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By OllytheBrit
"Mars on Earth: Sand pit recreates the Red Planet"

It doesn't surprise me that the BBC believes it , but if this ridiculous crap doesn't convince er, certain PoFo'ers ( ) what a load of abject bullshit this is, nothing will!!
Cartertonian wrote:Not following you, Olly?

Which part of the linked BBC report is incorrect?

It isn't 'incorrect', my point was that the BBC, in it's peculiar belief in such nonsense, believes it is justified.

Varax wrote:I'm fairly certain this is going to convince no-one of whatever point it is you're trying to prove.

My reference to PoFo'ers is apropos a recent thread I and they were involved in about the scam of 'cosmology'. So either look for the thread if you're interested, or just forget it!
Last edited by Cartertonian on 28 Mar 2014 08:46, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Back-to-back posts merged
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By Varax
OllytheBrit wrote:My reference to PoFo'ers is apropos a recent thread I and they were involved in about the scam of 'cosmology'. So either look for the thread if you're interested, or just forget it!

I was aware of what it is in reference to since I posted in that thread and was being facetious. You didn't frame your argument well and to a casual observer the OP makes little sense. This isn't going to convince anyone here that your position is correct.
Cartertonian wrote:It's Olly's luddite trolling in this thread to which he refers, I believe.

Look, so I've made you realise that you're one of the gullible - don't get shirty with me though. You should be thanking, not insulting me.
Now I've been given my marching orders - no warning (well what have I done to be warned for?), no appeal, just a cowardly alteration of my account settings to hope I'll 'get the message'. Come on Cartertonian, play the game and have the guts to tell other members exactly why you've banned me.
Obviously, I haven't banned you, Olly..

See here.

Siberian Fox wrote:A yellow card will be issued to a user found to be breaking the forum rules (usually for personal attacks). The user will remain on a yellow card for one week. After that period, it is up to the user in question to post in The Basement forum requesting that yellow card status be revoked. Any forum rules violations made by a person on a yellow card should be reported to an administrator and will result in a red card.

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Specifically, you have been Yellow Carded for:

Repeated violation of Forum Rule 2. More specifically for attitudinal reasons that contravene the spirit of Forum Rule 2, which is stated in bold in the Forum Rules as:
Remain courteous and respectful to other users of the forums at all times.

The very act of 'trolling' is discourteous to other users. The antagonistic tone of your posts is also discourteous to other users.

You persist - as herein, left unedited as evidence - in posting back-to-back posts.

You post things to on-topic forums with no link and 'assume' other users will know what you are referring to.

I could go on, but I have work to do...
Well here's some more work for you to do - delete my profile. I'm not going to jump through all your hoops. I leave you with this thought: Hell hath no fury like a pseudo-intellectual exposed as a dullard.

'yellow carded' - ffs! What sort of childish board is this!
By Quantum
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