intelligence service to take out the terrorists though.

Foreign Policy: I'm opposed to foreign military intervention unless the country is directly defending its own borders, I think foreign aid is counterproductive but I support humanitarian aid in times of disasters and crisis when it is ensured it won't get stolen by dictators.

Political: I consider myself to be an Independent and since I'm in the US I tend to boycott elections. The reason is that I cannot bring myself to vote for a pro-abortion politician (I see it as a mortal evil) which excludes most Democrats but at the same time I think the Republicans are too extremely right-wing on economics and too interventionist on foreign policy. If the Republicans would moderate their economic views somewhat I could hold my nose and vote for them but with the Tea Party I only see them moving more to the right, in general I am closest to conservative pro-life Democrats that used to be common in the South and Midwest but this is a dying breed. The increasing polarization of American politics due to our two party system is disturbing to me and makes voting pretty much worthless.
Region of Birth: United States of America, New York

Region of Residence: United States of America, Virginia

Age: 21

Religion: Protestant

Political Affiliation: Republican (Pragmatic Conservative)

Social: The government should proactively keep its hands out of family affairs. Abortion is a moral evil. Homosexuality is as well, but it really is an issue of least importance to me.

Economic: The government must maintain a legal apparatus making it possible the merchants and artisans go about their daily business.

Military: Keep the military strong, well-supplied, and ready for action at a moment's notice.

Foreign policy: A practical interventionist. America, for better or worse, cannot retreat from the world.

Influences: Abraham Lincoln, FA von Hayek, William F. Buckley, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Thomas Aquinas, people you will never hear of.


Enneagram: 5w6
City of Birth: United Kingdom, Nottingham

City of Residence: United Kingdom, Birmingham

Age: 19

Religion: Atheist

Political Affiliation: The UK Conservative Party

Social: The government should support strong family-values, but keep out of family affairs as much as possible. Abortion and homosexuality are permissible in a modern society, but the government, again, should keep out of most social affairs.

Economic: The government should not own many services, favouring privatisation and less regulation over expensive public-owned assets. The Government should be there for intervention to help support businesses in hard economic times. Favours personal choice and less taxes, rather than large taxation and blanket state provisions.

Military: Keep the military strong and well-supplied for protection, but try to keep out of international affairs, unless supported by consensus in the UN in an UN-led mission; no Iraq-type wars.

Foreign policy: Full support to the UN; no country should act as a global police-service. Actively maintain key relationships for the purposes of trade and alliances but, apart from that, keep the country to itself.
Personal Details

Country of Birth: United States of America.
Country of Residence: United States of America.
Religion: Roman Catholic by tradition. My beliefs are perhaps closer to Deism.

Political Views

Social: Pro-abortion (not for reasons of women's rights), pro-death penalty, anti-political correctness, restricted immigration, deportation of all illegals, English Only, restricted gun ownership, Singaporean eugenics, anti-Islam, nationalized education system and curriculum, university standards set by state governments, sexual segregation in educational institutionals lower than university level, anti-no fault divorce, anti-adoption of foreign children, illiberal democracy (raise voting age to 25-30, pass an IQ and/or educational or employment standards), maintenance of democracy, energetic government, nationalized healthcare system to exist alongside private practices, anti-affirmative action, a more meritocratic society, classicism, vocational schooling, creationism to be taught alongside evolution but in separate disciplines (social and natural science, respectively), nationalism, pro-gay marriage for men but not for women, pro-legalization of marijuana but no other drugs, hope for the rise of an American aristocracy.

Economic: Protectionism, progressive tax, anti-Free Trade, increase standards of production (think Pre-War production standards), subsidies for agriculture, moderate to moderate-heavy regulation of big business, penalization of American business out-sourcing, support of exploitation of third world resources, weaken the trade unions (to off-set the increased regulation of business), a more meritocratic system, anti-suburbanization, Viktor Orban's policy on the unemployed, loans for university students with mandatory repayment, energy indepence or less reliance on foreign oil.

Military: Increased spending, mandatory 2-3 year part-time national service for all males.

Foreign Policy: Realpolitik, Neoclassical realist theory of international relations, pro-Israel (though not vocal about it), pro-support of Ba'athist Party (this would have included Saddam Hussein and Assad), Pro-Gadaffi, reduced international aid, improve relations with the United Kingdom and Germany, anti-Cuban embargo, improve relations with Turkey, non-intervention unless it means protection of our interests.
In order to see how I have changed since I first posted.


Country of Birth: United States of America, Michigan

Country of Residence: United States of America, Michigan

Religion: Protestant Christian

All of this remains true, though I hate living in Michigan.

