Coffee consumption reduces background DNA strand breakage - Politics | PoFo

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Coffee consumption rapidly reduces background DNA strand breaks in healthy humans

The full article is behind a paywall, but from the looks of it, they performed a comet assay to determine the number of DNA breaks in participant's blood cells at various intervals of coffee consumption. For those unfamiliar, the comet assay is when the DNA of a single cell is removed and then forced through a gel. If the DNA is fragmented, the smaller pieces move fastest and largest pieces move slowest. This seperates all the pieces by size, and you can use that to determine how fragmented the DNA was inside the cell.

Coffee prevents DNA degeneration, aging and thus most cancers? Even inherited diseases? Stay tuned.
My skepticism is twigging, but without seeing the whole article I can't really comment much.

Obviously this would be a very nifty thing to turn out to be true, I just hope it's not the caffeine that does it. Or at least that the levels of caffeine required is small enough that it doesn't interfere with sleep.

Saying that this would help aging is overstating things a bit as well.

Edit: There seem to be a few other articles corroborating these results. Interesting.
Igor Antunov wrote:Caffeine tolerance build up results in no effect on sleep, for regular drinkers.

I've been drinking this shit for years and it's affected my sleep every time I drink too much coffee. I've had to switch to tea when shit really hits the fan and I have to cut down.

By "regular drinkers" do you mean someone who drinks Coffee at regular intervals every day(for example a cup with breakfast, a cup with lunch, and a cup with afternoon tea) or people like me who drink this stuff every couple of hours, and sometimes can slam down a few coffees in a hour or so.

Are you saying "regular" as in timing, or regular as in "they drink this shit non-stop when the cravings hit"?

Because while the effects of caffeine tolerance certainly die down with the former, taking it at regular intervals every day, they often don't with the latter(because of the increased "hits" of caffeine).

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