an awesome canadian robot built in a guy's back yard - Politics | PoFo

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I stumbled upon this while blogging:

The body isn't that impressive, but the software really is. The vision system in particular is amazing. It is capable of recognizing faces almost instantly, reading, recognizing medicines, solving some math problems, and even making toast.

Pretty amazing considering that it was made by a single person and not an entire team.
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By MB.
old like crazy
By Zyx
Is it Canadian because, as an American, I do not feel threatened?

Anyway, it looks lovely.

*licks lips.*
By nilof
The eve robot is just animatronics, i.e. an animated doll. Nothing really new there. That's the amazing part about this robot it that while it isn't really lifelike(actually, the body is just a mass-produced silicone doll that has been fitted with some motors), the AI and the programming really is impressive. It's capable of distinguishing milk from orange juice, and more importantly, one kind of meds from each other.

With some more work it could navigate through traffic and in urban areas, which would make it capable of helping the disabled. Even if the software is never used in a mas produced robot, I'll bet you that it'll soon be in other stuff, an example being security cameras, since it is capable of identifying hundreds of faces in a second. Another example would be in hospitals as it is capable of identifying different medicines and say out loud what it's for.

Too bad people just see the female body and go "can I have sex with it?" instead of looking at the real innovation. The choice of body was a bad move IMO.
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By Thunderhawk
Too bad people just see the female body and go "can I have sex with it?" instead of looking at the real innovation. The choice of body was a bad move IMO.

It is less threatening that way, easier to anthropomorphize. I believe a simpler robotic form would have made it easier to show the software side, and caused less potential problems elsewhere. However it seems like he wanted a more complete product, good for aesthetics (personal choice) and as it will get him more attention which he can translate into a future job.

.. and there appears to be a trend that the Japanese like to make their robot human-like in shape when prototyping, but practical when on production.

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