Social: Strongly anti-abortion, and fairly moderate on everything else. If you want to get into specifics I am against government recognition of same-sex marriage but opposed to sodomy laws, for legalization of marijuana, harm reduction policies with regards to harder drugs with stiff penalties for trafficking, anti-gun control, anti-death penalty but favor long sentences for violent crime and think police are hamstringed too much by civil rights attorneys, anti-gambling, generally pro-immigration. In other words I'm sort of all over the place but mostly center-right.

Still anti-abortion, I oppose government recognition of gay marriage or any government action that morally condones homosexuality but I believe what goes on in private between consenting adults is none of my business, pro-marijuana legalization but favor bans on hard drugs, anti-government sponsored gambling, anti-prostitution, anti-affirmative action, anti-capital punishment on pragmatic grounds but pro-three strikes law, anti-no fault divorce.

I've somewhat modified my stance on gun control. While I was once an absolutist pro-gun rights proponent I now favor a reasonable regulation of guns including an assault weapons ban, mandatory background checks, and licensing and registration of long guns and handguns.

I've also modified my stance on immigration. I believe societies cannot absorb the strain on infrastructure and the public dole that would be caused by liberal immigration policies and that allowing a flow of low skilled immigration will not improve their lot so much as it will balkanize society and bring down wages of the working class, thus I favor controlling the flow of immigration and adopting a points based system rewarding immigrants for different skills that are needed in America.

Economic: Center-left. I'm for capitalism with health, safety, and fair labor regulations as well as a strong welfare state, universal health care, and public education. On the flip side I have mixed views on labor unions, am skeptical of global warming and environmental hysteria, and generally support free trade.

I am more center-right. I am mostly conservative at this point (pro-flat tax, pro-school voucher, pro-free trade, anti-welfare) on economic issues though I continue to support universal health care. I favor restricting welfare to the disabled and favor job programs instead. I think unions can go too far at times but provide a necessary countervailing force to corporate power. I would oppose unionization of my employer under current conditions but I believe the threat must always be present in order to prevent a race to the bottom.

Military: Military service should be voluntary, the military should be well funded but used for national defense purposes primarily. I favor a strongly funded intelligence service to take out the terrorists though.

I continue to believe all of these things.

Foreign Policy: I'm opposed to foreign military intervention unless the country is directly defending its own borders, I think foreign aid is counterproductive but I support humanitarian aid in times of disasters and crisis when it is ensured it won't get stolen by dictators.

Realpolitik. I believe the purpose of foreign policy ought to be to secure the nation's economic and national security interests as well as to secure a stable world society. I oppose "idealistic" foreign policy in either an overly hawkish or dovish direction.

Political: I consider myself to be an Independent and since I'm in the US I tend to boycott elections. The reason is that I cannot bring myself to vote for a pro-abortion politician (I see it as a mortal evil) which excludes most Democrats but at the same time I think the Republicans are too extremely right-wing on economics and too interventionist on foreign policy. If the Republicans would moderate their economic views somewhat I could hold my nose and vote for them but with the Tea Party I only see them moving more to the right, in general I am closest to conservative pro-life Democrats that used to be common in the South and Midwest but this is a dying breed. The increasing polarization of American politics due to our two party system is disturbing to me and makes voting pretty much worthless.

I have concluded that my hardcore abortion as a litmus test stance is unworkable and unreasonable. While I continue to oppose abortion it isn't at the top of the list since I do not believe that pro-life politicians are committed to ending abortion nor do I think simply passing laws against abortion will make it go away. There is a whole host of other factors involved. I am not necessarily "boycotting" elections for moral reasons though I view them as unimportant. I remain totally Independent, the success or failure of one party or another does not matter to me one iota.

I now think that unrestricted democracy is a disaster. There ought to be some restrictions on who is allowed to vote or participate in politics. I believe that there ought to be some minimum of educational qualifications and there ought to be a civics test of some kind in order to determine who can vote and who cannot and it ought to be reasonably difficult. It will ask questions like the role of the Supreme Court, the role of the president, how many senators each states, what is in the bill of rights, etc. If you can't name at least one Supreme Court justice, your congressman, your two senators, you are too dumb to vote. A majority of Americans could not pass this test and I see nothing wrong with it. I oppose direct election of US senators (17th amendment repeal) and the president, preferring state legislatures to select senators and award electoral votes. I believe the Senate ought to be an aristocracy of some kind, whereas the House ought to be a bit closer to the people (at least those smart enough to vote). I favor development of a natural aristocracy.
Social: I oppose gay marriage, abortion, etc. but these are at best sideshows that can be given up as political tokens to a foolish opposition that believes otherwise. Gun control should be abandonned. Open immigration and borders.

Economy:I am closest to the Chicago schools of economics.This is by far the most important aspect.

Military: Lean and mean professional military. Wars are inherently political and closer cooperation between political and military establishment should be made. The military is a wasteful govt branch and should be restructured by encouraging civilian participation (especially in more backend/logistical services). In favor of 1 to 2 year conscription as a class of citizen ethics and to have a manpower pool ready for war.

Foreign policy: In the 21st century, realpolitik will govern relations between state with little or no to lip service ideology. Nevertheless, a modicrum of concern toward fellow democratic states is nescessary to keep western identity intact and to simplify the calculations inherent in realpolitik.
Country of Birth: Poland

Country of Residence: Poland

Religion: Roman Catholic

Social: I'm against gay-marriage and recognition of same-sex couples, abortion except in the case of the mother dying, mixed views on the death penalty, anti-drug and supportive of tough on crime measures.

Economic: centre-right, supportive of a flat tax, gradual privatisation and further decommunisation, supportive of state-health care, free-trade and anti-union.

Military: maintain strength of the military, play an increasing role within NATO, making us a bigger military power in Europe. Overall something I don't really give thought to.

Foreign policy: pro-EU integration as long as there isn't too much interference in social policies, a "Europe of Nations" essentially with Poland playing a bigger role as our economy grows.
Country of birth:Chile

Country of residence:USA

Religion:Roman Catholic


Social:I'm against gay marriage, abortion and if possible women should raise children during their early years. Though I understand if they don't for economic reasons. The war on drugs should be ended and addiction should be treated as an illness rather than a crime. I also don't believe in trading security for freedoms.

Economic: I believe the government should subsidize credit unions/democratically ran businesses via grants to help them get on their feet, other than that I'd say I consider a 40% -50% tax rate fair. I'm also against privatization.

Military:I'm against military intervention whenever possible.

Foreign policy:The US should stop trying to manipulate nations and should try fixing its image.

Overall I'm grateful that I've been granted a citizenship and I don't wish to impose anything on anybody else. I just like throwing ideas around and discussing my point of view.

edit:Btw I mostly consider myself conservative because of the social issues. As far as illegal Mexicans getting their citizenship, I'd say that it was mostly done to fund social security.
I'm ambivalent on the matter since I had to get mine the long and arduous old fashion way.

edit2:Oh and one more thing. The picture on my avatar is Richard Stallman, I figure I mention it somewhere.
Country of Residence: England
Religion: Deism

Interests: Politics, art, theatre, economics, history

Political Views

Social: Strongly oppose mass immigration. Supporter of capital punishment. Support drug decriminalization, and treat addiction as a medical and psychological problem. Proudly nationalistic. Embrace English culture and traditional values. Encourage a society built around the traditional family. Foster a society where personal fiscal responsibility is encouraged (although a modified social security must be in place to curb income inequality). Supporter of harsh punishment for crime and an acknowledgement that punishment must be a more important factor than rehabilitation. Moderate background checks for gun ownership, and a pledge that the right to bear arms will never be removed. Support gay marriage. Disable affirmative-action.

Political: Something in-line with the historical Whigs. Independent. A commitment to trim government's excess fat, and keep it as small as possible but still allowing it to complete its essential needs. Meritoracy; a society built atop social mobility. A vibrant representative democracy where transparency is promoted. An 'invisible' third party ready to seize votes if government fails to fulfil its tasks.

Military: Maintain a capable military; and protect overseas interests. Voluntary service.

Economic: A market-based economy with a transparent approach to business: encourage growth and innovation. Fairly centrist. Absolute pledge to fiscal responsibility and reform. Goal of a balanced budget and a confident approach by a central bank. Aim to make England an innvestment hub: progressive taxation, scaled to lift the burden off of the middle class. Tax exemption for small businesses during their establishing years. A system of social welfare, but drastically reformed compared to present day. Simplify the tax code and eliminate loopholes. Adherence and commitment to sustainable energy. Universal healthcare, public education and a strong, guiding-hand by the state in the economy. Policies favouring small businesses and a commitment to encouraging entrepreneurship. Modified protectionism; with the aim of keeping the UK competitive on a global scale. Heavy investment in public infrastructure; investment in science and maths programs.

Foreign policy: Approach diplomatic relations in a pragmatic and level-headed manner. Establish honourable trading partners and strong economic links. Ally with countries committed to peace and democracy. Reduce foreign aid, but keep some form of it, although with strict criteria (democracy, aiming for peace, etc). Regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict: support a two-state solution, with Israel releasing territory won from the 1967 war, and paying token compensation. Overall, initiate a foreign policy which aims to increase stability and prosperity for England.
My yearly update.

Country of Birth: United States of America

Country of Residence: United States of America

Religion: I never go to church, but I still consider myself to be a believing Protestant, although a bad one by any definition.

Political Views


I am pro-life on abortion, outside of that over the past year I have found myself caring less about social issues. I view them as a distraction from our bigger economic problems. My default position on social issues (gay rights, marijuana, etc.) is to simply leave them up to the voters of the individual states.


I support free market capitalism, free trade and an immigration policy that favors skilled workers for which there is a genuine economic need over uneducated, unskilled cheap third world labor who merely drive down wages and strain our social services. I support social safety nets to prevent destitution, and I believe the middle class and wealthy should support them if not out of pity then out of mere self-interest, because human nature suggests the poor will resort to theft or rebellion against the upper classes if basic material needs are not met.


I support a strongly funded, all volunteer military. I believe technology has all but eliminated the need for large infantries, and draft registration can safely come to an end.

Foreign Policy

I have moved away from my earlier strict non-interventionist views, while at the same time rejecting cavalier idealism. I am now a realist. I believe our foreign policy must contain two goals 1) seeking our national self-interest, 2) defending our democratic allies such as Israel, South Korea, Taiwan, etc., and 3) promoting a stable world community.

In the future we will not be THE superpower, but one of three major superpowers including Russia and China. I view Russia and China not as enemies, but rivals. Finally, Brazil and India will become major powers in their own region, although they will not rival Russia, China, or the USA on global influence. The primary regions where the proxy wars of the future will be fought will be in Africa and the Middle East, which I believe will remain unstable and divided between pro-American, pro-Russian, and pro-Chinese parties, as well as Islamic extremists who will ultimately be allied with no one outside of convenient temporary co-belligerents.
Political Views

Social: I'm pretty much a social/cultural/trad conservative with the exception that I'm pro same-sex marriage.

Political: I am primarlly a monarchist, calling for restoration in the nations where they abolished it. In countries like the US, decentralized government with strict interpretation to the law is best. Pro-law and order.

Military: Pro-military and cooperation with allies. Against adventurism.

Economic: Fiscal conservative and pro-free-market economy and capitalist system as well as a fan of the Austrian school. Though interested in ideas like those of ChesterBelloc within such system.
Country of birth: Australia

Religious views: Roman Catholic

Political views

Socially: I'm heavily conservative. I'm pro-life unless the mother will die as a result of childbirth. I'm against both same-sex marriage and civil unions (as well as adoption for gay couples). I believe porn should be banned, most welfare should be cut off, and the death penalty should be used more freely against particularly evil criminals. I'm also against the legalisation and or decriminalisation of most drugs. I believe in traditional gender roles, too. Women should look after the kids and stay at home, and men should work and provide for their family.

Economically: I'm a laissez-faire free market capitalist. The ingredients for economic success are as follows: free trade, privatisation, low taxes, and minimal regulation in the private sector. The government has little to no business being as involved as it is in the economy, and things like schooling and healthcare should be completely privatised. Also, unions are easily corruptible, and I stand staunchly against most of them.

Politically: I'm a fervent (ceremonial) monarchist. I understand that Our Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is a symbol of tradition, stability, and culture, and that leaving her Empire for the sake of some idealistic and overly bureaucratic republic is not only a waste of taxpayer money but a spit in the face of our national heritage and history. Aside from this, I support a degree of states rights and I'm a federalist.

Militarily: I support conscription in times of need, and I think a strong military is drastically important. Australia doesn't put enough focus on developing our sub-par military capabilities, and I find this to be quite embarrassing. A strong and lethal military is a must for a first-rate and first world nation -- whether that be for the purpose of foreign intervention or self-defence.

Foreign policy-wise: I'm rather neutral, occasionally favouring intervention and occasionally favouring non-intervention. I find a mixed foreign policy stance to be the most common sense position, because not everything is cut-and-dry. Both war-hawks and isolationists are wrong in different ways. Also, I support the right of Israel to exist.
Country: Australia

Religion: Whatever the school with the best education is teaching.

Education: Secondary

Socially: Family values are important. Strong community leaders that come from the area or have good rolemodel qualities sport stars are good, sport should go back to amateur competion similar to the hurling they have in Ireland. Drugs are a destroyer of the soul and death penality for use of heroin and meth, legalization of MdMa, weed,...

Economically: Free market the good workers should be encouraged to back themselves by asking for better working conditions and more responsibility. Should be easier for employers to sack sloppy workers or even better to pay them less. Should be encouraged to buy with in the community, grow the community and be proud of your roots, push out from the city into the regional areas.

Military: Strong through our allies, but to call out bad behavour on an equal footing. The USofA still believe in the values and freedoms they won from a much bigger force. I see a local defense force that could do the work with half the budget. But you could find yourself at the wrong end of a rope with half a budjet as well.

Foriegn Policy: Open for business.
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